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The Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment System is a new assesment
designed to more validly measure what students with significant cognitive
disability know and can do.
This video will briefly describe one what a learning map is;
two how the map is able to measure variable pathways to still acquisition;
and three basic learning map terminology.
This assessment system is structured around a learning map. A massive network
which displays increasing cognitive complexity,
which both captures how students are performing on academic content
and what instruction they will need next to gain increasingly sophisticated skills.
When working with learning maps it's very important to remember that learning
maps are not meant as a visual network for better understanding instruction.
it is like the inside of a computer. It's complicated networks will eventually
allow for the construction of a user-friendly interface like a computer
program, but the map itself, like the inside of this computer, is too complex
to processes as an instructional gestalt.
Learning maps are able to document variations in how students acquire
academic content.
In fact in this way
learning maps are analogous to travel maps.
Much like our use of maps to guide us to a final destination,
learning maps are used to guide instructors towards a final goal.
Using the travel analogy,
the most obvious route to take towards final destination maybe the interstate
though you could choose to take a U.S. highway or even a scenic county road.
Regardless of which route you choose eventually you'll arrive at the final
destination. Similarly the learning map models several potential pathways to the
acquisition of academic content.
Now let's consider some key learning map terminology.
Learning targets are key academic behaviors that we want to see students
Individual behaviors that lead to the acquisition of learning are called nodes.
Nodes represent behaviors
that are sometimes reflective of curriculum, sometimes of cognitive
changes, and sometimes are related to instruction.
We also often talk about origin nodes and destination nodes.
Both of these nodes are descriptions of specific behaviors that we want to see
students display. Although one behavior usually precedes the other.
The preceding nodes is called the origin node.
While the later node is called the destination node.
The arrow between them which shows the predicted relationship between the
development of the skills
is called the connection.
Often academic skills are rooted in behaviors the typically developing
individuals are assumed to have have acquired before entry to school.
These behaviors are called precursors.
For additional information about the Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium
please visit our website