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  • I think the most important thing that I have learned is that there's more to learn.


  • That we should -- that we should all be hungry for a lifetime. I mean, for example, at my next birthday I'll be 68.

         我們應一生求知若渴 我是指     例如下次生日我就68歲了

  • All the great scientific discoveries made by all the great geniuses were largely made

    那些偉大的科學發現 絕大部分都是

  • when they were in their 20s and 30s. And yet I became, about two years ago, obsessed

         那些天才二三十歲時的傑作     但我兩年前開始

  • with particle physics and I was determined to understand it before I died.

           醉心於粒子物理學       並立志在我去逝之前要弄懂它

  • I could not have done that if I hadn't learned to read when I was young. If I hadn't had the opportunity


  • to study science courses in my high school, and I lived in the second poorest state in the United States,

         又或是我高中沒上過自然課     當時我住在全美第二窮的州

  • which most people my age in my state did not have.


  • I happened to go to a bigger high school with people who


  • understood we had to get good science and math teachers there.


  • And if I hadn't gone to, in my case, Georgetown University, which was a Jesuit University,


  • and I hadn't been subject to the kind of rigors that the Jesuits imposed which made me realize


  • that however much I thought I knew and however smart I was I didn't know very much and I


  • wasn't very smart. I had a lot to learn.


  • So that's the most important thing I learned, that your brain is a gift.

         這就是我學到最重要的事:     大腦是上天的恩賜

  • And we now know that people well into their late 60s and 70s can form new neural networks.

        而人們現在知道就算到六七十歲    大腦還是能形成新的神經迴路

  • So that even though your brain begins to shrink in your 30s, and does throughout your life,


  • since none of us ever use even close to half of our brainpower we got a lot left.

       但由於我們從沒使用超過一半的腦力   所以還有許多潛能尚未開發

  • And we will on our last day on earth we'll have a lot left.


  • So, the idea that we now know, as a scientific measure because of all the brain scanning

        而由於腦部斷層掃描技術的發展     科學研究指出

  • technology that we can form these networks and that we form them best, we're most likely

        人腦可以建構新的神經網路系統    而邁入老年後

  • to form new neural networks later in life by learning something new.


  • So if -- I said I was interested in particle physics and also in astrophysics and I'm trying to figure out

     所以...我剛說我對粒子物理和天體物理感興趣 而我正在試著弄懂

  • what it means that we've located 20 planets outside our solar system in the last five years

          什麼叫過去五年來         我們在太陽系外找到20個可能孕有生命的行星

  • that seem to have enough density and be far enough away from their suns that they


  • might be able to support life. That may be the answer to the Russia Ukraine problem;

           或許能孕育生命        這可能是俄羅斯烏克蘭問題的解決之道

  • an attack from outer space will immediately unite us all.


  • Members of Congress in the U.S. will immediately start hugging each other and singing Kumbaya.

    美國眾議院議員會立刻抱成一團 齊聲高唱黑人靈歌

  • But anyway, I can form new neural networks doing that because I don't know anything about it,

    總之 我能建立新的神經網路是因我對這一無所知

  • or I didn't when I started. A theoretical physicist would do better going to Suzuki

         或者該說我原本一無所知      而對於一位理論物理學家來說

  • piano lessons with his grandchild or her grandchild and just playing if you knew nothing about music.

          如果他對音樂一無所知       那和孫子一起上鈴木教學鋼琴課會更好

  • But this is an incredible thing that the most important thing I learned is that

    但這真的很不可思議 我所學到最重要的是

  • it's important to keep on learning. That you should stay hungry and that the greatest gift

    終生學習的重要性 你必須保持求知若渴

  • can be even as your body begins to fail if your mind's still working you need to use it.


I think the most important thing that I have learned is that there's more to learn.


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