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  • At Eat Sleep Dream English we are passionate about learning. So today I'm going to show

  • you how to make learning a habit and a part of your every day life. Now I want to say

  • a big thank you to Skillshare today for sponsoring our video. They are a superb online learning

  • platform that I'm going to tell you more about later on. This is going to be really valuable

  • guys so let's get going.

  • I don't know if you can tell guys but I am super passionate about learning. I think it's

  • the most important thing that we can do in our lives. Whether it's learning a new instrument

  • or learning how to swim or learning how to be a better person, learning is the most incredible

  • thing we can do. It's hard but it's exciting and ultimately it's life changing. One of

  • my favourite quotes in the world is 'what we learn becomes a part of who we are.' And

  • it's so true. The things that we learn, the things that we absorb change our character,

  • they give us a new perspective on life. And so that's why I think that learning is the

  • most important thing that we can do. So today, we're going to look at how to make learning

  • a part of your every day life. I know how important learning English is to all of you

  • guys. Some of you are learning English so that you can get a job promotion and a better

  • job. Some of you are learning English so that you can travel the world and meet new people.

  • Some of you are studying for your IELTS exam or your FCE or your CAE so that you can get

  • to university. Some of you are even teaching your children English which is incredible

  • to me. So learning English is so important to your lives so we need to make learning

  • a habit so that you can learn quicker and learn better. So let's look at how to make

  • it a habit right now.

  • To make anything a habit there are three stages. The cue, the routine and the reward. So, the

  • cue. The cue is something that tells you it's time to learn. So it could be a time of day.

  • So nine o'clock in the morning. That's your cue. Ok, it's nine o'clock, it's time to learn.

  • It could be a location. So, ok I'm in my living room, it's now time to learn or I'm in the

  • library, it's now time to learn. Or the cue could be that you are with somebody, so I'm

  • now with my friend and we both study English so now we are together it's time to learn.

  • So a cue could be anything that starts the learning process. It could be that you jump

  • on the bus. So let's say that you take the bus to work every day or the bus to school.

  • Now I'm on the bus, this is my chance, this is my cue to start learning. So you always

  • need a cue to start the habit. The routine is the thing that you are learning, ok? So

  • for us in this context, it's learning English. So our routine is to start learning English.

  • Now that could be ten minutes, it could be thirty minutes, it could be one hour that's

  • up to you, but the routine is the habit itself. And after the routine you need a reward. Now

  • a reward is something pleasurable that you get from doing this habit or doing this routine.

  • So it could be seeing improvement in your English. So that's a reward in itself, is

  • seeing that you are better than you were before. Now you can do something that you weren't

  • able to do before you started learning. So that's a reward. It could be a simpler reward.

  • It could be something like I'll have a bit of chocolate, ok? I mean a bit like when a

  • dog or something or a child does something good, you might reward them with chocolate

  • or with a treat of some kind. Do that with yourself. Ok, I studied English for thirty

  • minutes, now I can have a piece of chocolate. Or now I can have a cup of coffee that I have

  • been wanting all morning. So reward yourself in whatever way it is. Now I'll give you an

  • example of how I made something a habit. I started doing yoga in the morning and what

  • I would do is I would wake up and my cue was that I'd woken up and it was like right I've

  • woken up the first thing I'm going to do is my yoga. So the cue was waking up. I went

  • downstairs to my living room and I did ten minutes of yoga. So that was my routine. And

  • then my reward was breakfast. Now I love breakfast, I'm always very excited about eating breakfast

  • and that was my reward and I didn't eat breakfast until I'd done my yoga. So that way it forced

  • me to do it, to make it a habit and after a little while you know it was a habit. It

  • was what I did every day. So I started to enjoy waking up and then doing the yoga and

  • then having breakfast and it was actually a really lovely way to start the day. So I

  • made something a habit and you can do the same thing with your English. So, let's say

  • your cue is that you get on the bus to go to work. So getting on the bus is your cue,

  • right I'm on the bus my journey is thirty minutes to work so I have thirty minutes to

  • learn English. So the cue is getting on the bus. Then the routine is that you learn English.

