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Hey guys, this is Donia Duchess,
and this is the 2020 Census explained
by puppies, kittens, and a pregnant lady!
Come here!
Look at that!
Come here!
Oh my god!
This is gonna be way too much fun, you guys.
Thanks, buddy!
"This year, you can complete the 2020 Census
"online- or by phone, or by mail."
That's great.
This is the first year that it's available online.
Which makes it easy for me, 'cause I can sit here
and play with the puppies as much as I want.
"College students who live away from home
"should be counted at the on or off-campus residence
"where they live and sleep most of the time."
"The 2020 Census will inform how we spend hundreds
"of billions of dollars in federal funds every year.
"Pet stores can use 2020 Census data
"to help decide where to put new stores."
They like the facts!
Oh my God!
"One of the things
"census data will help inform is where to build new roads."
Hey, fresh concrete!
Thank you!
"The census never asks for Social Security
"or credit card numbers."
So that means your stuff
is protected, okay?
Oh my god, it's happening.
"The 2020 Census doesn't count pets," aw, man!
"But it does count everyone living
"in the 50 states, DC, and five U.S. territories.
"Even newborn babies need to be counted,
"even if they're still in the hospital.
"The census determines how many seats
"in the House
"of Representatives each state gets."
Good thing to know!
Will you help me get one?
This is harder than I thought!
Wait, oof, okay.
All right, this is happening, go for it.
"The results of the 2020 Census will inform
"how billions of dollars in federal funding
"are allocated to many programs,
"including Medicaid, Head Start, grants
"for mental health services, and so much more."
Thank you for that!
"The U.S. Census Bureau is bound by law to protect
"your answers and keep them strictly confidential."
Did you give me a fact?
"It's important to count all your roommates on the census."
And there you have it.
Make sure you complete the 2020 Census.