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  • - As five G technology begins to get implemented

  • all around the world,

  • there's a lot of confusion and concern over what it is,

  • how it works, and if it's even safe.

  • So today we're gonna go over all aspects of five G.

  • We have our friend and tech expert MKBHD

  • who's gonna explain why people are so excited

  • about this technology.

  • And then we're gonna take the science angle

  • about how it actually works, what it does to your body

  • and most importantly,

  • what the science says on whether or not it's safe.

  • - We have looked at hundreds of scientific papers

  • and journals in order to decipher the truth about five G

  • and yes, we will be jumping

  • into some of the conspiracy theories and claims,

  • so stick around for the end of the video when we do that

  • 'cause they are pretty wild.

  • But first, we're gonna throw it to our friend, MKBHD,

  • to tell us about what's going on with five G tech right now.

  • - Hey, what's up guys?

  • I'm MKBHD here.

  • So five G technology or the fifth generation

  • of these data networks has been getting a lot of hype

  • and it's been talked about a lot

  • and it's been slowly rolled out over the past year or two,

  • and getting insane speeds on some phones.

  • So the wavelengths used for five G technologies

  • can be split into three different sections.

  • There is low-band five G,

  • which is frequencies below about one gigahertz.

  • Then there is what we call mid-band five G,

  • which is slight above that,

  • which is faster but travels a shorter distance.

  • And then there's millimeter wave,

  • which is talked about the most,

  • which can give you the fastest speeds

  • and uses the highest frequencies

  • but travels the shortest distance.

  • And so with five G now we're talking about download speeds

  • of anywhere from 50 megabytes per second,

  • all the way up to those crazy millimeter wave speeds

  • you might have seen of like two gigabytes per second,

  • which is insane, I mean, that's we're talking like

  • a whole TV show season downloads in seconds,

  • so download speeds are nice

  • but this five G tech will be useful

  • for far more than just your phone.

  • So having these high end speeds

  • and low latency in the future will be essential

  • for things like fleets of driverless cars

  • all driving as a swarm and all talking,

  • communicating with each other to never crash,

  • all the way to things like a robot

  • and a surgeon in two different states

  • but that surgery being performed remotely in real time.

  • So I had the chance to use some early five G,

  • it was millimeter wave, and it was really impressive

  • but you could tell it has a long way to go

  • before it can be used and rolled out to the world.

  • For starters, it doesn't travel very far

  • and it's very easily blocked by obstacles,

  • that stuff I talked about in my video.

  • So it would take a lot of nodes and a lot of antennas

  • just to cover a small area like a town,

  • let alone a country or the entire globe,

  • and that would be expensive and time consuming.

  • But even the low to mid-band five G can still be impressive

  • in terms of improvement in speed.

  • So there's a lot going on

  • but it is a pretty exciting future of five G

  • if I say so myself,

  • but with that comes a lot of fears and concerns

  • about the potential effects of these new frequencies

  • on our biology and on our health.

  • So for that, I'll throw it back to Greg and Mitch

  • to talk through the science of it all.

  • - So how does five G work?

  • In order to fully understand five G

  • we actually have to learn about one of my favorite things,

  • which is the electromagnetic spectrum.

  • And this is a spectrum of radiation.

  • So yes, we will be talking today about radiation.

  • So it does sound scary,

  • but it's important that we know that radiation

  • is just the transmission of energy

  • through waves or particles.

  • On the left of the spectrum we have really long wavelengths,

  • some as long as thousands of kilometers

  • and as we move to the right, they get shorter and shorter

  • to even a fraction of the size of an atomic nucleus.

  • Now a wavelength size is measured from peak to peak,

  • or trough to trough.

  • Basically, the distance over which the wave shape repeats

  • or the size of this literal tattoo on my arm

  • because yes, I do love the electromagnetic spectrum.

  • As the wavelengths become shorter and shorter,

  • they have higher frequencies and energy.

  • Frequency describes the number of waves

  • that pass a fixed place in a given amount of time,

  • and is usually measured in hertz each set.

  • So a low frequency will fit less wavelengths

  • and a high frequency more.

  • - Take gamma rays, for example,

  • which can be 10 to the power of minus 12 meters,

  • which is 0.000000000001 meters.

  • I hope I got the right amount of zeros.

  • And they're generated by radioactive atoms

  • and nuclear explosions.

  • And these gamma rays along with X-rays

  • and higher energy UV radiation can damage DNA

  • and destroy cells, also known as being ionizing.

  • Yeah, that's scary.

  • As we move back to the left,

  • the wavelengths get longer and have less and less energy

  • and are no longer ionizing.

  • This part of the spectrum is the wavelength size

  • that the cells in your eyes evolved to see,

  • otherwise known as visible light.

  • Every single wavelength your eyes pick up

  • fall within 400 to 700 nanometers.

  • If we keep moving left,

  • we go through microwaves and radio waves,

  • which are also called radio frequency radiation.

  • This low energy, low frequency radiation

  • has been used in technology like radios

  • since the late 1800s,

  • but it wasn't until the 1980s

  • that the first generation of cellular technology

  • or one G began.

  • - This next chart is from NASA, ever heard of her?

  • She's famous and it breaks down all the generations

  • of cellular technology frequencies.

  • One G cellular attack, we're talking in the 1980s,

  • used 150 megahertz aka UHF, ultra high frequency waves.

  • Two G was using around 450 megahertz,

  • more ultra high frequency waves.

  • Three G was allocated frequencies between 450 megahertz

  • all the way up to three gigahertz.

  • This was in the spectrum known as super high frequencies.

  • Four G was allocated similar frequencies to three G

  • but was taking advantage of some of those higher frequencies

  • which takes us now to five G,

  • which is allocated between 600 megahertz

  • to as high as between 38 to 90 gigahertz.

  • So it is also using a super high frequency section

  • but for the first time in cellular network technology,

  • it's moved into the extra high frequency section

  • with millimeter wavelength technology

  • leaving the radio wave section

  • in this graph and chart that we saw earlier

  • to the section of now microwaves.

  • Of course, none of these words

  • help make any of this sounds,

  • radiation, super high frequencies,

  • extra high frequencies, microwaves.

  • Thankfully, the electromagnetic spectrum

  • is regulated to keep us all healthy.

  • An important regulating body in all of this

  • is the International Commission

  • of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection,

  • which is essentially a conglomeration of epidemiologists,

  • biologists and physicists

  • and people who understand this technology very deeply,

  • who take all the most up-to-date science

  • and make sure they understand

  • and regulate what this radiation is doing to all of us.

  • It's also important to note that this regulating body

  • isn't connected to any one government

  • or a country or commercial corporation.

  • - Which leads to the big question,

  • how do five G waves affect us?

  • We know that five G frequencies are not ionizing radiation,

  • but should we be worried

  • about them impacting our body in other ways?

  • After decades of research on health effects,

  • the ICNIRP found the only substantiated effect

  • of radio frequency exposure is heating of exposed tissue.

  • These wavelengths can cause vibration

  • of charged or polar molecules inside of us,

  • which creates friction and thus heat.

  • But the higher the frequency,

  • the lower the penetrative depth in the body,

  • which might seem a little unnerving

  • and I think it's fair to have concern

  • because technically there is a thermal threshold

  • that if we pass can cause adverse health effects on us.

  • But that's why all these regulating bodies are there

  • to make sure that our exposure

  • never goes over that threshold.

  • In fact, acute and long term effects

  • of radio frequency exposure below the thermal threshold

  • have been studied extensively

  • without demonstrating adverse health effects.

  • Research has even been done on headaches, sleep quality,

  • cognitive function, etc, and has shown no issues.

  • One other thing that was found

  • was a small effect on brain activity when measured by EEGs,

  • but the biological implication of what that means

  • is pretty small

  • and they haven't actually seen any negative effects

  • associated to this brain activity.

  • - So why do some people say that five G can cause cancer?

  • There are a few studies that often get quoted.

  • And one, lab rats and mice

  • were exposed to radio frequency energy used in cell phones

  • for nine hours a day starting before birth

  • and for two years after,

  • and found an increased risk of some types of tumors

  • in the male rats.

  • But the male rats exposed to the radio frequency radiation

  • actually ended up living longer than the other rats,

  • and the female rats and all of mice in the experiment

  • didn't have an increase in tumors at all.

  • Some other epidemiological studies

  • have found a small increase in some brain tumors

  • in people who are heavy users of cell phones,

  • but it was actually found that there were reporting biases

  • and weaknesses in these studies.

  • Also it's important to remember

  • that these studies are on cellphone use.

