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  • It decapitates victims, feeds on their babies, and gives the decapitated remains to its own babies to eat, and now it's coming to North America.

    牠們會砍掉受害者的頭、以受害者的孩子為食、把受害者的屍體殘骸丟給孩子吃, 而現在牠來到了北美。

  • This is everything you need to know about murder hornets in six minutes.


  • Ready, go.

    預備, 開始。

  • Dubbed the murder hornet by the US media, the Asian giant hornet has a sting that can be fatal to humans.

    美國媒體因亞洲大虎頭蜂對人類致命的毒蜇, 而稱其為殺人大黃蜂。

  • Native to Asia, this hornet was spotted for the first time in the US this past December, and it's got people worried.

    這種大虎頭蜂原分布於亞洲, 去年12月首次在美國被發現, 這令人們感到擔憂。

  • Yeah, this is brand new to me and our department.

    對, 這是新品種, 我們部門的人都沒看過。

  • This is a queen from Japan of the Asian giant hornet.


  • We are not entirely positive what the threat will be.


  • We have to take all the precautions we can.


  • V. Mandarinia have a lethal anatomy.


  • It's the largest hornet in the world.


  • The female worker hornets can grow to about an inch and a half long, and their queens can grow to two inches in length.

    雌工蜂的可以生長達約1.5英吋長, 蜂后則生長達2英吋長。

  • Their faces are cartoonishly fierce, with large teardrop-shaped eyes, their orange and black stripes lead to broad wings that more so resemble a dragonfly than a bee.

    牠們的臉如卡通圖像般兇猛, 淚滴狀的大眼睛、黑色和橙色相間的條紋, 和讓牠們看起來更像蜻蜓而非蜜蜂的寬大翅膀。

  • These hornets have large mouths shaped like a spiked shark fin, mouths that are able to decapitate victims.

    這些大虎頭擁有形似鯊魚鰭的尖銳大嘴巴, 可咬斷受害獵物的頭。

  • Humans can die from a series of stings from their long stingers.


  • So long, in fact, the hornet's stinger can puncture through a standard beekeeping suit.

    事實上, 虎頭蜂的蜇長到可以刺穿一般標準的養蜂服。

  • Unlike the honey bee, which can only sting once, the hornet can sting multiple times.

    虎頭蜂的蜇不像蜜蜂只能攻擊一次, 而是可以重覆攻擊。

  • The sting has been described as a lot like having hot metal driven through the skin.

    據說, 被蜇到的刺痛感有如被滾燙的金屬刺穿身體一般。

  • Every year there are people in Japan that are hospitalized from multiple stings and some even die.

    每年在日本都有很多人因多次蜇傷而住院, 有些甚至死亡。

  • The USDA estimates the hornets kill between 30 to 50 people a year in Japan.

    美國農業部估計, 大虎頭蜂每天在日本殺死30-50人。

  • If you are one of the people that is unlucky enough to stumble into a nest and get stung, that's, a. definitely going to hurt; if you're allergic, you could go into shock.

    如果你不幸誤入虎頭蜂巢而被蜇, 那首先你肯定會覺得超痛;如果你會過敏, 那你可能還會休克。

  • But even if you're not allergic, the venom of the hornet attacks red blood cells and can lead to kidney failure and death.

    但即使你不會過敏, 虎頭蜂的毒液也會攻擊紅血球, 導致腎衰竭甚至死亡。

  • The human health risks are real.


  • The murder hornet moniker has created a lot of fear and hysteria. That's probably overblown.


  • The so-called murder hornets are a big deal, but not because they're going to murder you.

    殺人大黃蜂確實是個棘手的問題, 但不是因為牠們想謀殺你。

  • These insects should probably be more afraid of humans.


  • In Japan, their nests are hunted for trophies.

    在日本, 有人專門獵捕並收藏虎頭蜂巢。

  • The hornets themselves are eaten fried or steamed, and even drowned in alcohol and served in soju.

    虎頭蜂會被油炸或蒸來吃, 甚至會被泡在酒裡製成燒酒。

  • Consuming them is said to elicit a tingly warm sensation and increase virility.

    據說, 食用虎頭蜂有暖身和壯陽的效果。

  • The real reason we should be scared of these giant hornets is because of their threat to our honey bee population.


  • Through their pollination, honey bees contribute around 15 billion to the US economy per year, and these murder hornets have the capability to completely massacre them.

    蜜蜂授粉每年為美國創造約150億美元的經濟效益, 而殺人大黃蜂以屠殺蜜蜂而惡名昭彰。

  • So how does the Asian giant hornet attack honey bees?

    那麼, 亞洲大虎頭蜂如何攻擊蜜蜂?

  • First, a worker hornet targets a honey bee colony, placing a pheromonal mark to signal to the other hornets.

    首先, 虎頭蜂工蜂會鎖定一個蜜蜂集群, 並釋放費洛蒙以向其他虎頭蜂發出信號。

  • This mark isn't secret, the honey bees sense it too, hiding inside their hive for safety.

    蜜蜂也聞得到這股明顯的氣味記號, 所以為保安全, 蜜蜂會躲在蜂巢裡。

  • Now these hornets are uniquely vicious because they attack in groups.

