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  • He-hey, kids!

  • REver wanted to live and train like a real astronaut?

  • [gasping]

  • Then we've got the camp for you.

  • The Space Cadets Experience is a week-long sleep-away camp,

  • where you'll learn everything about being an astronaut.

  • Ask your parents now if you can join the adventure.

  • Wow, that looks so fun.

  • Clyde, we have to go to this camp.

  • Absolutely, I'm gonna go home right now and ask my dads.

  • Well, after we finish the movie.

  • I always cry when they restore the peace crystal to Galganon.

  • And that's why I really wanna go to the Space Cadets Experience.

  • Uh, sounds great sweetie, but also kind of expensive.

  • But Mom, when you do the math, it's actually a great value.

  • Think about how much money you'll save on food while I'm gone.

  • So I really think this camp will be a good opportunity for me.

  • We're glad you're interested in trying new things honey,

  • and, you look so dashing in that suit.

  • But it's a whole week away from home, are you sure you're ready?

  • Yes, Dr. Lopez and I have been working on stepping outside my comfort zone."

  • Okay son, if you're sure you can handle it...

  • Well Lincoln, if you really wanna go..."

  • The answer is yes.

  • - Woohoo! - Yeah!

  • Cadet Lincoln, all systems are a go.

  • Same here, Cadet Clyde, we have lift off.

  • Front gate, commencing, opening sequence.

  • Whoa!

  • [squealing]

  • Welcome, space cadets!

  • My name's Tarreyn, and I'll be your camp counsellor.

  • Ready for your first activity?

  • You'll be hunting for moon rocks in real space suits.

  • - Moon rocks! - Space suits!

  • [squealing]

  • [laughing]

  • Phew, this is a lot more tiring than it looks on TV

  • Ahh... my inhaler!

  • I got it!

  • [screaming]

  • Alright, human gyroscopes!

  • Eh, just so you know, we're like pro thrill-seekers,

  • so don't be afraid to turn it up to 11.

  • [screaming]

  • This is a little more intense than I thought it'd be!

  • Same here! Could you please take it down to a nine?

  • [screaming]

  • Whoops, wrong button, sorry dudes

  • [groaning]

  • Where's the little astronaut's room? We'd like to freshen up.

  • Woah, Clyde, you gotta see this, check it out.

  • Wow, a real life space toilet.

  • - I wonder how you flush it? - Oh, I think it's this handle.

  • - Ah! Help, the space toilet's got me! - I got you!

  • It ate my loafer.

  • How excited are you for our first space dinner?

  • Maybe a little less excited now.

  • Well, there's no way it can taste as bad as it looks.

  • [coughing]

  • Wow, I was so, so wrong.

  • This is honestly one of the most disappointing moments in my life.

  • I'm having a blast. Can you believe in less than twenty-four hours,

  • it'll be our turn in the flight simulator?

  • Flight simulator? That sounds cool.

  • It's the most intense activity at camp.

  • Yeah, some kids went on it today, and three of them passed out

  • So hardcore, I can't wait. Eee!

  • Okay, there's no denying it, camp is horrible, we can't stay here.

  • And we definitely can't face the flight simulator.

  • We have to ask our parents to come and get us.

  • - Man, I hate these space sleeping bags. - Shh!

  • Hey Dads, I'm just calling to..

  • Hey Mom and Dad, I have something I need to tell you.

  • Camp is awful, I wanna come home.

  • Awe, I'm surprised to hear that, you sounded so excited about it.

  • But it sounded like something you would love.

  • It's just not anything like I thought it would be.

  • Turns out, it's not fun at all.

  • - I'm sorry to hear that, buddy. - It's a real shame.

  • But your dad and I think you need to give camp more of a chance.

  • You should spend more time there before giving up on it.

  • I'll bet if you stick it out, you might even find you like it.

  • I'll give it more time, night Mom and Dad.

  • Bye, Dads!

  • - Well, I'm stuck here. - Me too.

  • Our parents don't get how bad camp is, and it's only going to get worse.

  • I can't do that flight simulator, Lincoln, I won't survive it

  • Well, there's only one thing to do; we have to escape.

  • We can take a bus to Liam's and hide out in his barn for the rest of the week.

