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[sirens] Red alert! Red! Alert!
I'm calling upon my last trick I have up my sleeve
I didn't think it would come to this,
but I guess I have no choice.
The one thing that can stop ?️-Series
[*Clap* *Clap*]
~Book Review~
[Calming Piano] You noticed?
How as soon as I stopped doing book-reviews,
(Sorry about that, by the way)
?️-Series just sways in out of nowhere, ( sways? seriously?)
and took over? ( NOT YET )
But no! I realize now,
in the eleventh hour, what I must do.
I must review books again.
That's what everyone wants.
That's what will stop ?️-Series
It's never been so clear to me.
I can't believe I realized it just now.
[Clap Clap... Clap] Book Time!
The first book, ahh well..
I read alot of books, but I wanted to select
the ones that I really really loved.
There's three of them that I wanna talk about,
annd uh, hopefully you'll check them out as well.
The first one is the
"The Master and Margarita" written by Nik.. Mikale ..Mik-hail Bulgakov ( Well now that's a confusing name isn't it ?)
It was written during the Soviet Union Regime,
and during that time, I didn't know this, but
Atheism was sort of forced upon the population.
Uh, It was forced in schools and people were generally-
harassed into becoming Atheists.
So this novel is sort of an answer to that.
A lot of Russian books I've read so far fff... [eahahah] are features themes- ( someone better add this to the moaning compilation )
around Christianity.
But I think it's safe to say I've never read a book like this.
It's, uh, black-satire? (black-satire?)
It's a black-satire comedy around Christianity.
It's very weird, but I really loved it. (i wonder it now lol)
Ironically Mikhail, the author, [pause] burned the first version of this book
because he thought he'd never make it as a writer, ( but he did so, irony i guess )
writing a story like this, during this time
Annd ah, he wasn't wrong. [chuckle]
Because when he actually finished it ten years later,
he died shortly after. (rip)
There's nothing funny about that.
And it wasn't published until 26 years after that, ( wow! )
so it took a while, but it was recognized as
a masterpiece, and it really is. ( this book got the seal of pewds! )
The story follows a mysterious character, (but can that character do THIS?)
who visits a group of writers sitting in a park,
during an autumn afternoon, ( but why wouldn't they just send an e-mail xD )
and ah, this mysterious character is uhm
A professor in black magic.
This group of writers are obviously curious who he is, (i mean obviously if someone walked into me i'd wonder who that person is smh felix )
and they're suspicious that he may be a spy
And he gets mistaken for one.
This mysterious character is the Devil reincarnated. (when did the devil die?)
And named in the book, Voland
All the writers are Atheists and Voland describes the ( obviously lol )
second setting of the story, which is in Jerusalem.
during the someone-something trials (I don't know that name.)
Everyone knows about this (oof shots fired on me)
The-the trials about the execution of Jesus
The writers almost say the-aw that it's possible that these trials never happened
It's possible that Jesus never existed
And Voland sort-of smugley
describes this event as if he was actually there
which is obviously impossible
Voland also predicts that
one of the writers' head will come off in an accident
this of course gets brushed off
BUTT (tee hee)
later becomes true
and get's witnessed by one of the other writers, Ivan (EEE-Vawn)
Ivan goes absolutely crazy
trying to pursue Voland,
Trying to capture him in absolute madness, absurdity, and comedy
I loved reading this part, it get's even better from there
The Devil's midnight ball is- was one of my favorite parts
of anything i've read in a while
it's-it's just fantastic
So I will just end [this review] there
BUTT (haw haw)
Mikail, the author of "The Master and Margarita"
He used to be a playwright
It makes the writing very visual
I can really *see* all the characters
...and the mannerisms
and the humor in front of me.
It really feels like you're there when you read it
and-which really works well for the comedy as well
I laughed out many times while reading this book
and all this is really put together in a masterful story
it's a story that blends history
with the author's own stories
that he-he lived through
his own strides
it's a perfect balance
I think
good and evil
and I really REALLY loved it
it was actually recommended by one of you guys
I read one of the comments saying
in another book review
oh "I really think gonna love this book!"
You were right!
So thank you very much!
"The Master and Margarita"
5 out of 5
Thank you for suggesting an actual good book