    虎頭蜂特別狠毒, 因為牠們會集體攻擊。

  • They gang up on the colony, quickly decapitating the honey bees and eating their immature bees growing inside the beehive's wax cells.

    牠們會聯手攻擊蜜蜂集群, 迅速切斷蜜蜂的頭, 並吃掉蜂巢細胞中未發育成熟的蜜蜂。

  • They take their remains and feed them to their own hornet larva.


  • Japanese honey bees have actually evolved to develop a mechanism to fight back.

    其實, 日本蜜蜂已經演化出防禦機制。

  • If the Asian giant hornet arrives alone or in too few numbers, it's the honey bees who come out on top.

    如果亞洲大虎頭蜂單打獨鬥或數量太少, 那麼蜜蜂就會獨占鰲頭。

  • As many as 400 bees will surround it, buzzing in a tight ball.

    多達400隻蜜蜂會將其包圍, 形成蜂球, 並發出密集的嗡嗡聲。

  • This action increases the temperature to nearly 115 degrees Fahrenheit and raises the carbon dioxide level inside the hive, a harsh condition that honey bees can survive, but hornets cannot.

    這會使溫度升高至接近115華氏度, 並增加蜂巢內的二氧化鈦濃度, 而在此惡劣的環境下, 蜜蜂可以生存, 但虎頭蜂卻不能。

  • Unfortunately, American honey bees don't have the ability to create a bee ball and kill hornets by frying them in 115 degree heat.

    然而, 美國蜜蜂不具備形成蜂球的能力, 因此無法用115華氏度的高溫殺死虎頭蜂。

  • With no defensive capability, they need our help.

    因為沒有防禦能力, 牠們需要我們的幫助。

  • The US government, along with scientists and beekeepers, are already taking steps to eradicate the hornet before it takes root.

    美國政府、科學家和養蜂人已經開始採取措施, 以在虎頭蜂扎根前將其消滅。

  • They're setting up traps to locate them and prevent further spread, and in the future, they may re-release hornets with the radio frequency identification tags so the hornet can unknowingly reveal the location of its colony, which are typically hidden underground.

    他們設置陷阱以追蹤虎頭蜂的位置, 並防止其進一步擴散;未來, 他們可能會釋放裝有無線射頻辨識器的虎頭蜂, 使其在不知情的情況下, 透露其通常藏於地底下的蜂巢位置。

  • In Asia, there are a lot of different ways they try to stop the hornets.


  • Honey bee hives can be fitted with doors too small for the hornets to enter, and they might even resort to using tennis racquets to swat them.


  • We are basing our tracking program off of things that have been effective in Japan and Korea, where people have been living with this species for a very long time and there are robust public survey programs.

    我們的追蹤計畫是建立在日本和韓國的有效基礎之上, 因為他們長期與此物種共存, 並發展出健全的公共調查計畫。

  • The way we eradicate them is locating the nest and then we will send out a team in our special protective hornet suits with an insecticidal dust and kill that localized nest.

    我們消滅牠們的方法是找到其蜂巢, 並派出一支穿著灑有殺蟲劑的特製虎頭蜂防護服的隊伍, 就地殲滅虎頭蜂蜂巢。

  • As gruesome as that sounds, that's our goal, it's to kill these off and keep them from establishing in Washington state.

    雖然聽起來很可怕, 但我們的目標就是要殺死牠們, 並防止牠們在華盛頓州落地生根。

  • Hopefully, these proactive measures will stop the hornet before it takes hold in the hospitable climate of the Pacific Northwest and spread throughout the rest of the country.

    希望這些積極的舉措能及時阻止大黃蜂佔據氣候宜人的太平洋西北部, 並繁衍至美國其他地區。

  • Hopefully, we can save our honey bees, which have already seen a 29% to 45% loss in hives since 2012.

    希望我們能拯救我們的蜜蜂, 自2012年以來, 蜜蜂蜂巢的數量已減少了29%到45%。

  • Bee populations are already threatened by deadly parasites, viral diseases and exposures to pesticides in their food, and now murder hornets?

    蜜蜂族群已經受到致命的寄生蟲、病毒性疾病和牠們食物中的殺蟲劑的危脅, 現在殺人大黃蜂也要來插一腳?

  • Can't they catch a break?


  • So if you hear more about murder hornets, remember that they're scary to humans because of their potential to annihilate our bees, not because they're necessarily going to murder us.


  • But on the grand scheme of risk to human health, it's low compared to all the other stuff we do every day.


  • I think if you look at mortality statistics, falling in your home is still far more risky and we don't report murder ladders to the Home Depot.


  • Next week, unstable and lethal, everything you need to know about murder ladders in seven minutes.


It decapitates victims, feeds on their babies, and gives the decapitated remains to its own babies to eat, and now it's coming to North America.

牠們會砍掉受害者的頭、以受害者的孩子為食、把受害者的屍體殘骸丟給孩子吃, 而現在牠來到了北美。

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C1 BuzzFeed 中文

6分鐘內為你解密大虎頭蜂! (Everything You Need To Know About Murder Hornets In 6 Minutes)

  • 22231 130
    Summer posted on 2023/01/26
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