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How do you do, fellows kids?
I just got off playing my favorite video game Fortnite with my favorite video streamer:
Ellen: Because how dare they
Ninja: Yeah, you know, did you see like the line on the top right; how it's kind of like going?
Ellen: Look how angry I am
Ninja: It's very angry
Don't you just love
When companies and people, they know their demographic.
They understand the group that they belong into and they don't try and tread outside it because that would just be EPIC CRINGE
So let's look at some other people that does this very thing so we learn to fit in. Properly.
/r/FellowKids subreddit
RC Cola: We have no plans to release any covfefe flavored Cola if you want the taste of incompetence
there are other sodas readily available
This is not a good marketing strategy
ThiS iS nOt A GOOd MArkeTinG StraTEGY
Okay, alright, 'scuse me guys. I will just have to go and buy some RC Cola right now
Whenever there's two brands for me to choose from I always think to myself:
Okay, which one of these brands have posted a Spongebob meme?
My physics professor's memes are improving every week
Isaac, Sir Isaac Newton: slaps roof of car
Car: slaps Isaac Newton
Oh my god
If only my physics teacher used memes to educate me, then maybe I would know something about physics. Isn't that right, ULLA-BRITTA? (Swedish name)
Branded Twitter: slaps roof of car. This bad boy can fit so much dead memes in it
buy our cheeseburger
I love Wendy's she's so aware. She's so self-aware. They are just in fact trying to just sell the cheeseburgers.
You know as much as I appreciate the fact that they're being honest
The most likely - and everyone loves Wendy's Burger and I, I wouldn't dare to even go against Wendy's Burger
But at the same time this is just some lower paid employee
probably younger that fits
that fits the actual demographic they're marketing to
Shilling for a giant corporation with human rights violation allegations, so
Maybe we should be more responsible
Maybe we should stop saying "hey this meme from this company is actually pretty epically (???)" and we should say "you know what,
Even if they are self-aware about them selling in me cheeseburgers, that doesn't stop me from seeing through their lies"
Because lies are not epically and human right violations are not awesome
Why is this the meme that everyone apparently took?
car salesman slaps roof of horse
This bad boy can fit nothing in it. It's just a gift. I swear. Haha. Trust me.
I found this legitimately hilarious
Reddit is like a joke on itself. They they
They're exactly like these Wendy's posts. They're like Ha Ha so self-aware, right? Haha
This one was actually funny
Don't forget to Y E E T
Yearn for Educational Excellence at all Times
Papyrus and Comic Sans
See, they definitely know what they're doing
They are trolling deliberately
One of us One of us. He used Papyrus and Sans
Those are the least epically fonts. Everyone knows that
The new face of how do you do fellow kids?
What is he doing now? I wonder
Ever think about that? Everyone is doing something at the same time. I wonder what Ajit Pai is doing right now.
[pause right before he puts his hand on his face - he made the same face as the guy in the corner]
You see, if this was deliberate, I will buy all the DiGiorno pizza
I stayed because I was manipulated, deceived
These horrible posts about why I stayed in these awful relationships
...and DiGiorno goes: Why I stayed - You had pizza!!!
A miLliOn aPoLOgiEs. DiD nOt rEAd WhaT the HaShtaG was aBout beFoRe pOStiNg.
If DiGiorno had the balls...
If DiGiorno had the balls, I would actually be "how do you do fellow kids - DiGiorno pizza"
That's what I want in meh belly
and not because I want to make fun of these people
for coming out and saying why they left and stayed
(he hydrdate - if you haven't drank anything in more than an hour then you should too)
Just because I like pizza, of course
Listening to drivers excuses when they're caught speeding. Hashtag Trash-Talk
NSW Police Force
Don't TRAsh ... I forgot that's, that's millennial's favorite word: "trash"
you're trash
Oh, yeah, you're garbage. You're a garbage human. I guess maybe because everyone calls me that
Are you a millennial? If so, Charleville Lodge is legit the best place for your squad to stay
our 30 rooms are #BLESSED with super comfortable beds and flat-screen TVs that are
totally on fleeeek our prices are low A F
Reception is 24 hours. So we keep it L I T
I want to D I E [me too]
Why does State Police Department post memes?
Why, God why, do they post memes?
Just don't post anything.
Oh my god. Yeah Walmart did this
Jesus Christ,
(felix's brain melted)
I think - you know - I can't tell what's worse
Millennials or companies trying to cop to Millennials
What's worse?
The lights on Smith Chapel look incredible at night from Penn State Behrend
oh my GOd
This is so cringe. They didn't even put the two dots over the O
wha- uh *disgusted noises*
Like these companies think they are making like my jokes, but they don't even understand
Everyone knows it's ö, yes (such swedish)
Epic fail
Oh my god the cringe
Netflix US: our best wishes to the royal couple on their magical wedding
and then you got people saying,
"okay, I actually like this"
"Yeah, same. To be honest, I unironically like a lot of whats been showing up on this sub.
Sure, mega-corporations co-opting meme culture to push their products
is pretty Orwellian, but god damn Wendy's and Netflix are putting out some f i r e lately
Edit. Hey guys, you know what I meant when I used Orwellian?
please stop correcting me because I'm not changing it you pedantic buttholes."
if this is ironic, I will be like okay, fine. Well played.
I don't think it is.
Oh Yeah
heh heh heh heh
God bless used to have this notification if your
It was kind of funny like:
#1 training video = you! YAAASS!!!
Your video is on F I R E!!! The #1 spot on the GB trending tab is YOUURRSS!!
Self awareness from Xbox
I am a branded social media account looking for dank memes for my fellow kids
They know!! they are like super self aware!! Like, how do they do this?
Oh my gosh
Xbox. I think I like Xbox now cuz they are so self aware
NSW Police always check your mirrors when driving that's right everybody
it's important to know that you need to check your-
*wuts that noise lmao*
[how can a human produce that much spit]
BBC, please never use the word lit again. BBC News:
Oh My god tagged "actually funny". That's right everybody. That was actually funny.
Oh boy. Nothing like a 2012 meme everybody.
What does the fox say?
Oh it says to not chew gum at the library
WARNING: if you chew gum at the library you will be asked to stop
Hey, alright, sorry I don't mess with 2012 memes
You see - you know what, I guess this is the thing if this was ironic that would be epically
but then again, even if it's it is ironic, It is not epically that's the paradox of memes everybody
Oh, New Zealand, New Zealand Police
akEH akEHeh hEh heh
I do like some of them I'm not gonna lie
Is this real? Is this even real? I like how this one doesn't get the "actually funny approval"
I think that's the thing: companies can only be funny if they're unintentionally funny
that's how it works
writing is...
Think it's, uh, time to end it here. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy a good laugh and
Sometimes, you know,
They, they are good. I'm not gonna lie
sometimes companies do pull off a good memes and there's something respectable about that
just from the matter-of-fact how extremely cringy most 9 out of 10 are.
They all promote this idea of staying woke and being so real
But in fact, but just don't forget kids,
Companies aren't your friends. They will never be your friends. And even if they know they aren't
that doesn't change the fact.
My name is PewDiePie.
And you guys are my best friends.
That's right
I'm changing the name from bros to best friends
[woah :0]
Remember to buy the merch