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*slurp juice*
Edited in drinking (gulping) sounds
新商品來惹 絕對是原創內容喔
WOW (waaaoowww sounds)
New merch available; it's an entirely original concept.
You can finally embrace that you're working at a fast-food restaurant
Pewds設計的 耶比!!
whack Donald's it's a place to be
Designed by me hooray
數量有限 要買要快
It's got Walmart quality.
It's a limited offer
Enough dabbing.
Let's begin the video
It's a video I have been wanting to make for a very long time.
I want to check out my most popular videos (dun dun dun sounds plays in background)
I haven't checked in a very very long time.
就像翻黑歷史 我實在很不喜歡啦
It's one of those things
I just don't look at. It's delving into the past and I don't like it. The three phases of Pewdiepie
Do I look stupid? cuz I think I look pretty high
*fridays with pewdiepie*
It's been a while haven't
Hasn't it. English
*epic bridge scene*
hasn't it? 英文喔...
What a fucking—
Yeah, I don't know if I like phase three
The thing is, I know my most popular videos are gonna be really old. You know what, let's just get this over with. Sort by...
Most popular. Most people associate a channel by their most popular videos; it-it's pretty obvious. A funny montage
83 million views. God damn!
I had no idea. If I had guessed, I would say it got 40 million views.
就直接來看看吧 依最熱門...排列
明顯的 很多人會用他們的熱門影片聯合成頻道
Who's watching this and why? Five years ago
First of all, if you call something funny, it's immediately not funny. So this video should be great
8千3百萬觀看 夭壽喔
I feel like the mother fuckin stuck in this duck
我真的想不到 要猜我應該也猜4千萬而已
It makes me wanna quack like what the fuck is that?
Oh. Oh. You gonna make a tower. Make a tower.
到底是誰在看這個還有為啥啊? 還五年前ㄟ
Go left. Yes that's right.
首先 如果這個標題取了搞笑
That's not right you call that right, whamen?
Hold it.
我覺得我他鴨的 卡住了
Hold it!
在這個 黑鴨鴨 的地方
*screams like a girl*
A good example of loud equals funny. You really did it there, Felix. Good job
喔 喔 你要疊成塔 疊一個塔啊
I love that game. That is a really good...
往左! 對 對了
Man, that's terrible. You can't even see what's going on. I did like how I had this...
才不對!!! 那個是右邊啊砸某!!!
heartbeat sensor
That's pretty cool. That's pretty original
You were always there beside me
Oh, I remember this.
( RIP耳機使用者 )
Okay, fine, this one is still funny
吵=好笑的好例子 你做到了Felix 幹得好
Oh shit
( 哈囉? )
Why do you know-- What man I look so crazy. I look at me; I look insane
( 我叫屁弟派 )
Alright, okay, it's funny. It's kind of funny
( 請不要殺我..)
A lot of it is cringy but I get why people think it's funny. My second most viewed video is level
( 那手是伸出牆壁了嗎? )
level seven of
( 哈囉? 傻笑ing )
scare PewDiePie
我喜歡那遊戲 真的很棒啊
53 million views
( 來給我抱個
(你沒有抱抱了!! )
( 不給你抱抱了!! )
As stressful as these were to film, not just because of
糟透了 你幾乎看不到發生什麼事
Me trying to keep up with everything that was going on. But also the show itself like going through all these traumatic experiences
I always look back on it like really fun memories. They were good times. It's a shame
They put this as the the free episode cuz I think it's one of the weaker ones
那蠻酷的 很原創啦
I think just because it was Outlast, people thought it would be cool
( 你永遠在我身邊~~ )
52 million views! The Ruby Play Button. But it's one of those video... that haircut Felix like what in the world?
I remember the guy that gave me that haircut. He was like we're gonna do something different. I'm like, oh, okay
I don't know what it is with packages...
That is so f....n exciting. I really wish I could just be an unboxing channel. That would just be so much fun. Oh
好啦 這還是很好笑
I guess there's really nothing interesting here. We literally just I'm glad we squeezed this one out to ten minutes
老天 我看起來好瘋
And look people just want to know what the award was it's a terrible video funny gaming montage what is this six years ago
看看我 看看我! 我看起來起笑了
Damn, I think we're going here. Should we just leave Jeremy? What? Yes
好吧 蠻好笑的
Jeremy brings these things to us, sir
Just like he always wanted that's my dream with Oliver
It was genuinely funny I forgot about that
That's nice, I'm glad I could genuinely enjoy it a clip that's that's fantastic
This is great. I thought I would just cringe. That's hilarious
Locate the entrance to Alpha Labs 4... What does this say?
Death is coming
在拍的時候其實壓力山大 不只是因為..
You don't know
我要試著跟進所有事的進度 還有本身這個節目
It's like those moderately funny perfect timing twitch
Donation montage or whatever. I don't know. I guess I'm done here Jimbo. Oh, that was close
Somebody out there
因為它是outlast 所以大家覺得會很酷
I like how I took the chair with me as well
5千2百萬觀看 紅寶石播放鍵
Ah, they're not so bad.
They're not so bad kind of makes me wish now I get it- *high pitched* oh pewdiepie you were better-
You're right. You're right. You were right all along. I think people look at these montages and they you know, it's a snippet
他說我們來點不一樣的吧 我就想說 喔好喔
It's a three second clip if I did a funny montage now. Oh boy. Oh boy
( 我不知道這是什麼 )
You would be... you would be very happy...
(...有夠他X興奮 )
I remember this.
( 我真希望我可以就是個開箱頻道 )
What is that laugh dude.
( 那一定會很有趣 )
I was really not that funny. Next up we had flappy bird
I remember I played this game and then right after it completely blew up. I didn't even play flappy bird in this video.
I played Dumb Ways To Die, which is also an amazing game, but then I afterwards I played flappy bird bad sense being the genius
看看這些人 真的就是想知道獎牌長怎樣
I am I changed the title and the thumbnail to flappy bird and
There you go. Boom 35 million views Thank You Felix. You greedy bastard next up
We have the video where I said, I would delete my channel. The biggest "It´s just a prank bro" in history
6年前ㄟ 老天啊
I didn't think anyone would actually believe me. I didn't think people would be like, "oh my god, is he actually gonna do it?"
( 我想我們要走這邊 我們應該丟包Jeremy嗎? )
I don't even remember why at least I don't remember the reason why I think I remember in the headspace
( 那什麼? 好 放他鴿子吧 )
I was I was really fed up with being in the position. I was it's two months before the disaster
( JeremY要拿這些東西給我們啊先生 )
I didn't like being the biggest channel. I didn't like
( 就是他一直想做的 )
Having so much attention to me
( 那是我和Oliver的夢想 )
I've said it many times that I would rather just be a smaller channel so I could just do my own thing and
( 幹嘛殺我啊qq )
Literally no one would care
( Cry對不起XDD )
Like I never asked to be in this position
那真的很好笑啦 我忘記了
I genuinely felt like I can actually delete my channel and just start a new one. At that time
很棒啦 我很開心我真的有享受這個片段
I was working with a lot of different people, you know
I had companies and stuff like that. And I knew that if I deleted my channel, it would be a huge
真的很棒 我以為只會尷尬結果很好笑
repercussion for
( 看那個出實驗室的入口 上面是寫...)
Other people so I I knew I couldn't do it but I did genuinely consider it. Scare PewDiePie never came out anyway
( 死亡即將來臨...嗎? )
so, you know.
( 你不知道... )
I could have just done it I should have just done it. Damn it. Next up. We have my draw my life video
I got accepted to my first choice of university and
集資剪輯還是什麼的 我不知道啦
Everything seemed fine. *piano music*
( 我想這裡應該結束了 跳! )
I started to become more creative *piano music continues*
( 喔 差一點 )
That's really not a good video I feel like I could have done that a lot better
( 哇喔 )
Then we have literally Jake Paul and Logan Paul
( 有人在那裏? )
I guess people like hearing someone sh*t on Jake and Logan.
( 我喜歡我帶著椅子跳下去 )
Next up we had the brofist by Roomie
So when you upload every single day if anyone comes to you and say hey
它們也沒那麼差啦 我現在懂了
I can get you a video covered for that day. Yes, please
沒錯 沒錯 你們永遠都是對的
我覺得大家看這些剪輯 然後..你知道的 這是片段
I will take it and Roomie came to me with this song that he made he spent a long time
On this song and he did an amazing job on it. So I mean I get free views. Roomie gets great exposure
如果我現在做個搞笑剪輯 喔孩子 孩子
He's a talented dude. And yeah, it's an amazing video. I had nothing to do with it. Literally nothing
你們絕對會..絕對會 很開勳啦
It's a really good song
"No Swear Electric Challenge (The
Impossible Game). Good title Felix, very good title.
That actually hurts by the way, it genuinely hurts. Don't use that on your own your kids. I almost said
下一個是 flappy bird
Don't use that on your pets and your kids. Oh
我記得我玩這個遊戲 然後它就爆紅了
Look at me I'm like crying almost.
This is a weird period in YouTube where
我玩的是"笨笨的死法" 也是一款很棒的遊戲
*think of it Felix*
之後我才玩flappy bird的
Punishment and video game was somehow a popular trend like the hot pepper or hot sauce if you die or you
Would do all these challenges. It's just like I'm glad that trend is over
我把標題跟縮圖改成了flappy bird
Okay, because it was not fun. This video got demonetized because...
然後就 碰 3千5百萬觀看了
Damn it
It's a great video I'm not gonna show it it's hilarious. You should watch it
It's basically me and and Brad s..tposting at its finest and then of course that try not to laugh challenge
So here's seven months ago a year ago a year ago six months ago
So there are a lot of their recent ones. It's just the top ones are really
我不覺得大家會像 喔老天他真的會離開嗎?
Like long ago, this is really fun. I really genuinely enjoyed reflecting a little bit on the past and
and uh not necessarily cringing just
In an endearing way I felt like. That was my most popular videos. Have you checked them out yet? What do you think?
我想我記得 我是真的受夠當時的情況
*Bring back old pewdiepie. I prefer old pew-*
Me too, trust me, me, too
You think I want to be like this, huh?
It's interesting because you have my you see the difference everyone changes, but it's nice to see
我說過很多次了 我寧願經營一個小頻道就好
it's nice to
那樣我就可以做我自己的事 也沒人會在乎
See some growth and some change in in a in a positive way, but also not just completely hating your past. I don't know
It's kind of cool like eight years is a long time.
我覺得我沒辦法就這麼刪掉頻道 然後開一個新的
I'm lucky to still be here and I think about that all the time. So thank you everyone that keeps supporting the channel
那時候 我正與很多不同的人共事 你們知道的
honestly, I wouldn't be here without you and
Double thank you if you buy the merch. All right, you're supposed to layer it, okay
I spend a lot of time on it, please. Thank you
It's got Walmart quality. Bye
所以我知道我不能這麼做 但我真的有考慮過
*Bring the ASS outro everybody*
所以 你們知道的
Buy the merch please guys
我可以就這麼做的 我應該那麼做的 靠北!