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  • (crickets)

  • (dogs barking)

  • (bass guitar)

  • (silverware clinks)

  • - Here you go, dad.

  • (giggles) (hums)

  • - [Cookie Monster] And now, coming do you

  • from number 123 Sesame Street!

  • (giggles)

  • - See, there, Elmo, sounds like the talk show's starting up.

  • - Yeah!

  • Oh, can Elmo be excused to do his talk show, please?

  • - Oh, of course, honey,

  • but just remember it's almost time for your bedtime routine.

  • - Okay!

  • (giggles)

  • Bye-bye!

  • - [Mom] Good show, son!

  • - Thank you.

  • - And now, everybody's favorite three

  • and a half year old red monster.

  • Put your paws, claws and hands together for Elmo.

  • - Hello.

  • (audience cheers)

  • Cookie!

  • - Oh, you the man.

  • - Hey Mama.

  • - Hey, little red.

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • Thank you everybody.

  • Welcome to "The Not-Too-Late Show"

  • (audience cheers)

  • - Well, Elmo's so glad to see all of you.

  • Especially you, hi.

  • And Elmo's so excited for tonight's show.

  • Elmo learned a magic trick.

  • Do we wanna see it?

  • (audience cheers)

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • Just a second.

  • Elmo needs the stick.

  • The stick.

  • Oh, thank you.

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • And now, the amazing Elmo will make

  • this ordinary box of crayons fly into the air.

  • (audience cheers)

  • Oh, a little magician music please.

  • (soft music)

  • I love peanut butter sandwiches.

  • It's flying.

  • Elmo did magic, yes!

  • (audience cheers)

  • Thank you, thank you!

  • Thank you Rosita.

  • - Any time, Elmo.

  • - No, no Rosita you're spoiling the illusion.

  • - Whoa, no, no, no.

  • - We've got a great show tonight.

  • - Elmo.

  • - The Jonas Brothers are here!

  • That's right, give it up.

  • And as always, Mama Bear and the Monsters.

  • - Oh, no.

  • Oh it's stuck.

  • It's stuck, Elmo.

  • (Rosita creams)

  • (set crashes)

  • (Rosita breaths heavily)

  • Ay mama.

  • - Elmo, mama.

  • - What do we do now?

  • - Elmo doesn't know.

  • Wait a minute.

  • We need real magic.

  • Abby!

  • Abby! - Abby!

  • Abby!

  • - Yeah here.

  • What's wrong?

  • Is it the script?

  • It needs more jokes right?

  • Oh, I knew it needed more jokes.

  • - No, no, no, no, no, no

  • Abby's jokes are very funny.

  • - Yeah, the problem is that.

  • - Whoa, leave it to me

  • but I'm gonna need an extra strong magic spell.

  • Oh, I got it.

  • Okay, the couch doesn't have a lot of space

  • so put this building back in its place.

  • Zippity zap.

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - Let's hear it for Abby.

  • (chimes sound)

  • - What in the world is that?

  • What just happened?

  • - Bernie.

  • The show, it's all sparkly.

  • - What happened?

  • - Oh don't worry Bert, old buddy.

  • I'll have it all cleared up in a jiffy.

  • I just gotta press the old undo button.

  • Which is located in the vicinity

  • of right here.

  • (fast music)

  • - Did you hit fast-forward?

  • - I don't think so Bert.

  • Besides this is live TV.

  • (chimes sound)

  • - What just happened?

  • - Yeah, I didn't know we could play that fast.

  • - Mama Bear and the Monsters everybody.

  • - My sticks are on fire.

  • - Wow, the band really rocking tonight.

  • They must've practiced a lot.

  • (audience laughs)

  • - Okay, it's time for Elmo's guests.

  • The Jonas Brothers are musicians

  • who are also brothers.

  • Please welcome The Jonas Brothers.

  • Yay!

  • (jazz music)

  • Hey guys, welcome what's up.

  • - Hey, Kevin, Joe, Nick

  • - Welcome, hello.

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • Welcome to the show.

  • - Thank you for having us.

  • - So happy to be here.

  • - We're so happy to have you.

  • You know, Elmo thought long and hard

  • about what questions to ask The Jonas Brothers.

  • Like, what's your favorite song?

  • What are your performance tips?

  • But, Elmo came up with the best question ever.

  • Yes, you ready for it?

  • - Ready.

  • - I think so.

  • - Can all of you make a goofy face?