  • So they're actually talking about three G,

  • four G and five G frequencies.

  • The consensus among scientists

  • is that five G technology will not cause cancer

  • but it is very confusing to figure out this information

  • when you are looking online.

  • For example, even this article in "Scientific American"

  • would make you worried that cell phones

  • and five G could cause cancer

  • even though the studies are not corroborated

  • and some of it's claims

  • are just opposite of what the study actually says.

  • This happens a lot with scientific information

  • that gets cherry-picked to mislead people.

  • Read "Scientific American" a week later

  • and you get most of the prior articles information debunked,

  • but both of these articles

  • are from seemingly scientifically accurate sources.

  • So it can be very confusing,

  • no shade, I guess, to "Scientific American".

  • At the end of the day what it comes down to

  • is scientists looking at large trials

  • with large sample sizes and controlling variables.

  • One very large 13 countrywide study

  • found that there was no causal relationship

  • between brain tumors and cell phone use.

  • And another really great Danish study, large study,

  • I sound like Trump right now,

  • great, huge and large study (laughs)

  • also found that there was no link.

  • - Okay, so let's talk about the conspiracies.

  • First, we'll address the elephant in the room,

  • the new online theory that five G causes coronavirus.

  • So this one is relatively easy to debunk,

  • five G technology cannot break chemical bonds

  • which is a common claim that conspiracy theorists use.

  • On top of the fact that viruses are visible

  • we can literally see that they physically exist,

  • we can study them, we can look at their literal DNA.

  • So ultimately,

  • just know that five G does not cause coronavirus

  • - Is five G bad for birds?

  • This study is quoted often

  • to explain how the electromagnetic noise of five G

  • can disrupt the migration of birds.

  • But these researchers actually found

  • that it is longer wavelengths,

  • more like similar to AM radio type wavelengths

  • that were actually affecting migrating birds.

  • And they have actually come out and tried to speak openly,

  • trying to explain that their research

  • is getting cherry-picked

  • to try and say something about five G

  • that they never said.

  • - There's the new British 20 pound note

  • show coronavirus and five G.

  • These conspiracy theories have been popping up

  • stating that the 20 pound note has a five G tower

  • giving off radiation and the coronavirus is above.

  • This is actually an image of the Margate Lighthouse

  • and behind it is the new Turner Contemporary art gallery.

  • The purple foil patch is based on the staircase

  • at the Tate Modern.

  • With now off the science territory though,

  • so let's get back on track,

  • if you are interested in conspiracy theories

  • and the science behind why they work so well,

  • we actually have a video we made all about that,

  • we'll link it in the description.

  • So to recap, one, five G technology uses wavelengths

  • within the super high and extra high frequency spectrum.

  • Two, these fall into the category of non-ionizing radiation,

  • meaning they can't damage DNA or destroy cells.

  • Three, five G does have the capacity to heat-exposed tissue,

  • but due to regulation will remain below the threshold

  • known to cause any damage.

  • Four, the current scientific consensus

  • is that five G does not show adverse impacts on health,

  • like headaches, sleep, cognitive function or cancer.

  • And five, five G has nothing to do with coronavirus,

  • - The newly published guidelines about regulating five G,

  • I'm gonna link in the description below

  • so that you can read them yourself.

  • Now this doesn't mean that we shouldn't be skeptical

  • of technological advances.

  • I mean, honestly we did all this research

  • and made this video because we were skeptical ourselves.

  • I do think it is important that we continue to regulate

  • and understand how all of these technologies

  • that are gonna be used around us work.

  • But at the end of the day we also need to listen to science

  • and to listen to the scientific consensus

  • in order to guide our knowledge,

  • - We talked more about five G and conspiracy theories

  • in our newest podcast with a Harvard professor

  • who studies disinformation campaigns and conspiracies,

  • so definitely click that and check it out.

  • - It's fascinating,

  • it's really a good way to understand

  • how these conspiracy theories are spreading.

  • But if you haven't subscribed,

  • make sure you've done that, right?

  • What else can they use?

  • Subscribe to our email thread.

  • - Yeah we've got a mailing list, yeah.

  • This 30-year old calls it an email thread.

  • (laughs)

  • But otherwise, thank you for watching, like it,

  • subscribe, do all the things if you like science videos

  • and we'll see you next time. - (mumbles) Okay thanks.

  • (laughs)

- As five G technology begins to get implemented

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