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hello Jennifer from tarle speech with your pronunciation question today's
question is how do I say the word fire fired and fighter let's go ahead and
take a look so for word number one let's go ahead and jump right in
fire lots of confusion with these R movement vowels as I call them and what
they are is essentially it's one vowel paired with the er sound and we say that
vowel so quickly and so connected in English that it becomes a brand-new
sound so for here we're gonna start with the F sound fff make this sound by gently
bottom biting either the inside or the outside of your bottom lip and keep
the air moving out of your mouth do not close your lips or that will sound like
a p instead of a f keep the air moving out next move to that ire sound ire it's
like we're saying the word I and then adding an ER ire
your tongue is way low in the bottom of your mouth I it moves all the way up to
the top of your mouth but it's not touching the roof of your mouth and then
we're gonna move it again I er your gonna move that tongue there the tip of your
tongue down for your R or pull back for your R which ever you prefer I er
I er okay fire fire fire now for fired just gonna end that word
with a D sound I have a whole class on this so you can check out how to
pronounce Ed endings I'll put a link below and then lastly what you're going
to do is think about the word fighter do not get confused with the spelling when
you see I G H we're just gonna say I just that I sound like you're saying eye
or I meaning me so again we're gonna start
with the F and then just add that I fi and then we're gonna end with a der yes
a der not a T in American English the reason is we're using the flap T rule
here I also have a class on that you can check the link below and get more
information on that so for the D touch the tip of your tongue to the back of
your top front teeth make sure your voice is on and vibrating alright so
let's try all of those words again fire fired fighter
fire fire fire fired fired fired fighter fighter fighter give it a try I know
people are going to notice the difference please give us a like a share
and subscribe come on over to Tarle speech to find out about classes and buy
some of our products and if you have any questions leave them in the comment
section below thank you so much and I hope to see you again next week