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- I'll have a cocktail, please.
- What kind?
- The really strong one.
(upbeat music)
- Hi, I'm Hannah, I'm The World's OK-est Mom,
and my husband needs a haircut.
He won't let me touch it,
he wears a hat every day, but I have an idea.
Because we're all home, the kids are bored,
they need stuff to do,
I think it'll be really funny
to let the kids choose Matt's new haircut and color.
I let them do it to me under Matt's supervision,
I ended up with Magenta hair,
which is my least favorite color.
So I think it's time for a little bit of payback,
let the kids pick Matt's hair color,
and see what happens.
Okay, I have a question for you guys.
- What?
- If daddy would let you,
would you wanna pick his haircut and hair color?
- Yeah.
- I wanted a blue mohawk.
- You want a blue mohawk?
Well we're talking about daddy's right now.
Should we go look at some hairstyles and some colors?
Let's do it, ready, all hands in.
One, two, three, go team.
- Go team. - Go team!
- I think Matt's a little bored himself to be honest,
and Matt needs something fun in his life,
so that's why he agreed to do this.
And I will take full advantage of it.
Matt is vulnerable right now,
he's home with all of us, it's three against one.
He doesn't have a leg to stand on right now.
So, it's the perfect opportunity to do this.
Okay, we're looking up men's haircuts.
What do you think for your dad?
- Hmm, this one.
- What do you think, Wyatt?
- Ooh, yeah.
- Perfect, let's do it.
How about color?
- Color? - Don't say it out loud.
- Blue.
- So since Matt couldn't leave the house to go to a salon
we brought the salon to our house.
(calm music)
- What is this? - Oh
- Hi sir, welcome to Salon and Spa DeGraber.
do you have an appointment?
- We all chose alter egos for this experience
because we really needed to get into character.
None of us are actual hair experts
and so we needed to fake it a little bit.
Oh, looks here you have a 3:30 p.m
with Jackson and Wyatt.
For cut and color.
Matt goes along with all of our weird stuff, bless him.
I am just an office assistant
but I'm going to be doing the haircuts
cause' they said it's good for my training.
Kids plus scissors plus eyes, plus ears, plus face
is just not a good combo.
I trust them with scissors now,
but I don't trust them that much.
I have experience cutting the kids hair.
I've done it several times
and I feel like I've gotten okay at it.
The first time I tried Jackson,
I actually turned him into like a 70's Donny Osmond.
That being said, that's kids hair.
I've never cut an adult male's hair.
Is this comfortable?
- Not really.
- Matt, I know what I'm doing for sure, okay?
This is the thing you need to know.
We all know what we're doing.
I realized as we were about to go into the haircut,
that I hadn't ordered the correct tools
I needed to actually cut his hair
and I did not have time to get them in the mail.
So, I was working with some fresh, brand new,
unused, kitchen scissors.
How does this look so far?
- Good, but you need to cut the sides more.
- I do, okay.
I would not say kitchen scissors are precise at all.
And they're probably damaging to the hair itself.
I don't think they are in anyway meant to touch
anything on anybody's body.
Did she leave your hair lady leave curls?
On the sides?
- Not really.
She has the straight razors so they're..
- Well I have kitchen scissors.
- a lot more sharper than...
- My strategy cutting Matt's hair is
you can always go shorter.
We can't undo a mistake that's been made very short.
So I tried to ease into the cut and keep it longer.
And see how I did and then if I needed to,
I could always fix it a little bit shorter.
What, too short?
- No?
- I don't know.
- Was that bad?
- I don't know what razors you've got.
- I'm just trying to texturize, okay?
It's called texturizing.
I didn't really know what I was doing.
What do you think so far, sir?
- It's looking great.
- Matt has a lot of hair, and he has curly hair.
And the kitchen scissors just weren't cutting it.
So, we found an ancient pair of clippers
in the back of some cupboard in the bathroom.
Do you trust me?
- Yeah, I'm paying a lot of money for it.
- I whipped those puppies out
and I decided to do like a gradual
fade into the longer part on the top.
I don't know what its called.
- This is what happens..
when you can't leave your house.
It actually worked okay.
I was proud of myself.
Matt said that I was too timid with him
because I was so afraid of like, cutting his ear off.
Now how's this length, guys?
- That's good.
- This is good?
- Mmm hm.
- I would never charge anybody for my hair cutting services
but I will say that in a pinch, I think I could do it again.
And I think it would be okay.
I'm still not sure if Matt hated it or liked it
or was okay with it.
Because I thought it looked good.
He seemed a little lukewarm on it.
But honestly, what was he expecting?
What time is it?
- Awesome time!
- Awesome time?
Okay guys, you know what to do?
- Yes.
- Okay, go ahead.
- Okay.
- This is how you're gonna show me how mature you can be.
Okay Wyatt, that's already a little too much.
The boys didn't quite understand the idea
of less is more when you're coloring.
You really don't need like a whole glob on each section.
Cause' it does get on your scalp
and it does get on your skin.
Oh no no no no no.
- What?
- Just put it down for a second.
I was trying to remind them to go a little easy on it,
and I really didn't want it to be dripping
all over the bathroom.
He has a technique, don't question his technique, okay?
Yes, it's called the smear all over.
Yes, oh Jackson.
I admire your work.
The boys technique that they used was
kind of like a plop and smear.
The colors that they chose were green and blue.
And they wanted to do kind of a combo.
So they just did little patches wherever they could reach.
It was kind of a tricky situation for Wyatt
because he was having a hard time
reaching the top of Matt's head.
So I don't really know if he could see what was going on.
I think at this point Matt had given up
on hoping for something good.
And he was just ready to settle on something.
Yes, you definitely don't look like the joker at all.
So good, coffee, water, tea?
- I'll have a cocktail please.
- What kind?
- The really strong one.
- Boys, it's time.
- Oh my gosh!
(drum rolls)
(fiesta music)
- Gorgeous!
I liked the way Matt's hair looked.
It was really settle.
Because I don't understand the chemistry of hair color,
I wasn't sure how it was going to take to his hair.
Or how it would show up.
It actually really pleasantly surprised me.
- It's amazing!
- Are you proud of yourself?
- I am.
- The boys were thrilled with their work.
They had so much fun doing it.
I think no matter how it looked, they would've loved it.
And been proud of themselves.
- I'm so proud of you guys for making my hair blue.
I feel great.
I don't have to go anywhere,
I don't have to go out in public.
- After we colored Matt's hair, I knew what was coming.
I knew the boys would beg to have theirs done too.
This is something they've asked for,
for a very long time.
Pretty much ever since I did my own hair.
Did you say you wanted blue hair?
- Yeah, just blue hair.
- What do you want?
- Blue hair.
- What are you gonna do for it?
- Blue hair.
- What are you gonna do?
- Blue hair.
- You're gonna clean my room?
- Blue hair.
- So we'll be a blue hair family.
- Okay, so we have to decide whether or not,
we'll let the boys color their hair.
Jackson has a dress code at school
so he hasn't been able to do it.
But now they're not in school for quite a while.
- And now it's kind of crazy times
and you know, we're all kind of looking for
some way to like have fun,
and you know we're just cooped up.
- Wyatt's just kind of young for it.
- Yeah, he's got such nice long curls.
- I know I'm not doing a blue mohawk.
Are we gonna do it?
- Sure, why not.
- All right.
- We're gonna do it.
- What else are we gonna do, right?
Let's do it.
Are you sitting on the toilet eating?
- Yes.
- Oh my God.
Well your dad and I discussed the hair.
We decided...
you absolutely can get blue hair.
- Yes!
- And the toilet runs.
Should we get started?
- Mmm hm.
- Ultimately, the deciding factor was, it's rinse out.
Basically a glorified conditioner.
Its non toxic, it's very gentle.
It's not touching their scalp,
and it's not something with fumes
that could impact them in a negative way.
Does that make me a cool mom?
I like to think so.
If you ask my kids, what would they say?
Probably not.
You don't have any hair.
You're fine with it.
Your fine with it.
When I did blue hair, I felt like that was the color my hair
was always supposed to be.
And the same kind of happened for Jackson.
It just suited him so well.
He looked really good.
I surprised myself with how good it looked.
What do you think?
- I loved it.
I was like oh my gosh, I look amazing!
- Wyatt, I went a little light with the color.
I didn't want it to be too saturated all over.
So, it was pretty settle.
I was really happy with it, I thought he looked so cute.
And I thought It was just a touch,
that was you know, not over doing it.
But enough so that he could feel like he had colored hair.
Who'd you say you looked like?
- I don't know.
- You said something to me, you walked up to me,
what did you say?
- I don't know.
- You said I look like Billie Eilish.
I'm open to letting them have colored hair,
I just think it depends on the life stage
we're at in the situation we're in.
I obviously wanna be respectful, of dress codes and school
and whatever it may be.
But, I'm definitely open to letting them try it again.
Colored hair has always been my thing,
and now it's a family thing.
And I couldn't be happier.
It was a confidence boost for me that I really needed.
And I think it definitely worked
in the same way for my kids.
Maybe not for Matt.
I don't think he'll do it again.
He earns major cool dad points
for being a really good sport.
So that's all I got for today,
I'm Hannah and if you try this with anyone in your family
or your kids, please tag me on Instagram, I wanna see.
Or if you have any ideas for a future episode
or fun activities that we could try here.
Please message me on Instagram too.
- You did a great job.
- Me? - Considering.
- Considering what?
I'm really good.
- Considering you didn't have the tools.
- Matt, I had exactly what I needed.
(casual music)