  • So it could be through YouTube, it could be through one of my videos, it could be through

  • an app or whatever it is or with your text book or your course book. That's your routine.

  • Your reward, well it's up to you. What do you want when you get to work? Just before

  • you get to work maybe you go and buy yourself a coffee or you make yourself a coffee. or

  • it could be simply that you see the progress that you have made during that time. It could

  • be that you then get ten minutes to scroll on Instagram without any guilt, that could

  • be your reward. Whatever it is, whatever you value make that your reward. Ok, so let's

  • look at five important things that you need to remember to make learning a habit.

  • Make your goal achievable and sustainable. So what do I mean by that. Well to make it

  • sustainable that means you can continue to do it for a long time. So instead of learning

  • for three hours in one go, don't do that because you won't be able to continue to do that every

  • day. What I think you should do is give yourself a time limit, so ten minutes. Ten minutes

  • every day to study English. Therefore you'll make it sustainable, you'll be able to find

  • ten minutes in your every day. So ten minutes, every single day rather than three hours on

  • one day. So give yourself a time to learn English, ten minutes start with that. And

  • then if you can build up to more, to twenty minutes or thirty minutes a day fantastic

  • but start small and sustainable. Also make it realistic, ok? So for example, don't start

  • trying to read Shakespeare because it's difficult, that's really hard. Maybe that's your goal

  • eventually, is to read Shakespeare and to understand but that's not where you should

  • start, ok? So start with something achievable, so for example let's say you need to give

  • a presentation at work, that's your aim, that's your goal. So do the things that are going

  • to take you to that goal, give a presentation. So starting to learn useful phrases, for introducing

  • yourself, for presenting information stuff like that. Working on your pronunciation so

  • that you speak clearly. Practising in front of a mirror so that you get confident with

  • speaking standing up and in front of yourself. So think of something that is achievable so

  • I need to give a presentation and then do the things that are going to get you to that

  • goal. Ok, number three is make it fun. Make your learning fun. If you are studying English

  • and you are reading about something utterly boring that you have no interest in you are

  • not going to want to learn again, are you? You are not going to want to read it, you

  • are not going to want to learn the vocabulary, it's going to be boring and you are going

  • to hate it. So why do it? Ok, there's no point in doing that. So what you need to do is find

  • your passion, find the thing that you love and learn English through that. So if you

  • love yoga then learn English through yoga, yoga on YouTube, go to a yoga class that you

  • know that's in English in your city, read about yoga on blogs and on websites. There

  • are so many resources online for you to learn about yoga. If you love fashion then that's

  • perfect for learning English. There are so many fashion vloggers on YouTube with amazing

  • resources. You can learn about the new fashions around the world, you can listen to the key

  • vocabulary. I mean they are fantastic, there are some really great examples. So if you

  • love fashion then learn English through fashion. So find your passion and then learn English

  • through that.

  • I just want to take a quick minute to talk about our sponsor today Skillshare. Skillshare

  • is an online learning platform that has hundreds of videos teaching you anything from photography

  • to cooking, graphic design so much more. I signed up and the first video that I saw was

  • how to make the perfect grilled cheese sandwich and if you've seen my London vlog around Maltby

  • Street Market with my friend Gemma you'll know that I love grilled cheese sandwiches.

  • So I thought I should learn how to make one of those. So I'm going to tell you the three

  • secrets that I learned from this Skillshare video. The first thing is, don't tell anyone.

  • You need to use four different types of cheese. I know! Four different types of cheese. I

  • was using one type of cheese before in my grilled cheese sandwiches now I'm using four.

  • Allegedly it gets the kind of perfect meltiness, it's not a proper English word but I like

  • it meltiness. The second secret, you should use mayonnaise instead of butter on your bread.

  • It gives it that perfect sort of crispy brown crispiness. And the third secret is that when

  • you are cooking it you should put a heavy weight on top of the sandwich to squish the

  • sandwich down and melt the cheese together. So I tried this and these are the results,

  • that is some cheesy goodness. Excuse me! Skillshare videos are really easy to follow and they

  • teach you step by step how to do something. What I like, especially for you guys, is that

  • you can slow the them down to half speed so that you can understand every word they say.

  • And these videos are really great listening practise for anyone who is trying to learn

  • English. And this also goes back to what I was saying before about learn English through

  • a passion of yours. So if you love cooking, then these cooking videos are perfect for

  • learning English. If you love art, then the art videos are again ideal for you to learn

  • English. So they are kindly offering Eat Sleep Dreamers two months absolutely free if you

  • sign up on the link below. A couple of other videos that I'm going to check out. If you

  • love art, then you'll love 'How to draw cute animals' video. I mean, who doesn't want to

  • draw a cute animal, I mean come on! If you want to start your own YouTube channel, I

  • don't know why you'd want to do that, then you can check out their video about how to

  • start a YouTube channel. Whatever your passion or your interest they've got videos to suit

  • you. So check it out guys the link is in the description below. So sign up for your two

  • free months and take it from there. Let's get back to number four.

  • Number four is consistency. We talked about cues and how that was meant to start your

  • routine, start your learning habit. So keep it consistent, that means the same every time.

  • So if the cue is a time then keep it the same time. So nine o'clock every day, nine o'clock

  • every day that's when learn English. Or it's lunch time, I learn my English in my lunch

  • break so one o'clock when lunch starts that's when I learn English. Keep it consistent,

  • keep it the same. And number five, I'm going back to the idea of rewarding yourself. This

  • is really important guys because it's not easy to study a language. I know that so many

  • of us love doing it, I love learning but it's not easy and so we do need to reward ourselves

  • and to give ourselves something to look forward to after doing it. So, yeah whether it is

  • a piece of chocolate a cup of coffee, ten minutes on Instagram, whatever the reward

  • is guys make sure that you treat yourself well. The reward is going to help you to form

  • the habit and make it sustainable and consistent. So yeah make sure you reward yourself guys,

  • really important. And finally I have one last thought. Forming a habit takes time. It doesn't

  • just happen after a day or two days. It takes an amount of time to do. Now the exact amount

  • of time, we are unsure about. Some people say it's you know, ten days, some people say

  • it's thirty days some people say it's sixty-six days. i don't know exactly how long it takes

  • but it takes a while to make something a habit. So don't worry if at first you aren't able

  • to make it a habit. Don't worry, ok? Let's say you miss a day, it's not a big deal. Don't

  • worry. Just think right, ok, I didn't do it today but tomorrow I will start a fresh I

  • will begin my habit again. So tomorrow is a new day, I can do it. Now I think you can

  • do this guys, I believe in you because you have shown me over the time that Eat Sleep

  • Dream English has been going that you are passionate about learning English, that you

  • want to learn English and that you have very clear goals about why you are learning English

  • and this is your motivation. Ok, so in the comments below, I would like you to tell me

  • how you are going to make learning English a habit. What time are you going to learn

  • English? How long for each day and where are you going to learn it? Ok, so Tom I'm going

  • to learn English for ten minutes every day on the train as I'm going to school. Perfect!

  • Or Tom I'm going to learn for thirty minutes with my colleague in our lunch break every

  • day at work. That's what I want to hear guys. How are you going to make learning English

  • a habit? Thanks again to Skillshare for sponsoring this video. Please go check out their website,

  • have a look at some of their videos. Really cool stuff out there. Guys thank you so much

  • for hanging out with me. Remember I've got new videos every Tuesday and every Friday

  • helping you take your English to the next level. If you haven't already make sure you

  • subscribe make sure you hit that notification bell and until the next time guys, this is

  • Tom, the Chief Dreamer, saying goodbye.

At Eat Sleep Dream English we are passionate about learning. So today I'm going to show

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如何讓學習英語成為一種習慣|揭祕5個祕密。 (How To Make Learning English a HABIT | 5 Secrets Revealed)

  • 69 3
    Summer posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary