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Hey, Everyone!
I'm Loretta!
Today I want to try something
that's been circulating around YouTube recently.
Since I'm kind of obsessed with languages
today I wanted to do a
language-related version of the "100 Layers" challenge.
SO! Today I'm going to try
100 Layers of Google Translate!
In other words,
I'm going to use Google Translate 100 times
to see how it changes
a story that I will tell.
I'm going to try and do that
in today's video.
So I asked you guys on Twitter
what you would like me to speak in Japanese
and what you would like me throw around in Google Translate 100 times
and you guys said that
you wanted to hear a funny story!
The only thing I could find
is this like really embarassing one
so please bear in mind that I'm human.
Ok so here we go...
My maybe funny...
kind of interesting story in Japanese.
One day, when I was in college,
I'm not really sure why but
I was really stressed trying to
figure out what to do.
So then,
I had a friend named Sam
and asked him to give me some advice
so he was nice enough to come over to my dorm.
My roommate was in the room at the time
along with another mutual friend
so in total there were 4 of us.
So anyway, I was really stressed out
but since it was personal
I didn't really feel like
saying it in front of everyone.
I was kind of uncomfortable
so since Sam can also speak Japanese
I figured I should just tell him in Japanese.
So, we were talking in Japanese
and I'm not really sure why
but I was kind of rolling around like this
just like, rocking while talking...
so we talked a bit
and towards the end, for some reason
I really wanted to use a word I just learned
"SEI-IPPAI" to show I was overwhelmed.
Sam was like: "I don't get why you're so upset?"
and I was like
"I just can't!
I have too much on my plate!"
and the moment I said that word
I let out
Like, try to imagine this:
They're I am on my back
and a fart just blows out at everyone!!
My roomate was like
"Omg it STINKS!"
And Sam was like,
Yeah I guess
It was just really embarassing...
I wasn't stressed out anymore after laughing so...
I guess that's good. :)
The end!
That was the strangest story in the world...
I'm going to transcribe this really quickly...
I'm going to cut out the 'um's so its just content words
but let's go ahead and see how that turned out!
We just got to 100...
and it's in English and ridiculously long!
Why is it so longg?!?!? NOOOO.
I'm not sure if I'll even be able to read the Japanese.
This is so crazy
so I think what I'm going to do is I'm also going to post a link
to Facebook and Twitter
I'll post the actual written out results so you can see how crazy it got
like 50 layers through it was something like
"We the people....of the college..."
I was like WHAT?! What are we even saying?!
The only words I think are actually from the original
so far is "COLLEGE"
er, was college in there???
No, it's gone.
The word for college even disappeared.
The only word left in the first 3 sentences is...
STRESS is the only thing that remained?!?!
I am becoming so
this is your healthy way of thinking.
That is what I think, on,
That, I so that, it is
We are
we, us, we are
I think we are what you are holding.
Did anything even come through?!
Did the word FART even come in?!
Look at this, look at this!
In some, it is the operation of my roommate
the next, I
It is the cherry salmon must dormitory request HAS.
It is a specific lawn mower.
Oh this is profound,
have it, ther eis you, it is a love
was in itself.
Part II of there you corpse.
You can take an order to complete
shame specific.
But, after all,
I think it was good,
I think it was must be emphasized.
You did it, GOOGLE!
Like, WtF?!
It's like some weird Shakespeare stuff.
You can read that.. um.. enjoy the story!
I hope you guys enjoyed my weird story.
and THAT is 100 layers of Google Translate!
OK, that's all for today!
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Until next time,
Cherry blossom salmon!!!