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- Jackie Files, if you're out there
this one's for you.
(string music)
Should I draw you cute or should I draw you old?
- You draw me however you wanna draw me, okay?
- I said old like it was a crime.
- Yeah, what the hell?
When do you think I went to college, Jackie?
- 1753.
The same age that Lincoln was born.
- Jackie.
- Not a lot of hair.
- That was mean.
Why would you say that?
- It's like Pokemon.
It's so popular that even I know Majin Buu
and I think Majin Buu is very cute.
- I don't know who Majin Buu is.
- Boo!
Get it, Majin Buu?
- Yeah, that's awful.
- Yoshi!
- Are you just gonna do voices this entire episode?
- It's a me, a Mario.
- Who's that?
- It's my friend , Yoshi.
- Oh that's Pikachu.
That's a really good one.
- Just draw, Jackie.
Cause here's the thing.
If I draw you in my style
it's just going to look like me.
- It's gonna look like you.
- With like, long black hair.
- Spider-Verse is the best movie ever created.
- It's really good.
- Miles, best Spider-Man.
Love Gwen Stefani.
- It's not, it's not Gwen.
- Love Peter Parker, Peter B Parker, Peter C Parker.
- It's not Gwen Stefani.
- Peter D Parker.
- It's Gwen Stacy.
- Peter F Parker.
- My favorite Spider-Man from Spider-Verse
was Peter B Parker, do you wanna know why?
- Is it cause your old?
- I'm making you draw a comic book character from my era.
- The 1700's?
- Stop it.
- (laughing)
- Oh, this is bleh.
This is close enough, but it's not great.
- You're scared of the "I love drawing Homer."
- I am scared of Mike's critique, I'm not gonna lie.
- You're afraid of the animator's hard mallets coming down.
- He draws Homer for a living.
Like that's that what he does.
- But you know what we do for a living?
- What?
- We are wrong for a living for the internet.
- We draw incorrectly for a living on the internet.
- Yeah, we draw other people's characters wrong
so that people can laugh at us.
So honestly.
- So honestly we're doing our job right now.
- We're doing our job if it's wrong. -Yeah.
- But we're really sorry. -We're really sorry.
- We're really trying our best. -We're really trying.
Isn't that wild and wacky?
- Stop saying wild and wacky.
- Isn't that Wild and Wacky with Barry Allen?
- And Jackie.
So I remember Dragon Ball Z mostly from the
Super Nintendo game.
- There's a Super Nintendo game?
- Oh hell yeah there is.
- Was it like a fighting game?
- Yeah, it's like Street Fighter.
But it's mostly just you throwing giant fireballs
and energy at each other.
- That sounds great.
- Yeah.
- That's all I want to do in real life.
- You just want to throw giant fireballs at me?
- Yeah.
- Jackie.
- Why wouldn't you?
- I thought we were friends.
- No.
You know I'm really good at doing Toad.
- Okay, give me some of your Toad.
- (screeching)
- Right?
I know that they need to collect the dragon balls
to make their wish come true.
- Wait are we sure this isn't Pokemon?
- No.
- Give me your best Wario.
- (ensemble growling)
- But Nintendo games are great.
And if you have the excess funds to purchase one
I highly recommend it.
- I don't have a Switch.
- You're different, I hate you already.
- When they're like juicing up to become Super Saiyans.
- Juicing up?
- When they're juicing up, you know what I mean.
- Ew.
- You know what I'm talking about Jackie.
Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about.
- Don't say Goku is "juicing up."
- Don't like rocks and stuff float whenever
they're juicing up?
- Stop saying juicing up.
- Juicing up Jackie.
- I'm leaving.
Wow Justice League.
- Yeah.
- I think I love them.
- Do you know who the Justice League are?
- Superman.
- You sound very confident.
- I like bumbling buff idiots.
- You really do.
- Yeah I like the dumb ones.
- That's your type.
- I'm going to beef it, I'm going to beef it on purpose.
- You're going to what?
- I'm going to beef it on purpose.
- What does beef it mean, Jackie?
'Cause I have a definition of what beef it means.
- You don't what beef it means? -I mean.
- It just means you've made a mistake.
- Right.
Also when I was growing up though
beef it meant to fart.
- I'm beefin' it.
- Stop saying beefing it.
- It smells so bad.
- (laughing)
- It smells so bad guys.
I'm beefing, I'm beefing.
- And today we're gonna be drawing.
- My neck hurts.
- That's not what we're drawing.
Today we're going to be drawing Marvel superheroes
from memory.
- Didn't we already do that?
- We did DC.
- I don't know.
- We did Justice League.
- Whatever.
- Get your universes straight.
- Whatever, they're all the same guy.
- That's disconcerting, okay I gave him way too much crotch.
(duck quaking)
He has a saddle right?
- I think he has a shell.
- Oh no, really?
What does Mario sit on?
- The shell part.
I don't think he--are you drawing a horse?
- I think I'm drawing a horse, Jackie.
- I think you're--I think you're thinking of a green horse.
- I think I'm thinking of a green horse.
To draw someone is a very precious thing
and I don't want to disappoint you.
- I'm gonna cry.
- Stop it.
- I mean from disappointment.
At first they didn't want to make Spider-Man
because they were like
nobody likes spiders, this is gonna be gross.
- That was Stan Lee's story behind it.
And he was like, I'll show them
I'll make him the most popular superhero in the world.
- Yeah for some reason, he's been old his whole life.
In this scenario he's already, like 90.
He's kinda looking more like a McDonald's character
right now, than a Justice League character.
I apologize to Barry Allen and his son Wally West.
- Oh wait, he has a son?
- No, I don't think so.
- John Brad is like.
- He's wacky!
- Is he wild and wacky?
- He's wild and wacky with Overwatch.
His hair is on fire.
- Seriously?
- Kind of and he is missing two limbs.
Kevin, what's your favorite episode of The Simpsons?
- So my favorite episode of The Simpsons
is called "Lisa's Substitute."
It's a episode in the second season where Lisa
has a very inspiring teacher who ends up going away
because he's a substitute teacher.
But he gives her the sweetest note in the world.
And tells her only look at it when you are starting
to doubt yourself.
And as he goes away, she opens it up.
And it says "you are Lisa Simpson."
- Aw, that makes me cry. -Right?
It's so sweet. -I'm gonna cry.
- Yeah, but then my other favorite episode is the one
- I'm actually crying.
- Are you? -That's so sweet.
- Seriously? -Yeah.
- Jackie.
- That's so cute.
- Oh my god.
You okay?
- That was so cute.
- And that was just the synopsis
you should watch the actual episode.
You should watch it.
- Oh my god you guys, look.
I'm a mess.
- I mean if you wanna go into a story.
He's undead.
The devil being the devil
gave him like demonic superpowers.
Put him back on Earth
but then wiped his memory so he didn't know
who his wife was.
- Oh, so that sucks. - Yeah.
- I will draw what I think Spawn's Lola would be.
- Follow your heart.
- And it's Skull cause goth's love human anatomy.
- (laughing)
- If you're favorite superhero is Venom
you're either a really edgy 13 year old boy
or a 25 year old woman
that just got out of a long relationship.
- Mine is very plain.
- Mmm.
- I am going to warn you though
there's a lot of crotch coming your way.
- Watch again, bringing up the crotch.
- There's a lot of crotch coming your way
so you're just gonna have to deal with it.
- I'm just gonna deal with Flash's groin.
Flash's crotch.
- His costume is so simple
but there's no way to mask his groin.
- I mean there is, but you know Kevin
I'm just gonna let it slide this time
'cause I don't wanna hear you say crotch again.
- I'm just letting you know, lotta crotch.
- You really overplayed the crotch.
- Really?
- The way you described it
I was thinking you gave him like a basketball in there.
You know what?
A good anime face.
- Really?
- And you know what else I'm gonna say?
It looks nothing like Kevin.
It does not look like Kevin at all.
- It's gotta be Hilda anime though.
'Cause it's very specific.
- Yeah, I'm glad we didn't do it.
(ensemble chuckling)
- I'm nervous, I'm very nervous.
- Don't be scared Kevin.
All he'll do is say it's awful
and draw over it to make it perfect.
- Wow.
- This is like Homer Simpson meets George Jetson.
- Okay.
You're definitely a lot closer than me.
- Why did you think this works?
- It felt right when I was working on the sketch.
And you're right, now that it's done
we're all geniuses in hindsight, Jackie.
- I don't understand .
- Oh my god I just realized I did not draw his other hand.
Yeah, I'm just gonna beef this hand.
- Ha, you're going to beef it!
- I'm just gonna beef this hand.
- I knew it, I knew that would catch on.
- Scary.
- We just--we just look up at each other
and we're just looking at each other like.
- We're like, what are you?
- We're just like, what do you look like?
- What do you look like?
What do you look like every time we do this
and I still don't know.
- What do you look like Jackie?
- So I think I just drew Venom in goth clothes.
- You're not far off.
- I don't like Spawn.
- Listen, if you were a dude like me in the 90's
you were all about Spawn.
- It's a good thing I'm a woman like me in the 2010's.
And I love instead dirty pyromaniacs.
Hey remember the thing you can do to make it
look like your pencil is wobbly.
- We get it Jackie, you finished before I did.
- I'm trying to entertain them.
You know what Kevin
this is why you need to believe in yourself.
You need to trust your gut like Homer has a gut.
Am I right Mike?
That's right.
- I did my best low-budget Todd MacFarlane style.
- Todd MacFarlane style.
- Spider-Man.
- Spider-Man - Yeah. - Yeah.
- He would be very upset if he saw this.
- He would be very upset if he saw this.
- Yeah. -Yeah.
But it's definitely Spider-Man.
- It's definitely Spider-Man.
- Stop doing that.
- All right, switcharoo?
- Switcharoo.
- Buckaroo.
- I was gonna say curse words.
This looks like Aquaman cosplaying Junkrat.
Why'd do you give him like an earring?
- 'Cause he's like a crazy guy.
- A crazy dude.
- Yeah he's got earrings!
- Oh, I'm so wacky, watch this!
- I'm real slow when it comes to drawing.
- I'm real slow when it comes to thinking.
Am I right ladies?
Two brain cells, hands up!
That's millennial talk for you.
- So the fact that I got closer than I thought that I did
I will say is a compliment to your descriptive abilities.
- And you know what.
Me getting really far off is an insult
to you.
(string music)