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  • Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you

  • to a career and life you'll truly enjoy. Today is another special video where I

  • will be talking to Jaennia, who was a recent grad, she was ready for a change

  • in her career she had been looking for a while and after we started working

  • together she ended up getting multiple interviews and just recently accepted

  • her dream job offer which she will explain to you so Thank You Jaennia for

  • joining me here today I'm so excited to have you here. Thank you so much for

  • having me Linda it's an honor. So I really want you to share your story can

  • you tell a little bit more to the audience a little bit about yourself in

  • terms of your background the career that you were in and and what you were

  • looking for and how that whole situation came about yeah I graduated from Cornell

  • University not too long ago it's about like two years ago and I graduated and I

  • started in the food and beverage industry and right after I started my

  • full-time job that's when I realized I don't really like this job that much I

  • need to get out of it and make a change right before I was working with you I

  • actually got laid off so everything just happened so suddenly and I was just in a

  • frantic to search for jobs and I was very diligent and I was like I'm gonna

  • apply to five jobs a day and I thought in my head okay let's just play the

  • numbers game right if I send my resumes out to enough people then there will be

  • some people it's gonna reach out to me and then I'll get my job and I only

  • heard back from about like two to three people wanting to do a phone interview

  • and I will move forward to an in-person interview with one company which

  • eventually rejected me you know I was just just in such a funk in my life I

  • was just so unhappy and just so sad all the time and just frustrated you know

  • like I live in the East Coast I live in Manhattan so just the stress of having

  • to pay rent and still be able to maintain like somewhat of a similar

  • lifestyle and like pay all the bills it was just stressful and then I

  • stumbled upon one of your videos called tell me about yourself like how to

  • answer that interview question and I got hooked and that's how I

  • shout to you we started working together oh I see awesome

  • so that's crazy because you had applied for over 200 jobs and you ended up only

  • getting two or three callbacks and then one foot one in-person interview so

  • that's not even that's not even like 1% of all the number of applications that

  • you had sent out terrible results and I mean also for me like I mentioned

  • earlier I write when I first started my first full-time job out of college I

  • realize like I did not like my job I did not enjoy it so I was also you know

  • trying to switch industries and what I also found was you know when you try to

  • switch industries people are already looking for like five to ten years of

  • experience for the jobs that I was targeting but then I only have two years

  • of experience like working full time total so there was just such a gap there

  • it was just extremely difficult being my situation and also having to switch

  • industries right yes so let's talk a little bit about that so you're trying

  • to switch industries you're going from food and beverage in operations and then

  • into the career that you're you're heading into now which is as an

  • executive assistant for a large global company so talk about what the feedback

  • was from employers when you were applying for jobs and you weren't

  • getting calls and things like that what were people telling you I mean a number

  • of things you know I think the job market in Manhattan for executive

  • assistant is two parts one part is a lot of the people that are will apply to the

  • posting for these jobs were through recruiting agencies and they would tell

  • me you don't have enough experience or you need to lower your salary

  • requirement in order for you to even be considered for the job and then the

  • other side is kind of like applied directly through the company and that's

  • also a huge feedback that I received from these companies is it doesn't seem

  • like I'm the right fit because I wasn't in the industry before and I would do me

  • something else but in my mind I knew I have done these tasks that you know in

  • the executive assistant would do and then I have the skill sets to be able to

  • perform very well as an executive assistant but I just wasn't presenting

  • myself the right way to recruiting agencies and potentially

  • let's talk a little bit about you know in terms of the results that you ended

  • up getting so we work together we work through the resume work through job

  • search strategy work through interview strategy what were the results like how

  • many interviews did you start getting compared to before and you know how many

  • offers did you get and and what what were they like yeah so like we mentioned

  • earlier you know I applied to about 200 something jobs and I only got like two

  • to three interviews and I didn't get it it didn't result in any offers and after

  • we started working together I would say like really all the calls started coming

  • in like around the second month that we were working together and I think every

  • week we would catch up and I'm like oh I have this interview I have this

  • interview I just like so much going on like every single week I had I would say

  • about like 10 to 12 like phone interviews you know a mixture of from

  • companies directly and also from recruiting agencies but I think we've

  • also by working together really figured out how to you know learn those lessons

  • from that process so I've learned for myself to target more the applications

  • directly through companies so more of my phone interviews with directly with the

  • companies and I moved through the phone interview process to in-person with all

  • of the interviews and I ended up with three job offers yes oh my god that's so

  • crazy I remember when you kept telling me oh

  • Linda by the way I got this interview oh and I got that interview and I got this

  • interview and I'm just like I couldn't even keep track I didn't even know which

  • jobs you were going for interviews for it was just so crazy because it happened

  • so quickly which is awesome so you you'd have been

  • applying for a while you were frustrated you're upset and then you came across me

  • and my youtube channel which I'm so happy you did tell us a little bit about

  • that experience in terms of deciding to work with me through my program stand

  • out get hired and what was your experience like for us working together

  • yeah I mean it was definitely like a huge decision for me but I also knew you

  • know just even when I was still in college that I thought I didn't have the

  • best interview skills and I have always been like a top performer in scoring all

  • the jobs I've held and I haven't recognized for them however I don't

  • always get salary increase that I was looking for

  • or I wasn't always considered for the jobs that I was targeting and also you

  • know being a recent graduate as a high performer I think you know maybe some of

  • the audience could relate to this even though I'm younger than a lot of the

  • colleagues that I work with but I perform better than them however the

  • opportunities when promotions and things like that come they don't come to me so

  • that was like a huge frustration that I had so that's kind of how I like

  • stumbled upon your video I decided you know what I will be like the perfect fit

  • for Linda to work with so that's how I reached out to you through the standout

  • get hired program yes so I mean this is the thing that I come across with a lot

  • and I'm glad you mentioned it janeyah because a lot of the people that I work

  • with are people who do really well in their jobs I mean technically speaking

  • and I knew from you you had told me you know I am a top performer I know that

  • I'm really strong in the work that I do but for some reason the employers aren't

  • seeing it and that's a common issue so it has nothing to do with your you

  • yourself as a as an individual as a professional as an employee it has

  • everything to do with how you present yourself so when I worked with you and

  • when we work together through the program what were the AHA's for you

  • maybe they are several Haas for me one is really like putting these relevant

  • skills and formatting your resume in a way where when a recruiter is looking at

  • your resume they don't have that much time but they're able to see these

  • things and you're highlighting these achievements in these skills that was

  • definitely very important and I think as a high performer I have always been you

  • know in a job position where I went above and beyond and did so many roles

  • outside of my job description and my job title and I will put all these things on

  • my resume so that actually did the opposite I think confuse the recruiters

  • and it was just like too overwhelming what they're looking at my resume that's

  • why they didn't see the fit and I was applying for these jobs so working with

  • you we've really we were able to kind of like target what we needed to showcase

  • them put and that really helped right after you know we really came up with a

  • top notch resume as I started getting you know calls from

  • people I have recruiters reaching out to me with you know potential job offers

  • and what I'm made of going to meet with them tell us about this this one job

  • that you decided to accept you know how do you feel about it now and and you

  • know what are you looking forward to and also the fact that it is in the exact

  • industry that you wanted to get into right yes exactly I mean I will say for

  • this specific and just working with you in general instead of kind of like me

  • being desperate to take on any job that land in my way just even in the job

  • search process itself because I gained so much more confidence because we were

  • seeing results I was also more selective with the jobs

  • that I was applying to meaning I was actually applying to jobs that I would

  • seriously consider and be interested in so I think you know I ended up with

  • offers you know that I would seriously consider that's how I ended up with this

  • dream offer so for this particular offer it's in the industry that I want and I

  • also think it has just so much career path of like growth opportunities

  • available for me after I start working it also has great benefits and also you

  • know they offered me the salary range above what I was even asking and really

  • just working with you throughout this process discuss you know really go for

  • your dream job really make sure that your look you're also interviewing the

  • company when you go to these you know interviews to make sure it's the right

  • fit for you so I really found that you know this company that I'm going to be

  • working with is the right fit for me so I'm just so excited and I feel just so

  • unstoppable like these skills that I learned from you I will be able to also

  • implement that in the future jobs that I'm going to be applying to I'm so I'm

  • so happy to hear you say that and you know it really does make me feel so good

  • like even when you told me Linda I got the offer and then it just even hearing

  • you right now talk about this it really does inspire me to want to be able to

  • help even more people and the one thing I find though is when I'm working with

  • clients just like you it's not about just getting any job it really is about

  • trying to find the right one for you the dream job that you can get and so

  • out of curiosity do you feel that if we hadn't worked together if we hadn't gone

  • through syndicate hard together that you would be in the position that you're in

  • now no absolutely not I think I would still be like probably I wouldn't have

  • made the successful career switch industry wise and I would probably still

  • be hating my job and I also want the audience to know like a huge part of you

  • know your life is your job so really it's very important to like find the job

  • that you're passionate about because when you're passionate about your job

  • you're interested in it you also have a better energy about you and your and the

  • personal relationships that you have in your life also become better as a result

  • I agree wholeheartedly even for me back in the day when I was working in

  • corporate and I started getting really sour and not happy about where I was at

  • and I knew I wanted to do something different but back then when I was stuck

  • in that corporate job you know everything it wasn't just my job that

  • was bad it was everything I was unhappy about everything in my life because I

  • wasn't happy at work and because you're there for at least eight hours a day

  • you know you carry that home with you so now that you're in a you know you're in

  • a good place and and you're in a happy place with your job and all of that I'm

  • sure that that's going to have a ripple effect with you and the rest of your

  • life yeah absolutely I mean I just I'm just so content with kind of like where

  • I am with my career and I just feel like so much hope for what's going to happen

  • in the future and I really recommend to you know everyone out there work with

  • Linda as early as you can because instead of like wasting another couple

  • of years like hating your job or like wine to make that change you're gonna be

  • able to do it now and I really feel like that was the best decision I've made

  • thank you thank you so much for saying that Jeanne I actually wanted to ask you

  • what would you say to someone because the thing is a lot of people do want to

  • work with me at least I get a lot of applications but then it comes to the

  • investment and it comes to the time that they have to put into it knowing that

  • you know this is a big commitment that they have to make I mean what would you

  • say to someone who's on the fence of wanting to work with me wanting to make

  • the investment what would you say to them to help ease their concerns I mean

  • I was am the perfect example to like answer that question I was laid off

  • right before I decided to start working with you so it was a huge decision that

  • I made but the way I looked at it is it's kind of like a one-time investment

  • that you make because the techniques that you learn from this program and

  • also the specific strategies that you learn you're gonna be able to take that

  • with you for the rest of your life it's really important that you find a job

  • that you love and be passionate about it you not only provided me what kind of

  • like moral support but you really guided me strategically and there so you could

  • go online you know and look up so many different versions of how to write a

  • resume how to interview and it's just too overwhelming so you want someone

  • with like your background where you have worked in you know corporate

  • professional environments but you have also been a recruiter for many years so

  • you're really able to like understand the mindset of those hiring managers and

  • I think that's really what stood out for me oh that's amazing thank you for

  • sharing those words and you know thank you for sharing your story Jania you

  • know we we went through this whole process you are the ideal story I mean

  • I've had many ideal successes with with clients but for you it just everything

  • worked out perfectly timing wise it really was you know you came at the

  • right time and we were able to work together at the right time so I'm I

  • really am grateful that we had this opportunity and you're right I always

  • say it's like similar to driving school once you learn how to drive you'll know

  • how to drive pretty much for the rest of your life you don't have to go back to

  • school to figure out how to drive because you've already learned it so

  • this is the same approach in stand out get hardware once you understand and

  • know exactly how to interview how to sell yourself how to write your resume

  • how to do all these things then you're gonna know how to do that for the rest

  • of your life and that's gonna take you on a completely different career path

  • then perhaps where you may have stayed what would you say it is that the key

  • thing that you realize that set you apart from who you were in the past how

  • would you describe yourself now this is like something that you told me what we

  • were working our resumes I've really resonated with me and I think carries

  • through for the entire interview process from just sending a resume to getting in

  • touch with the recruiter to you know impress an interview in

  • that I'm having the recruiter fishing out for like what I have done why I am

  • the best fit for them why I'm capable of the job I was always just like

  • overwhelming you know like my resume and my capabilities and the qualities with

  • too much going on so after we were able to target that I think that really

  • that's what set me apart is they could really see that I have these

  • achievements and I am a strong performer awesome amazing so that's really it I

  • mean I am so glad that you shared your story Jaennia and I think a lot of people

  • will be able to resonate with you because I know that a lot of people who

  • watch my channel also are recent grads that have limited experience that want

  • to make a career switch from maybe something completely outside of what

  • they studied and you did that so I want to prove to them that you know it is

  • possible as long as you recognize that there are things that you have to learn

  • in order to get yourself there so thank you for being living proof of this and

  • thank you for being here is there anything else that you want to add Jaennia

  • I would say no you should like start working with Linda right away I mean I

  • wish like you know you would teach her like universities or something like that

  • where I just think it's such a strong skill to have in life especially at such

  • an early point in your life to be able to know like how am I supposed to

  • properly write my resume or like how am I supposed to prepare for job interviews

  • what are they going to ask me and things like that so I would I recommend to

  • anyone and everyone and you know my cup of friends like if you need a job you

  • want to make a career switch you should go work with Linda oh well thank you for

  • that recommendation okay well I would say to anyone here who is in a similar

  • situation to what Jaennia was in where you were looking for a job you sent out

  • hundreds of applications and you haven't been getting many interviews and you

  • realize that you want to work with me one on one then feel free to reach out

  • to me at fill out the application

  • form and from there if it looks as though we may be a match than a team

  • member of mine will be reaching out to you directly

  • Jaennia thank you so much for for spending your time as sharing your story and

  • telling everything about how you're able to find

  • your dream job you know I really appreciate it thank you so much for

  • being here thank you so much for working with me and really helping me was

  • landing my dream offer yes absolutely no by all means it's it's it's an honor

  • that I was able to help you because if I am able to see the results that's what

  • really makes it worth it for me so for you if you like this video then please

  • give it a thumbs up subscribe to share it with your friends thank you so much

  • for watching and I will see you in the next video

Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you

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如何找到你夢想中的工作(無經驗+新行業) (How to Land Your Dream Job (With NO Experience + New Industry))

  • 13 0
    Summer posted on 2021/01/14
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