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  • to me what the funniest fucking thing is how much we lie to ourselves that's where it gets

  • amazing it's like you know you were talking about and I've done the exact same thing with

  • screen time when you're presented that humiliating number of hours and you've been telling friends

  • you're busy and you're fucking looking at that just thinking like dude I've been like

  • you know looking at bullshit but then before you do that you like but it's my job you know

  • I've got to kind of be online.

  • it's like no you're addicted to technology.

  • and because you can't stand the fact that you don't have the discipline to stop using

  • it, you would rather make up a story involving some absolutely verifiable bullshit so that

  • you don't have to deal with the fact that you arent in full control of yourself.

  • And it's a non rewarding addiction which is really strange it's like when you looking

  • at stories on like the Apple news feed or something you're scrolling looking for something

  • that's going to Captivate you yeah what is oh the Apple having problems that keyboards

  • and start reading this and it's like oh you can't Huawei can't sell laptops new us anymore

  • like how much of that am I like you were saying earlier how much that is junk thoughts yeah

  • he's a junk thoughts like junk food junk food youre just consuming.

  • consuming and I don't think it's useless I think it serves a purpose like

  • some of it does if I mean in the sense of maybe not a purpose

  • in the way you're going to be as a human but a purpose in the sense of like

  • if you apply a little bit of like mindfulness when you're using your phone how do I feel

  • right now you know I'm talking about like I do I fucking feel you realize you feel a

  • specific way it's a kind of like numbness there's a quality of like kind of like sedated

  • numbness to the hypnotic State you've been lulled into by the algorithms and there's

  • some pleasant kind of like I guess you could compare it to some like low-level euphoric

  • painkiller but not very euphoric mostly just a mild numbness that is pretty good at turning

  • off anxiety or you could at least displace your own personal anxiety like if I'm scanning

  • through my phone and I find the inevitable bad news whatever form its in I could pretend

  • that my anxiety is related to that news you know and then that's when you get people who

  • are very anxious and they say I've seen it either side who was a famous

  • some person tweeted I'm here in this beautiful place and I cant enjoy it because of our president

  • you know what I mean it's like whoa I don't I'm not sure that's the real reason why you

  • cant enjoy that place.

  • I think it might be actually that you haven't dealt with the fact that you're a vet you're

  • freaking the fuck out right yeah that to me is like this the purpose of a phone it's very

  • good at tricking yourself into thinking that the reason you feel like shit is because of

  • something happening in the world it's a bandwidth eater too and here's what

  • the problem with that is sometimes you have these legitimate thoughts and when you have

  • these legitimate thoughts meaning like meaning like something you working on

  • something you're like whether it's an idea you're trying to do on stage or something

  • else another project that you're doing these things they require your bandwidth right and

  • when you're always looking at your phone it chips away percentages of your bandwidth 10

  • here 5 there 20 there at 7 there and you don't think about it because no I'm still concentrating

  • on the project I'm still on the project the project the project the project yeah but really

  • no really you're into rivers at the same time.

  • you're in this wacky River of nonsense and wondering who got this and how much they're

  • getting in this divorce and who died in the Dominican Republic oh my God another person

  • another tourist oh my God yeah you know and you're just you if you want to look at all

  • the bad stuff that happens among seven billion people you have to think of all the interactions

  • that humans have all the literally billions of interactions Everyday People constantly

  • and occasionally one goes Fucking Western yeah

  • one goes sideways and that's the one you see on YouTube Jesus Christ this world's going

  • to shit and then you watch another one you watch another one you watch infectious diseases

  • and snake bites and what happens when you get necropsy when your fucking flesh starts

  • falling off flesh-eating bacteria say how they get that snorkeling the next thing you

  • know you're fucking just numb numb to your real life because you're taking in data from

  • everywhere yeah that's it , fuck man and it's like then

  • that gets inside of you and now you're just a turbulent you have a turbulent self that

  • is digested a version of the world that's only half true and so because of that you're

  • going to be half a person because you're not looking into like your own whatever the fuck

  • you are.

  • I've had friends that legitimately lost her mind.

  • I can't talk to anymore, like, like you talked about events in his version of events or just

  • like.

  • So not what actually happened, This is a process lost their marbles, yeah yeah, happens you

  • you can temporarily lose your marbles on permanent origin or permanently, but I think that, like

  • I mean I permanently.

  • saying people that just can't keep together anymore and

  • whatever reason weather A combination of life, stress and biological situation whatever the

  • fuck they ve got going on you now you equally in their own brain, but some people, others

  • are not there anymore, not keeping together, do they think they're keeping it together.

  • the brain- is an organ in it malfunctions and Sometimes you go nuts and that's in UK

  • Stigmatize, for which really sacks, because if you like that just adds to the problem

  • like if you you know you see somebody in a caste and you're like all would have been

  • your arm and I'll.

  • Tell ya.

  • You know whatever I fell down, but do you you talk to someone he's been like hospitalized

  • for a few weeks and they tell you I go to the hospital nervous breakdown.

  • I went crazy shit, my pants, whom I dont thoroughly.

  • Now you know you you'll want you want to be compassionate there's something maybe that's

  • like.

  • Oh now.

  • This has occurred

  • easy person like it she's still something happened, the operating system temporarily

  • crashed, and quite often I think that could be a very good thing.

  • I think that having your your personality, or your ego crash, can often mean that you

  • were trying to be somebody that you aren't and some people invest so much energy.

  • So a much energy Self defining

  • yeah, they just want to be some thing.

  • You know since they were a kid their mother was telling them.

  • You should be like this, and then they try to be like this and they hold up this thing.

  • They're always working to hold up this giant tail feathers and their arms start shaking.

  • And then they can't hold it up and that's that's when they have like anger, outbursts

  • or suddenly, like their friends like youYou turned into someone I've never met.

  • I don't know who that is”.

  • Its like No That is them.

  • you met Them. you met underneath the tale, feather deceiving sea of anger and disappointment

  • and sadness they move it.

  • You met that thing that they're they're, trying to avoid by looking up at this mask they're

  • holding up to the world, but that Fucking, seething, sea of disappointment, anger and

  • horror and sadness that Tat man you gotta go that thing.

  • Some people, the only way they can go into that is by having a full scale nervous breakdown,

  • because then they can have permission to dive into that into that awful vortex of darkness,

  • because underneath that vortex of darkness is paradise, underneath that love of unhappiness

  • enjoy and connection and tranquillity, and all that stuff in everyone's thinks that the

  • way to get to that point is by avoiding this awful black forest that surrounds the garden

  • of Eden, which is inside everybody?

  • It's inside everybody?

  • It's there, it's air and it doesn't matter.

  • You know you can work out in now.

  • if we give you a temporarily temporary good feeling, but will you addressed the internal

  • structures that you have an acknowledged you're, always gonna, go back to that place where

  • you and yourself morose and depressed and angry, and you dont know why you're here after

  • that place until you sit with sadness inside of you.

  • You have to do that when you describe is coming out of the closet yeah, for a lot of people.

  • That is what it is me it's coming out of the closet and there's a lot of closets and analyse

  • the gay clause in there's all kinds of closet.

  • There's the artists closet.

  • Some people are fucking accountants, their wearing shoots in their ties on tight and

  • they're fucking, like the and discipline, but inside there probably painters they probably

  • want to fucking paint they wanna Paynton Day glow mountains down at the beach, that's what

  • they really are, but their daddy or their mommy wanted them to be a good little business

  • man.

  • So they became this thing.

  • That's the opposite of what they are.

  • This is the vote.

  • in the back of our Gaeta God.

  • Forgive me

  • have quoted it way too many times, but it is better to be an honest street sweeper than

  • a design king, it's better to be a happy guy, brushing fucking weaves up the street than

  • it is to be some zillion air who inside is dying or non are miserable, mostly not numbs.

  • The Most people does not as long as these people can quantify on paper, I still have

  • a ex million dollar home.

  • My car still cost Ex thousand hours.

  • This suit is an ex suit.

  • I am still ahead.

  • I am not going to abandon all these things as long as they don't see through the bullshit

  • play the game, they think they're winning they have to follow their yeah.

  • It's almost like you have to fall to to really.

  • That's what you gotta appreciate those moments when it off falls only because that means

  • you've got an opportunity to try it again.

  • Let's take a new fresh perspective..

  • And it's a beautiful idea in that heart break is actually your ego cracking.

  • the moment that cracks you're in the experience of truth and when you're in the experience

  • of truth, that's when you can really become who you are.

  • but to get to who are are - it's like when you known a bone heels the wrong way like

  • that's whatthe people's entire personality, is it's like a bone that grew the wrong way

  • and that needs a fuckin as snap crack.

  • You know Will you get that through me that that initial fucking thing in beautiful analogy

  • and it hurts but we're pain avoiding creatures.

  • So we think that so we're always running away from this pain, but problem is, as we're running

  • away from pain, we're still exactly in paying its base.

  • it's like being on fire and running away from water, you're just running away from

  • the water, because for some that's stupid analogy actually now you have great up into

  • that.

to me what the funniest fucking thing is how much we lie to ourselves that's where it gets

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精神崩潰的好處--喬-羅根和鄧肯-特魯塞爾。 (The Benefit of a Mental Breakdown - Joe Rogan & Duncan Trussell)

  • 45 0 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary