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Hello and welcome to news review from our office.
Studios in our own homes rather than our recording studios because of the Corona virus outbreak, were not able to get to work.
But we are able to bring you the headlines still, by the magic of technology.
I'm in one part of London and High Catherine in another part of London.
Hello, Neil.
Hello, everyone.
Yes, we're working from home and a lot of the world's Children are studying from home.
At the moment, many schools are closed in an attempt to stop or hold the spread of Corona virus.
But how effective is that policy?
Well, some people are west earning it.
Let's find out some more about that from this BBC news report.
While Children can catch Corona virus, they rarely get severe symptoms, but they can still spread the disease, which is why many countries have closed schools.
The latest research, published in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health Journal, assessed the likely impact of this policy based on the limited available data.
The scientists found that shutting schools was far less effective than other social distancing interventions, preventing between two and 4% of deaths.
They say policymakers must weigh up the possible harms and reopen schools at the earliest opportunity.
The government has said it will review its Corona virus policies after Easter.
So schools around the world have shut down in an attempt to slow the spread of Corona virus.
But some scientists are asking if this polities actually effective.
Okay, what?
You've been looking around the world's media at this story, picking out headlines on useful expressions that we can use to talk about the story.
What have you got?
We have a question.
Marginal aunt.
Play a role question marginal and play a role.
Okay, let's hear your first headline, please.
So we're in the U.
For the first on the BBC.
News on the headline is Corona Virus.
Scientists question school closures Impact Question expressed doubt about something.
Now you know what a question is.
Don't India.
Well, the question is something you ask, isn't it?
Well, yes, it is.
And actually you've also just questioned May about the word question.
So it's spelled q u e s t i o n.
Now we know that question is usually and now you can ask a question you can answer a question.
You can also use the word question as a verb.
You can question somebody that's quite a common use.
The police questioned Rob about the missing biscuits, for example.
In fact, we all question drove about the myths and biscuits and not just me.
Usedto ask him questions, toe asks form or information or an explanation.
But another way we can use the verb to question is when you doubt something, you don't trust it.
You don't believe it.
You're not quite sure if it's true or accurate, and this is the use in this half headline.
The scientists are questioning school closures impact.
That means they're not sure if it's actually effective.
They are doubtful about it.
So question in this sense means to really mistrust or doubt or not be convinced of something.
It's more than just asking, isn't it?
Yeah, it's It's more than asking.
It's really quite a negative word.
You use it when you don't trust something, or you don't think there's enough information or you are not sure that the information is accurate.
Now it's important to note that this word is being used in quite a former context.
We often use it in the scientific or formal or medical or academic context.
In that case, we say that a good student special at university level always questions existing ideas.
Absolutely, yes.
That's the whole point of universities to make people question things in an academic sense.
If you question a policy at work or in government or something, you're you are expressing concern about its effectiveness or its validity.
You're saying I'm not sure about the value You can question the value off something.
Is this really useful?
Is this really effective?
Is this really necessary?
Announced the use of question here to question something and notice.
We're not question oppose and you're questioning the thing.
You're doubting the actual thing itself.
Okay, it's time now for a summary of that time.
Now for your second headline, please, Catherine.
Yes, and we're looking at Yahoo in the UK here, The headline Corona virus Closing schools has a marginal impact.
Scientists discover marginal, very small, not important.
That's right.
Now marginal is spelled M a r g i n a l.
And it's used with the would impact.
So a marginal impact marginal is used as an objective usually goes with a now, but let's look at the noun form of marginal that is margin M a r G i n.
Now, if you have a piece of paper with writing or a computer screen with writing on making this gesture with my hands to show that on each side of the writing there will be a space a column with no writing.
And it's quite a small column.
You'll have vestment writing a lot of writing in a small space on the left and right on top and bottom, where there's no margin, No writing.
Yeah, and that area is kind of not important, is it?
It's not important.
It's called the margin, and it's not important because it's small and there's no writing in it.
It's insignificant exactly that near.
So if something has a marginal impact, it has an insignificant impact.
It's not important, or it's a very, very small.
So marginal means not important, not significant or very small.
You know, May Catherine, I like to drink cola.
I noticed that you do like corner, but I could never work out which Brown's you like near because every time you've got sometimes a Pepsi, some names of Coke sometimes a different one is all every day.
Different brand.
So which is your favorite?
Come on, tell me.
You know what?
To be honest, I think the difference between them is marginal.
There's a marginal difference between the tastes of all these different colors.
In my opinion, yes, it's not important.
It's insignificant.
It's small, marginal difference at the really strong col occasion.
The words marginal difference often go together.
It's probably one of the most common uses.
A marginal difference means a difference is so small.
You don't really know what I said or it doesn't matter.
Okay, let's have a summary of that word.
If you would like to watch another video that has information about how to keep yourself safe in the Corona virus outbreak, we have one for you, don't we, Catherine?
We do.
This one is about ways you can keep your phone clean.
So to take a look at it, just click the link in the description.
Find out how to clean it for okay, time now for a look at our final headline, please.
On this time we're looking still in the UK at Schools Week.
The headline Corona virus, School closures play marginal role in containing Cove in 19.
Now there is that word marginal again that we looked at in the previous explanation.
But here we're looking a play, a role, which means be involved in something in an important way.
Now you know the word roll.
Don't India?
Oh yes, roll, That's Ah, that's something to do with acting, isn't it?
That's right.
It is a part in a play or a film is often known as a role.
So, for example, Walk in Phoenix took the road.
It the Joker in the film The Joker, that was his role is so a role is someone's part in a film or a play.
Now it takes a lot of people to make a film or a play is very usually not very often only one person.
Each person has a particular part to play a responsibility or a job, and that's the use off role in a wider sense beyond acting so near.
If you think of a football team, yeah, tell me how many players do we have on these teams?
There's 11 aside.
And why do we have 11 players?
Well, they will have different roles So, for example, the goalkeeper's role is to stop the opposition from kicking the or heading the ball into the goal.
It is not his role to score goals that is the role of the striker of the forwards.
You explain that brilliantly, Joe Neal, but it's actually my role to explain the words So Hunt.
Thank you.
So you write a role is a job or responsibility.
So each of these footballers has a particular rule now.
It's not just about people.
It can be about activities, actions, strategies.
In the headline, it's saying the school closures play a marginal role, so we know marginal is smaller, insignificant.
The role is the job or the responsibility, the contribution.
And in this case, the contribution is towards containing cove it.
So the school closures are playing a very small part in the fight against Cove in 19 according to these scientists.
Interestingly, you will have noticed the proposition.
Haven't you knew?
That's right.
Yes, we always put in at the end of it.
You play a role in something or something plays a role in something else.
So near you play a very important role in news of you, don't you?
I suppose I do.
You It wouldn't be the same without you.
Interestingly, we can see in that particular headline we have marginal.
But any number of different adjectives could go in the middle and often do they do.
Yes, we often use an objective.
Now, with the role is important, it can be important.
Significant role, a major role, a crucial role, vital role, lots of strong objective when somebody's role or something's role is very important.
On the other hand, we can have rose.
We can describe.
The role is very small.
It can be a small role, a minor role, an insignificant role, a minimal role When a role is really not, so Start are important.
So lots of objectives to use with play a role in Okay, well, let's have a summary slide.
Remind us what that means.
Just time now then, for a recap of the vocabulary we have looked at Catherine.
Yes, we had question expressed doubt about something marginal.
Very small, not important.
Andi, play a role.
Be involved in something in an important way.
If you'd like to take a quiz, test yourself on this vocabulary.
You can do so on our website, BBC Learning english dot com or on our app Onda.
There's loads of other activities and videos to help you improve your English There.
Stay safe, everybody and join us again Next time.