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hi everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with a quick tip for you I often get
questions from students asking how do I know how to pronounce a word based on
spelling and so this is one of those tips for you and today we're going to
talk about double letters versus single letters so when you see a word that has
a double consonant sound and then um okay I made a mistake here so I just want to
clarify it when you see a double consonant letter it is a short vowel as
opposed to a single consonant letter we are going to have a long vowel so what does that mean
let's go ahead and take a look I use the ER ending so we have some similarities
here just so you can see how this rule works so line one here we have one
consonant sound before the ER so all of those vowels are going to be long and
long vowels are basically the letter name so we have super diner and later
super diner later now here we have two consonant sounds so we know from the
rule that vowel is going to be short and we are going to say supper dinner and
and let me give you a sentence the later choice to avoid the
ladder climb allowed us to enjoy dinner at the super supper diner give it a try
I know people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful
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thanks so much I'll see you again soon