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  • *Clapping in sync with color changes*

  • Pewds: Meme Review

  • *More clapping in sync with color changes*

  • Pewds: MEME REVIEW!

  • Pewds: Meme Review! YouTube's favorite show...

  • ever

  • Last week we hit trending, thank you guys so much for all the support

  • OoOooOhHHBOI

  • Do we have a lot of spicy memes for this week's

  • meme. review.

  • Last week we reviewed Petting Dog meme

  • haha

  • I'm petting a dog (yes you are Pewds)

  • and it's many predecessors.

  • You guys posted some as well

  • You joined in on the meme. Hi doggie.

  • Hey look. It's me

  • Zootopia meme or Zootopia pro-life meme

  • OR

  • Zootopia I will survive

  • AnOtHeR wEb CoMiC mEmE

  • Have you watched Zootopia? (no)

  • Me neither, but it was about a bunny and a fox and someone said to themselves,(NO)

  • "Hey, I'm gonna make my own version a comic of that stor- Disney story about the fox and the bunny" (NOOOO)

  • "talking about complex relationship issues such as" (pewds stop)

  • "pregnancy and whether you should have an abortion or not!" ✞✞✞ (why pewds)

  • Now this meme got a lot of attention

  • mainly for the fact of the abzurd abzurb abzerdity abzurbit abzerbity

  • [robotic voice] Absurdity

  • For three different reasons. Number one

  • Zootopia. Number two, a bunny and a fox fucking. (oh god) Number three, the extremely ✞✞✞✞✞

  • (

  • over-exaggerated panels. The emotions that they've the artist really captured in this fan

  • fiction, is quite something so you can easily just replace the text with pretty much anything

  • and it will just feel off

  • "I cannot live another day without air conditioning!"

  • "It says tomorrow's gonna be hotter." Good meme!

  • "They both weigh the same, Nick!"

  • "They are both a kilogram."

  • "But, steel is heavier than fEaThErS." (ur right)

  • It's actually true. I don't see how people struggle with this mind thought prog thing(?).

  • Steel is heavier than feathers everyone knows that.

  • Because it has this...

  • bigger density.

  • "You know... Traps are gay."

  • Look. I posted this one look at that everybody

  • I am funny and relevant. I post- I post relevant memes

  • Please validate me. Please. :'(

  • We have the One Punch Man

  • We have the "Silly rabbit! Trix are for kids!"

  • Everyone knows that. we have there everything that we know and love is reducible to the observe acts of chemicals

  • We have the "Everything that we know and love is reducible to the observe acts of chemicals

  • "And there is therefore no intrinsic value in this material universe!"

  • "Hypocrite that you are, for you to trust the chemicals in your brain to tell you they are chemicals. All knowledge is

  • "Ultimately based on that which we cannot prove." (thats a long ass meme pewds)

  • "Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?"

  • This of course is based on the Donald Duck meme and Mickey Mouse meme

  • But it begs really the question

  • You know people look at love as some sort of strange substance that we can't understand when really you can just break it down in

  • scientific thing

  • You know what they say, love is blind.

  • "I don't understand"

  • This is - this one is probably my favorite- "I don't understand.. Our family?! Our entire clan?!"

  • "Why did you kill our parents??"

  • "To measure my abilities."

  • Good old..

  • Naruto

  • meme

  • "It's over Anakin. I have the high ground!"

  • "You underestimate my power!!"(the powa of trending)

  • "Nick.. Subs, not dubs."

  • "No! I can't believe you said that!"

  • "Nick, hear me out."

  • Really the the the numerous amount of of

  • Comic strips that can be adapted in-in-in-in this comic. I think is what really makes it so successful.

  • "Hey, how do you sprint?"

  • "ALT + F4"

  • Player Nick has left the game (disconnected by user.)

  • "You know.. I had to do it to em."

  • *snicker* So dumb. Hey look,✞

  • It's the loss meme, everybody! That's how you truly know if a meme has been accepted or not.

  • Does it have a Loss meme? Then it's not a true meme.

  • We have, of course, petting dog meme. (yes we are bac)

  • Fans of this comic (suck D)

  • Notice themselves that in the very first image the building is the same building as the Seinfeld building.

  • This begs the question. Was the artist memeing all along? It's a very interesting topic.

  • NOW I will have to rate it... Not too high. It was amusing for a while.

  • But I think-I think the adaptations so far that I've seen doesn't really live up to the potential of this meme.

  • I mean, eeehhhhhhhh look at--look at these facial expressions

  • Subs not dubs. Can we talk about more important issues such as.. "Pewdiepie doesn't make original content?!"

  • uhhh so I'm gonna give it a

  • 4.5. I think it can grow to a 5.5 if we see some better adaptations in the future and not this sub-genre yes

  • Of memes like you know I had to do it to him or Loss

  • You know and petting dog the meme has so much potential that it doesn't really need to rely on other memes or

  • Crossover memes to live up to it

  • I think with with clever adaptations made by the community

  • We can really lift his meme up and make it stronger, together, as a collective

  • (A mighty rousing speech there, Pewds)


  • This is my favorite meme of the week

  • Which of course is the Doki Doki Literature Club memes.

  • If you haven't played Doki Doki, click away now.

  • Not because I don't want to spoil Doki Doki to you, but because Doki Doki Literature Club memes...

  • It's something that you have to work for, okay. It's a Normie proof meme, it's protected

  • from Normies because you have to sit through,

  • Literally two hours of dialogue just to get to the scary part. The people that can laugh at the Doki Doki

  • memes are the people that worked hard for the Doki Doki memes. We've earned these memes

  • Okay, we work for them and really that's what all memes are really. It's a it's a secret Club of "haha"

  • Inside jokes haha. That's funny. I know what that originates from I bet my mom doesn't

  • Ha ha this meme makes me laugh now. HA HA - now Doki Doki of course was the game that looks cute on the outside

  • But on the inside it's the complete opposite

  • What I played, what I expected, what I got. Can you say fictional characters?

  • I gotta tell you this is pretty terrific

  • Now, I think what's so great about Doki Doki memes is that each of the four characters

  • Natsuki, Sayori, Yuri, and Monika.

  • They all have their own

  • Individual subset of memes within the Doki Doki memes and-and-and all the subsets are based on their

  • Personalities and--their per--and their per--and their personal events that happen in Doki Doki. We have Natsuki

  • Which is the cute tiny little girl! I mean look at that. She's adorable, then you have swole-suki

  • To contrast

  • This young

  • tiny little woman

  • I just want to say for my own personal record whoever made buff-suki or or swole-suki

  • You need to die. You need to die and go to heaven straight away

  • It is god-awful, and I don't ever want to see it the more

  • I look at it the more the more life gets sucked out of it

  • I think it's a cursed image

  • And I think whoever is making it sucks the life out of people and in an attempt to live forever.

  • Natsuki: "square up thot"

  • Natsuki, which also is the little edgy character, she's the, she's the tsundere of the group

  • We have her saying her classic her classic line. Be careful, or you might cut yourself on that edge

  • Moving on we have Sayori, the main character of Doki Doki, the extremely cute and

  • childish sort of character

  • Which is really the pinnacle of this meme you gotta say. "When your childhood friend rejects your confession"

  • "Guess I'll die."

  • Sayori forces a smile through an incredibly pained

  • expression. There were another stock image memes of the 'I want to die' smile face meme

  • Which makes sense of course because Sayori commits suicide. Monika? This is not a meme

  • This is just a picture from the game, but reading in after you finish the game it becomes a meme

  • "You kind of left her hanging this morning, you know?"

  • Here we have Sayori dabbing, petting dog meme, here we have a PewDiePie

  • Crossover Sayori suicide meme. We have memes about happiness goals and generic content, which makes you laugh

  • Ironic memes and edgy means sad and crippling depression memes everybody isn't that great?

  • Photographer takes a picture of students before and after telling them. I love you. We have Yuri which is cute

  • She's just timid, Monika gets happy

  • Natsuki of course, it's Natsuki and Sayori- goddamn it

  • Well, that's all the Christmas decorations up... only one more thing to hang D:

  • She's so cute

  • Which really elevates this meme so much - because of the Japanese influence that this?

  • Actually Western game has, we have of course that Blend S version of this meme

  • Suicide

  • Then we have my girl, my BAE if you pick any other girl, but Yuri. I'm sorry to say you are re- [ERROR]

  • That's not me being offensive or

  • Hyperbolic, it's just straight-up facts. Yuri is the number one girl, and if you don't realize that then I have no other choice

  • But to say there must be something wrong with you. Oh look how cute

  • Manga is literature. Oh, no it's retarded.

  • We have Yuri which personal trait is the the fanatics of the knives so we have of course the moe meme.

  • I gotta tell you, this is pretty terrific. I don't know why this exists. I don't

  • Stop posting the fucking monkey haircut memes

  • this is my favorite meme out of probably all Doki Doki memes because we have the two-finger we have the pen and

  • we have the knife

  • It's a very subtle meme it's a very subtle meme, and I think a lot of you probably

  • Think you know what the me is, but you don't really unless you played Doki Doki that's right mom you

  • Don't understand this meme go just click away from the video

  • This is not for you mom, but last but not least we have the Monika memes just

  • Monika. And the Monika memes are probably the greatest. Let's have a look

  • Sayori is shit waifu

  • Just Monika well done

  • I wrote a blog post about that about why you hate video games, because this is what it does it appeals like the male fantasy

  • and like how much times designers probably put into like

  • Just Monika just Monika now there are so many Monika memes and in Sweden

  • In Sweden we have a song. I mention it in my Doki Doki playthrough, and it's probably one of the greatest songs ever written it

  • Basically just goes hey Monika. Hello. Hey on you Monika. Hey Monika. Hello on you Monika

  • Hey, Monika

  • hello on you Monica over and over and over this song makes gucci gang seems seem like a

  • Lyrical genius, okay, but the so- this song is so fucking catchy and since we have so many Monica means

  • I just thought well just put the Monika memes over this hey Monika song which should have been

  • Just Monika, just just Monika

  • Hey Hey Monika (hej hej monika)

  • Hey on you, Monika (hejdig monika)

  • Hey, Monika (hej monika)

  • Hey on you, Monika (hejdig monika)

  • Hey, Monika (hej monika)

  • Hey on you, Monika (hejdig monika)

  • Hey, Monika (hej monika)

  • Hey on you, Monika (hejdig monika)

  • Cold eyes, Cold shivers (kalla blickar, kallarar)

  • You were only 14 years old (du va bara 14 vårar)

  • Take my hand, And show me the way (ta min hand, och visa miggen)

  • I'm yours, in every situation (Jag är din, i allagen)

  • Hey, hey, Monika (hej hej monika)

  • Hey on you Monika (hejdig monika)

  • Hey, Monika (hej monika)

  • Hey on you, Monika (hejdig monika)

  • Hey, Monika (hej monika)

  • Hey on you, Monika (hejdig monika)

  • Hey, Monika (hej monika)

  • Hey on you, Monika (hejdig monika)

  • Feels like our love was askew from the start (Känns som vår kärlek komsne från början)

  • Just like the leaning Tower of Pisa (Precis som lutande tornet i Pisa)

  • And that tower stands there to this day (Men tornet står där än idag)

  • And here you stand, and here I stand (och här står du och här står jag)

  • Hey hey, Monika (hej hej monika)

  • Hey on you, Monika (hejdig monika)

  • Hey Monika, hey on you Monika (hej monika, hejdig monika)



  • Monika

  • *Gasps for air*


  • Hay-

  • Mon-

  • *Out of breath*

  • he's dead

  • oh frick

  • I'm gonna rate it a 7.5 explosion, please

  • The highest we've ever rated the Doki Doki meme

  • I mean any meme so far if anyone wants to make a website with a scoreboard where other people can vote as well

  • That would be great, depression undertones

  • Which always gives extra points because of its adaptability because of its normie protection

  • The cuteness contrast that it has the multiple characters of this meme it's a very strong

  • Very strong meme last meme

  • It's the Deaf stranding memes which I know what you're saying Felix. That's really not much of a meme, and I agree 100%

  • legendary game maker

  • Kojima is making

  • finally his own game without Konami and

  • Sony basically could just open the floodgates

  • and said hey you know what you can take how much money you want and do whatever the heck you want and

  • That is basically resulted in

  • one of the weirdest videos I have ever seen

  • People try and break down what the heck they just saw in this trailer

  • And what the game is about and it turns out not even the people working on the game has any idea

  • What the game is about no not no one knows what the meme is about here. You have the end animator saying again

  • I thought he was kidding, but I soon realized that Kojima was serious

  • Kojima, you are safe now my sweet child - whatever the hell that was

  • Me, I owe you my life. The trailer has so much information on in it

  • and there's just too much to break down and

  • We have a lot of questions on the previous trailer, but now we have even more questions

  • What in the world is happening?

  • Why is Norman Reedus

  • Having a baby inside his belly is he going to give birth to baby

  • How did baby ended up inside Norman and?

  • Which hole will baby come out of these are the questions

  • That fans are waiting for and I think I think this meme - the reason why I'm bringing up this meme is mainly

  • due to the fact that, get on board now

  • Okay, get on board on the memes now because this is just the beginning of what clearly if they pan out to be even more

  • Beautiful memes in the future as we go further along

  • Now I don't know about you, but I think the

  • video is pretty straightforward

  • Okay, you have these other world creatures that wants to kill the people right so they have the baby, and he's like ah shit

  • I've been discovered. He throws away the baby as soon as he realized he's been just discovered

  • And tried to kill himself, but he fails in the trailer

  • You can see people aging faster while being in this black gooey thickness or whatever

  • I think the baby is basically you moving your soul into the baby, which is why is doing the thumbs up?

  • Just like the guy did and the trailer before he died

  • And then the goo is used to age himself quicker does that make sense of course it does of course it does this meme

  • I'm giving a three, but it has a long.. so much potential that this could be a 7.5

  • Just like Doki Doki, so I'm urging you get on board now, and that was it for this week of MEME REVIEW

  • I want to thank all my family all my friends all my fans and all my dogs

  • Thank you guys so much for another episode. Let's get this on trending. MEME review everybody, meme review and a ~squad fam~


*Clapping in sync with color changes*

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  • 17 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary