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EaT THe kID, FeLiX! (Pewds Mocking Us Wonderful Viewers)
JUsT EaT ThE DAHm ChIlD, FeLix! ~Still Mocking~
I... will unsubscribe :O ~Music Starts Fading In~
When is he going to eat the kid!?!
Where... Is The Kid? (Buy your book today!0
~Crazy Pewds Oof~ I am finally gonna EAt THE KID!!
~Pewds mocking ~ (Scoffs)
*~ Pewds Version Of The Iconic Ali-A Intro ~*
~Eat The picture, By Day by Dave~ (I saw it when it came out :3)
LWIAY, YouTube's greatest show, everybody!
The show where I, review the meme. :3
It's very unique and it's different from all of my other shows trust me!
Trust me! Okay? (Sure Pewds. I as a fellow 9 year old will never doubt my wonderful leader!)
No, honestly it feels like I haven't done this in a while. Am i right with that assumption? :/ (I dunno)
Either way, let's check out what you guys, posted on the reddit. "The Pewdiepie Submissions"
My man was going for the handshake...This is so sad (Can we hit 1000 likes?)
i've seen this already. can someone please, can someone please give that dog a handshake?
can someone please do something?
wait this has 33 thousand uploads
this is one of the most upvoted reddit post on the pewdiepie submissions, great
ah great, this again. eat the kid's damn picture, really?
you know what? i'm not even reacting to this. I'm moving on. i don't need this
I don't need this judgment. by the way, your handwriting is terrible
moving on
marzia big serve meme (???)
the wedding is off until felix eats the kid's picture, i'm not about to marry a coward
my own future wife
has turned against me. is this where we finally
is this our first little fight?
just cause i don't eat this child? you're all mad at me?
what if I don't eat him, huh? what are you gonna do, unsubscribe?
oooh- wait, actually T-Series is coming, please guys
I need you just for a little bit longer
face lampshade set out to eat my face
and i said-
until I ate a picture of him, and I said, okay, a hundred. as a joke. i didn't think the mad lad would do it
your blood is now completely diluted with the essence of pewdiepie
first of all, I will not do any more of these challenges, okay
if I see you do one I will ignore it
but I will eat the kid at the end of this video
just do it pewds
even youtube. even youtube
lmao ok if pewdiepie eats a picture of that kid we'll stop demonetizing his videos
man i''m excited. I've never aten- eaten paper, so uh
never eaten a child
so we'll see how it goes. i'm excited
pathetic. if I ever make a diss track burn some trash garbage
and legit make me inhale it
till i die
well i'm about to do that, so
you guys need to stop holding me accountable for all the things I said
to be fair, okay
Everyone made diss tracks, okay
It was the clickbait of last year. you want views? just make a stupid diss track. and they were all pretty terrible
now i know my diss track isn't the best one. if anything it falls on the lower end of anything
but it still floats above all the most youtuber diss tracks that I've seen and it was made completely ironically
i don't know how so many people seem to miss that point
i had people going like well, you said you didn't care about T-Series whatdatah- well it's a joke!
it's a joke
do I have to explain every time I make a joke?
a blue whale's vagina is so big and deep that five to six men can easily lay down in it
making it the world's next biggest pussy after
don't make me- i will hurt people
are there gonna be any material that doesn't involve this child? i need to know this right now
okay that's pretty cool *laughs*
konichiwa. woah, i read a word in japanese
nihongo desu nae (???)
the real rap god
i'm surprised you guys liked the video. i'm- i'm happily surprised
when me and brad shot it i kept going
I don't care, like let's just film it. it's whatever. I like, we have a new video that needs to go up tomorrow
it doesn't matter. let's just film it
and then during the editing process i just immediately turned into a psychopath
and went, you need to cut all of this, you need to fix this, this is exactly-
but yeah, I think it was worth it. it was a fun meme
what if felix doesn't eat the kids picture? he's a sociopath?
i feel like a lot of people misunderstood the video. i don't have a personal problem with katie or shane
and I don't think they made the video in any bad intention. i just thought it was a bad video
that's right. i'm backtracking now
T-Series needs only 2 million su- oh no. amnesia, pewdiepie, come on
nothing is working
it's so obvious that T-Series is gonna take over no matter what, so I might as well meme it
i don't know why people find it so weird. I get people asking me privately like, so like what do you actually think about it?
i'm like, what do you think? like, what do you think?
stop asking me questions- I'm gonna KILL THEM
i'm a sociopath and we live in a society. do sociopaths breathe?
i just got the chills
how to always be monetized. step 1
copyright the T-Series diss track. that can easily be done. put the song in every video, maybe in the endcard
that's a good idea. copystrike yourself
oh my god, copystrike yourself . how could i be so blind? that's genius. it was so obvious all along
I just need to copystrike myself. well as silly as it sounds it's actually 100% possible
YouTube system is so easily exploitable at this point, you know, there are laws to protect reviews and uh
and references and you're allowed to show them. YouTube is responsible for what is on their website
so the easiest action for them is just to delete or give the revenue to the copyright claimer
and uh, it's a shame. it makes it such a mess. sharing stuff is such a-
you know what, I don't need to get in a preachy thing (???)
my point. let's just backtrack all of that
if I did this another claim could still come in and we would have to split it
but at least I would get half instead of nothing for using like a two second clip or whatever
all the other lyrics in the diss track
bah lasagna
that's the real intellectual line, okay, people don't understand it
if you think it's a stupid line, you don't get it. also notice how I kept going like this in the video. that's right
i didn't realize how much I was pointing until after where I review the footage and once you see it
you can't unsee it. for some reason doing this felt very natural for me at the time, okay, stop judging me
uploading the felix wheezing compilation again because it never made it- oh wait what
that's why pewdiepie should never shave
I need to shave like this distance is not good. maybe if I have it like that it's alright
but whatever I got going now, it's not good
see felix it's not that hard
imagine if i actually-
that's the best use of greenscreen I have seen in my life
i can't diss pewdiepie. he is unbeatable
well finally, real recognizes real, thank you, thank you eminem. very good
eating the picture. waiting for the subreddit to make a bunch of memes of the kid for the free-
felix. the child
eat the picture
eat the kid
sorry, felix this meme is locked. it'll unlock automatically if the kid is eat- oh my god. alright fine
can we get some uhh
i need the right music for this
here we go
he's done this for 100 days
i'm gonna swallow it
i'm such a health nerd
i'm already like, am i gonna die?
you know, of all the sightings concerning me (???) and it's a different story
this kid's have done 100 days, and i'm like, oh am i gonna die views?
alright, no more of this stuff. no more challenges. if I see one I'm ignoring it, okay
it was a fun meme for what it was and face lampshade
very well done. good job. you did it. congratulations
i'm glad no one died. that's uh, that's all I appreciate right now. thanks for watching
we added a t-shirt of meme review, a lot of people have been saying
they want a t-shirt version and it's cheaper
so if you want to get merch a little cheaper version we have that now as well. we also have phone cases added
how about that? that's great. no one seems to buy this one. it's so cool. i don't know why. alright
well, either way, I appreciate all the support on this. it's doing really well. i'm very happy that you guys like it and
yeah, just thanks for all the support arigato go sayo mes (???). it has uh, it has 7 days left
that's probably 6 days cause this will go out tomorrow. i'll see you then