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Hello and welcome to the Teachers Room show.
That's by teachers for teachers.
I am sure on this is done on this episode Topic is now.
Our introduction was quite flat, wasn't it?
Damn, it wasn't great.
Real act intonation.
And some of your students may also have difficulty with intonation, which makes them sound rude, foretell or interested.
So you need to help him help with intonation, especially when you're doing things like grammar or functional language that you're speaking.
You can mix in a little bit of intonation throughout your lesson on and have fun with intonation.
You can, for example, use humming dialogues over home.
You could also give students one sentence and get them to say it in lots of different ways to highlight different emotions.
What you doing?
What are you doing?
Yeah, Mariya, what are you doing?
Finally, you can extend this idea to create role plays, getting students to write mini dialogs on, then have them annotate this dialogue with emotions and practice the intonation.
To be or not to be.
That is the question.
Do I also like to include activities?
The highlight in practice contrasted.
It's really good because that allows students to correct wrong information that's been set to them or highlight key word sentence.
Fun games with this.
Like correct me.
Marios bought a dog yesterday.
Marry a bought a frog?
Yes, marry.
I bought a dog yesterday.
Maria bought a dog yesterday.
Marios border dog yesterday marry Oh Stoller Dog?
Berio bought a dog yesterday.
While it's not a good idea to get deeply into the theory of intonation with students, you can teach them some general rules and raise their awareness of these features.
For example, what happens with wh word questions that I believe they go down?
Is it the same for yes, No questions.
They go up.
Which question tags.
When you're confirming information, you already know use falling intonation, don't you?
That's correct.
On with lists.
OK, Sean, read the list.
Okay, so I bought an apple, a banana, a cat and a dog.
Very good.
Do not be afraid to be dramatic with intonation over the top.
Yeah, we're really excited to be able to give you one of these digits that please send us a tip Video video tip.
That's right.
Where do we go way they they go to BBC learning english dot com.
That's BBC learning english dot com.
See you next week.
Hello On this episode Difficult to our website, which is BBC learning English Tips we've given are just some of our ideas.
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