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People must thing I'm such a weirdo
judging by these words...
This week, Sharla from Sharla in Japan
posted a video called 'What's LOL in Japanese?'
I watched it and realized that
there are times when I use English hashtags
and a lot of Japanese people
will get confused
and ask like, "What does that hashtag mean?"
So, today I'm going to follow Sharla's lead
and share some English slang for my Japanese viewers.
The first one is this:
#TBT is one that really gets a lot of confused comments.
The reason is that
well, in the past I never really used Instagram
until this year I registered @KemushiJP
and decided to get my 'gram game going.
But I have this habit of trying to catch up
by posting images I took recently AND a long time ago right after each other.
For example, this week I posted
this photo of Hakata TonTon
it's a famous restaurant in New York City
so I posted a picture of what I ate
but I also posted a picture from a recent trip to Japan that I really liked, too.
So people will ask "LORETTA, WHERE DAFUQ R U?!"
So people will ask "LORETTA, WHERE DAFUQ R U?!"
Yeah, this is a picture of me in Japan
but it's an old one, so that's why there's a #TBT tag!!
This hashtag stands for "Throwback Thursday"
But it's a casual word for like a memory.
Throwback is similar to Japan's word 'Natsukashii" (nostalgic)
But in English we don't really use 'nostalgic' too often.
That'a a bit awkward to say.
Funny thing though, a lot of people who study Japanese use 'nostalgic' in English a lot.
It's like, when you study Japanese
you notice that Japanese words NATSUKASHII and KOISHII are so widely used
so we almost like reimport the common use of 'nostalgia' into English.
Yeah, that's so nostalgic! I really miss Kyoto!
I love eating ramen! I'm so nostalgic just thinking about it!
But really, THROWBACK is more common than 'nostalgic'.
You can express this casually by using
the hashtag for Throwback, #tb or #tbt .
Another word I use a lot is this:
When you see a picture of food
Uhhh that looks amazing! Nomnomnom!
But what is NOM anyway...
A verb? A noun? Kinda noun-ish?
It's like the sound of happily eating something delicious.
So if you see something that looks tasty, you can just comment NOMNOM.
Ahh, this is a good one!
Meaning "Don't watch this at work."
It's kind of a warning so you don't get caught.
Like, some people like to listen to music while they're working at an office, right?
Americans are easy-going about that~~
But if you're like: "Oh, i really want to listen to the Nicki Minaj song!"
and you set it to play, but then you boss walks up
and seems some awkward video scene
Like, her dancing BUTT
That's probably not safe for work :)
So if you see "NSFW" and you're not in a private space
it's probably best not to click, and save it for later when you're alone...
Those are my Top 3 Internet Delicacies!
Wait - you guys must things I'm really weird for picking these.
But how about you guys?
Have you seen weird English internet slang?
If you know of some, please write them in a comment below!
OK, that's all for today!
Please like, share, and subscribe to my channel for more! :)