  • That plan's completely nuts, and I'm totally in!

  • The front gate's the only break in the fence; that's our way out.

  • - How'd you know to bring camouflage? - I pack for every occasion.

  • And yet I forgot my backup loafers.

  • Uh...

  • Hmm, maybe it's a different button.

  • Whoops! Not that one

  • Not that one either! Turn it off! Turn it off!

  • Cadet Clyde, Cadet Lincoln, what's going on?

  • We're looking for our cabin.

  • Got lost on the way back from the, uh, little astronauts room.

  • Wow, you guys got really turned around, come on, I'll show you.

  • Hey Tarreyn, what's that?

  • That's the moon rover, you guys will get to take it for a spin on day three.

  • We could use that to crash through the front gate.

  • Here's your cabin, and a map so you don't get lost next time.

  • Thank you. There won't be a next time, cause we're gettin' out of here.

  • Dang it.

  • We'll be gone before anyone realizes we're missing, buckle up, Clyde.

  • - Floor it, Lincoln. - It's already floored.

  • Uh, what are you guys doing?

  • We... were just so excited to drive the moon rover, we couldn't wait.

  • I get that, but, it's the middle of the night, come on, back to your cabin.

  • Can you, uh, point us in the right direction? We don't have the map.

  • Okay, back to square one.

  • Hey, check out this recycling building at the edge of camp.

  • Wow, their commitment to recycling is very impressive.

  • Oh, I see, the back door lets out into the forest.

  • Let's go.

  • This is the place. We're almost free.

  • Hang on, I think I found the light switch.

  • Whoa, even the recycling building is space themed.

  • Welcome, to the flight simulator.

  • What?

  • We really need to work on our map reading skills.

  • Let's get out of here before it starts.

  • Door lock, engaged. Preparing for take off, please take your seats.

  • Commencing countdown: three, two, one, blast off.

  • [screaming]

  • Your task is to safely navigate through the asteroid field,

  • - or your ship will be destroyed. - Ahh!

  • Right! Left! Right! Oh no, sharp left, sharp left!

  • - Ahh! - Direct Impact! Severe damage to core.

  • Life support system will shut down, unless it's repaired.

  • How are we supposed to do that?

  • Put on your spacesuits and exit the ship. Locate the blinking panel.

  • Disable it before time expires to complete the mission.

  • - Okay Clyde, we can do this. - 60 seconds remaining.

  • 59, 58, 57, 56...

  • There it is, the control panel

  • 20, 19, 18...

  • [squealing]

  • - Cadet Clyde, initiate code leapfrog! - Roger that.

  • 3, 2, 1.

  • [cheering]

  • Mission accomplished, deactivating zero gravity.

  • Uh, can somebody help us \get down now? Please?

  • Huh? Oh, be right there.

  • The part where you leapt off the side of the ship, that was crazy!

  • I can't wait for tomorrow when they let us try out the jet packs.

  • Hey, Cadets Lincoln and Clyde,

  • your parents just called to say they're coming to get you.

  • They should be here soon. I'm so sorry camp wasn't right for you.

  • Awe man, I was actually starting to like it here.

  • Me too, but I guess we have to leave

  • [sighing]

  • Oh, my baby! Are you okay? We're so sorry for leaving you here!

  • - Hi, boys. - Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.

  • We had a parent huddle and realized we never should have made you stay

  • Actually, you guys were right,

  • after a little more time we realized we like camp.

  • - We shouldn't have given up so quickly. - Yeah, and to be honest,

  • now we're sad to leave.

  • But we asked you to come, and you drove a long way to get us, so...

  • Sweetie, don't worry about us, if you wanna stay you can stay.

  • Really? Are you sure?

  • Yes, we're proud of you.

  • It seems you both learned an important lesson about sticking things out.

  • Plus, we passed a 24-hour pancake house

  • that I would not mind trying on the way back.

  • - That sounds mighty delish. - Awe.

  • Have a great rest of your week cadets, we'll see you Saturday.

  • Bye guys!

  • [cheering]

  • Dads, wait! Do you have any backup loafers?

He-hey, kids!

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它加快了大房子的速度 (It Speeds Up Loud House)

  • 16 0
    Amy.Lin posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary