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ItS tImE tO sToP!
Sometimes in life things just go too far.
And we have reached that point, everybody.
TikTok videos, that's right!
How many more videos am I gonna milk from this?
As lOnG aS oNe MoNetiZeS!
I need that TikTok ad revenue!
It's like they give it to you and take it away!
Anyway guys, let's threw some cringy TikTok videos!
Maybe I'll be Tracer.
I wanna be Winston.
What about Widowmaker?.
I wanna be Winston.
I'll be Bastion.
I wanna be Winston.
You're right so Winston.
I wAnNa Be WiNsToN.
I guess I'll be genji.
I wanna be Winston.
You see what I mean?
I.. ah.. a couple weeks ago we saw this trend on TikTok.
Kids are starting to parody these dumbass TikTok videos.
Now it's just gone full circle.
There's no actual content left.
It's just kids trolling each other.
99% FoRtNiTe DaNcEs...
And I don't even know *uhh* what to describe some of it.
I mean at this point no one is making actual TikTok videos.
I can't find actual TikToks.
But let's go - But let's just jump into it!
I WANNABEWINSTON. (you've seen this before)
(So how are y'all today?)
I wanna be Winston.
You're right so Winston.
I wanna be Winston.
I guess I'll be genji.
I'm wanna be Winston.
Then I'll be McCree.
I wanna be Winston.
The thing is I - I'm clearly way too old to look at this stuff.
That girl, by the way, is the same girl that does that stupid muffin song.
And I cant show the muffin song because the video will get claimed. (Oof)
but dont tell me, I warned you.
Cause this S**t is about to blo-
(Wubbing sound effect)
They say legends say if you watch.
This video for too long you will actually.....
Not living. (Oof)
(Singing) Have you heard of LGBTQ+.
(Singing) Well I am the B.
As in Ben Shaprio.
>>Pewds laughs
Destroying libtards one at a time.
With pure facts and knowledge.
Oh thats great >>Laughing continues
Ben Shaprio has infiltrated TikTok everybody!
(music abruptly starts)
(Royalty free music everybody)
(punching sound)
(music continues)
(music continues) >>PewDiePie laughs in silence
Hitting women is never okay...
Never hit a child...
What would you do?
If there was a child right in front of you?
(Punching sound effect)
Its so good!
She clearly is playing along with it.
You can't go ehddadaba alright?
(music) Maybe I'll be tracer?
(music) I'm already tracer.
(music) What about widowmaker? >>*pfft*
(music) I'm already-
>>Breaths in
Ah, I love the guy with the TV.
(music) -Bastion.
(music) NeRf BaStIoN.
(music) You're right s-
When earth is gone, when its been swallowed.
By a black hole of the sun itself.
This video will still be going.
There will still be kids.
Making replies to this one.
What if, what if like- Man I'm getting some weird ideas.
Kids keeping using *Ta*- TikTok it becomes this phenom-phenom...
Fah- you know what...
Nevermind. >>pfft
(music) Oh great its this one...
(music) >>Pewdiepie singing: Hit or miss.
(music) >>Pewdiepie singing: Guess they never miss huh?
(music) >>Pewdiepie singing: You got a boyfriend I bet he doesn't kiss ya!
(music stops) >>This is a dude?
*Eh* Whaat?
This is a perfect summary of-of Tik Tok.
Cuz first of all, it's not a dude. (phew)
Second of all, the fact that people think its a dude is the reason why this video is popular.
Give that- give that some thought for a minute... (but I cant count to a minute..)
(Video plays) Okay, the bullying #### on this app has gotten WAAYY outta hand! Y'all need to grow!-
>>Pewds mocking man
>>Pewds back in normal voice
If I- if I did TikTok videos instead of Youtube, this is how I would end up.
>>Pewds in mocking voice
>>Pewds back to normal
I don't take pleasure in this...
It's like watching the fall of- of society.
That's right, society
* I N S E R T S C R E A M S O F T H E E T E R N A L L Y D A M N E D *