  • - I think we can right guys?

  • - I'm pretty sure we can.

  • - But, I think we should see Elmo do

  • a goofy face first.

  • What do you guys think>

  • - Yeah, who wants to see Elmo's goofy face?

  • - Yeah, what do you think?

  • You want to see a goofy face?

  • (audience cheers)

  • - Okay.

  • (Elmo blows a raspberry)

  • - Oh, that's a good one.

  • - That's a really good one.

  • (audience cheers)

  • - Okay, let me see your goofy faces.

  • - All right.

  • You guys ready?

  • - Let's do it.

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - Boy those were so goofy.

  • That's a three way tie.

  • It was really good.

  • - I think, you know, all our faces were pretty goofy.

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - I gotta say though, I think mine was the funniest.

  • - No, mine was.

  • - I lose.

  • I think both of your faces are goofier than mine.

  • You know, but I'm not competitive.

  • - I'm not competitive either.

  • - I'm the most competitive.

  • - Wait a minute, we don't have to compete over it.

  • It's okay.

  • - We compete over most things Elmo.

  • - Oh really, is that true?

  • - Well, when we were younger.

  • Now we like to support each other.

  • That's the best way to be.

  • - That's important.

  • - You know all about that.

  • - It doesn't matter who, you know, wins or loses.

  • (cheerful music)

  • - Wait a minute.

  • Dummies, it's time for today's contest.

  • Yes, yes.

  • Okay, who would like to press the button?

  • - [All] I'll do it.

  • (slot machine sound)

  • - And let's see.

  • Oh, it looks like it's time for the silly freeze dance.

  • - Yeah!

  • - Woo, freeze dance.

  • - That's right.

  • That's right.

  • Come on guys.

  • Come on, come on.

  • Okay, referee Cookie Monster give us

  • the rules of the game.

  • - Rules for Silly Freeze Dance are

  • when music plays you do silly dance,

  • when music stops you freeze,

  • if you not freeze in time you out of here.

  • Winner is only one left frozen.

  • Everybody ready?

  • - Yeah, let's do it.

  • - Then Mama Bear play something silly.

  • (silly music)

  • - Me think me sense some movement here.

  • - Yeah, okay, okay, see you later.

  • - Elmo you not frozen you out of here.

  • Okay Mama Bear, silly music.

  • (silly music)

  • - Oh, me think, me think, me think.

  • Kevin you out of here.

  • Good try Kevin.

  • Okay, silly music.

  • (silly music)

  • - Oh, me think me see Joe move.

  • Joe, you out of here.

  • Yeah, and that means winner of silly dance is Nick.

  • - Yay, let's hear it for him.

  • Oh, Nick you can unfreeze.

  • There you go.

  • Let's hear it for Nick.

  • (audience cheers) - Good job, Nick.

  • - Good game everybody.

  • Oh, oh, would The Jonas Brothers like

  • to come back later in the show

  • and sing a song for us?

  • - Of course.

  • - We're always ready to sing a song.

  • - Oh cool, thank you.

  • Well we'll see you soon.

  • The Jonas Brothers everybody!

  • (audience cheers)

  • Good game, nicely done.

  • (jazz music)

  • (dog barks)

  • - Why does the key board sound like a dog?

  • Ernie, did you press another button?

  • - I didn't Bert.

  • The buttons seem to be working all by themselves.

  • - Well, fix it.

  • (cow moos)

  • - Now Elmo sounds like a cow.

  • (cow moos)

  • (audience laughs)

  • (cow moos)

  • (cat meows)

  • - And Cookie sounds like a cat, Ernie.

  • - I'm pressing everything I can, Bert.

  • - Moo, oh hello.

  • Hello this is Elmo.

  • Elmo loves you.

  • - It's normal.

  • Don't touch another button Ernie.

  • As a matter of fact, everyone don't move.

  • Stay right were you are.

  • - Oh Bert.

  • Bert say right were you are, Bert.

  • - [Bert] Get Abby, we need Abby!

  • - [Ernie] Get Abby, get Abby.

  • - Yeah, Mama Bear and the Monsters everybody.

  • (audience cheers)

  • (bell dings)

  • - Special delivery from craft services.

  • - Oh yeah, that for me.

  • Me ask for a small snack.

  • - All right fellas bring it in.

  • - Okay, coming through.

  • - Wait a minute.

  • What?

  • - Over there, over there.

  • - That is the biggest small snack Elmo's ever seen!

  • (Cookie chews loudly)

  • - Elmo you gonna eat that?

  • (Cookie chews loudly)

  • Delicious.

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - And now, it's time for Elmo to brush his teeth.

  • And it's time for our musical guest.

  • You love them.

  • You just saw them.

  • It's The Jonas Brothers, yes!

  • Brush, brushy-brush, brushy-brush, brushing. ♪

  • Brush, brushy-brush, brushy-brush, brushing. ♪

  • Brushy-Brush them up and down. ♪

  • Brush, brushy-brush. ♪

  • Brushy-Brush them round and round. ♪

  • Brush, brushy-brush. ♪

  • To keep teeth happy, here's the truth

  • Brush, brushy brush

  • You gotta brush each and every tooth. ♪

  • Brush, brushy-brush. ♪

  • The teeth in the front get a lot of care. ♪

  • Brush, brushy-brush. ♪

  • But don't forget the ones back there. ♪

  • Brush your teeth. ♪

  • Keep them looking clean and bright. ♪

  • Brush, brushy-brush. ♪

  • Brush your teeth. ♪

  • Every day and every night

  • Brush, brushy-brush, bru-bru-brush, brush. ♪

  • Now your toothpaste might taste good. ♪

  • Brush, brushy-brush

  • When you got it in your mouth. ♪

  • Brush, brushy-brush. ♪

  • But you should never swallow it. ♪

  • Brush, brushy-brush

  • You've got, got, got to spit it out. ♪

  • Brush, brushy-brush

  • Go on and spit, Elmo. ♪

  • We'll wait for it. ♪

  • Brush your teeth. ♪

  • Keep them looking clean and bright. ♪

  • Brush, brushy-brush, bru-bru-brush, brush. ♪

  • Brush your teeth. ♪

  • Every day and very night. ♪

  • Brush, brushy-brush, bru-bru-brush, brush. ♪

  • Now if your parent's there

  • Do what you gotta do

  • Let them have that toothbrush so they can

  • Brushy, brushy

  • Brush your teeth

  • Great job you're almost done. ♪

  • Five, four, three, two, one

  • Now spit. ♪

  • (audience cheers)

  • - Yay, give it up.

  • Let's hear it for The Jonas Brothers.

  • - Thank you.

  • (audience cheers)

  • - Elmo has a gift for The Jonas Brothers cus Elmo heard

  • that your favorite colors are blue and green.

  • Is that true?

  • - Yeah, it's true.

  • - Well, Elmo got you some blue and green toothbrushes.

  • - Wow, thank you so much.

  • - Thank you Elmo.

  • - There you go, there you go.

  • - So nice, thank you.

  • - Thank you.

  • In fact, we should probably go and use these right now.

  • - Yeah, thanks Elmo.

  • - Thank you.

  • - Thank you.

  • Let's heat it for the Jonas Brothers.

  • (audience cheers)

  • (jazz music)

  • - That was great.

  • Oh, and now while Elmo gets in his jammies

  • a word from our sponsor.

  • - "The Not-Too-Late Show" is brought to you

  • by a toothbrush and toothpaste.

  • A great combination to keep your teeth clean

  • and healthy and delicious and yummy

  • and chocolaty.

  • - Cookie Monster, is that toothpaste cookie dough?

  • - What, no.

  • Maybe.

  • (audience laughs)

  • Okay it is.

  • (Cookie chews loudly)

  • (Cookie burps)

  • Excuse me.

  • Okay, me gonna go brush me teeth

  • with real toothpaste bye-bye.

  • - Brush your teeth Cookie Monster.

  • - Hey, what's going on?

  • - Abby, thank goodness you came.

  • Something's gone wrong with the controls.

  • - Boy, it must've been from

  • the magic that I did earlier

  • but I can fix that.

  • Magic be gone, zippity zap!

  • (chimes sound)

  • - It's gone, thank you Abby.

  • Thank you.

  • - No problem.

  • Back to the writers room.

  • - Thank goodness everything's back to normal.

  • Right, Ernie.

  • (chicken cluck)

  • - Boy, you said it Bert.

  • (laughs)

  • Abby!

  • (chicken clucks)

  • (laughs)

  • - Well, it's time to wind down the show, everybody.

  • Elmo's getting a little sleepy.

  • Elmo would like to thank his co-host Cookie Monster.

  • - Oh yeah, nighty-night Elmo.

  • (chews loudly)

  • - And Elmo would also like to thank you.

  • It was so nice to be with you. ♪

  • Elmo's happy you dropped by. ♪

  • There was some magic and The Jonas Brothers

  • Elmo brushed his teeth

  • And then The Jonas brothers came back. ♪

  • Elmo loves you. ♪

  • You are special. ♪

  • Night, night. ♪

  • (audience cheers)

  • - Thank you everybody.

  • Thank you, goodnight.

  • Tonight was a great show.

  • (cheerful music)

  • - Great show baby David.

  • Muah, night night.

  • (yawns)

  • (soft music)

  • - Hello, and welcome to

  • dum-di-di-dum-dum-dum-dum Elmo

  • and Cookie Monster present Late Night Just Got

  • A Whole Lot Furrier And Earlier.

  • Cus it's time for "The Not-Too-Late Show with Elmo"

  • Hi there, me, hold on a second,

  • me got to get some feeling back in me arms.

  • That a lot of cards.

  • Dylan made it look so easy.

  • Okay, me all better.

  • Hello and welcome.

  • And now put your paws, claws and hands together for Elmo.

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - Audience applauds, applauds

  • - Hi everybody.

  • It's so great to see all of you.

  • Elmo's really excited to tell you all about

  • "The Not-Too-Late Show".

  • (drums sound)

  • - Yeah, it terrific.

  • Me always want to know

  • how you come up for the idea for talk show Elmo?

  • - Well, Elmo was having breakfast one day

  • and he was thinking about other things

  • he might want to do.

  • - Okay me get it, me get it, yeah.

  • - Yeah, Elmo was thinking maybe

  • he could color in a coloring book but-

  • - Oh, that fun.

  • - Yeah but then maybe, Elmo thought,

  • that Elmo's mommy could read him a story

  • but instead Elmo just decided to do

  • his own talk show.

  • - Wow, good choice.

  • - Okay is question time.

  • Cookie Monster, do we have some questions?

  • - Yes, let's see.

  • Oh, here.

  • - Elmo, how late do you get to stay up?

  • - Oh, me know answer to that one 7:30, right Elmo?

  • - Yeah, that's right.

  • That's when Elmo has to be in bed.

  • - Yeah and Elmo does his whole bedtime routine

  • before that.

  • - Yeah that's right.

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - Okay, let's see if we have another question.

  • - Oh, good idea.

  • - What is your favorite thing to play on the show?

  • - Oh, that a good one.

  • Yeah, me favorite is a game called Cookie Monster Says.

  • - Yeah, it's like Simon Says

  • except it's Cookie Monster Says.

  • - Next question.

  • (button clicks)

  • - Will the Count be at the Not-Too-Late Show?

  • - Good question.

  • Yes, lot's of Elmo's friends are gonna be on the show.

  • The Count is our director.

  • - Yeah, well he up late anyway.

  • - Yeah, and let's see, who else is there?

  • Prairie Dawn, Prairie Dawn is our director.

  • Oh and Bert, Bert is our director too.

  • - Yeah, we got a lot of directors.

  • Everybody wants to direct.

  • Next question.

  • - Elmo what was it like to meet Batman.

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - It was bat-tastic.

  • - Bat-rific.

  • - Bat-something.

  • - Bat, me tapped out.

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - You know Elmo noticed

  • that Batman has a deep growly voice like this,

  • "Hello."

  • Come on, let's all sound like Batman.

  • You first, Cookie Monster.

  • - Okay, okay

  • (clears throat)

  • "Hello me Batman."

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • (xylophone music)

  • Oh hey, that sound mean we out of time.

  • - Well, Elmo had a lot of fun Cookie Monster.

  • - Yeah, me had so much fun.

  • You know, Elmo me like how you sing song at end of show.

  • You want to sing song now?

  • Me no want to put you on spot but me love it.

  • - Well, okay sure.

  • It was so nice to be with you

  • Elmo's happy you dropped by

  • Elmo told a joke and got some help from some celebrities

  • There was lots of questions

  • And Elmo sang his goodnight song. ♪

  • - Two, three, four.

  • Elmo loves you

  • You are special

  • Night, night

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - Oh, that beautiful.

  • - Thank you.

  • Thank you Cookie Monster.

  • Oh and thank you everybody for joining us

  • to talk about "The Not-Too-Late Show".

  • Yay, Elmo loves you.

  • See you soon.

  • - Buh-bye.


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