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Hey! How it's goin'.
Damn, I'm excited today. One my favorite games this year, Little Nightmares, just came out with a DLC.
該死我今天好興奮啊,我今年最喜歡的遊戲之一 "小小夢魘" 出了DLC(附加內容 外傳)
I think it's this one.
Oh, God. I hope it's that one.
喔天啊 我希望是這個
I don't know, it came out of nowhere. It's early - the DLC is early. I repeat everyone.
我不知道啦 它就醬突然出現 這DLC好像有點早
Such a nice surprise. This is definitely it. What? Who are you?
Wow, why does your head look like a meatball. You look delicious.
好棒的驚喜啊!這一定就是了 什麼?你是誰??
How did we end up here? Oh, I'm drowning. Uh-oh.
Oh, we're at - that's - I remember this place
This is where we met the enemy for the first time.
Oh, I'm so cute!
So then - we're on the boat still then.
We're playing as one of the ~*children*~
This is awesome. I'm so glad we're getting more content of this game!
Where do I go ?
I forgot, I forgot about Teddy. Can I go back and get him? I forgot the controls. I've got everything come on. Okay great
Jeez is he gonna come and check on me. I best be going then
Alright well this way it is there he is oh. He's he chasing the girl
From the original that's funny. Oh
我...我忘記拿我的泰迪了 我可以回去拿嗎? 我忘了怎麼操作了 全忘得一乾二淨 不是吧
No, she died
I had this theory that this guy is a nice guy he just looks horrible
Cause he never he never actually kills you he just captures you or whatever maybe just one of those clingy parents, you know
我最好趕快閃ᕕ( ・3・)ᕗ
Actually, you know you know what I'll take it back. He's horrible there you go. It's the boat
好的走這吧 這就對了
Whoop !
luckily placed
Mattress we've been here as well.
Oh Shit, it's the slug. I know what those do
我有一個理論就是這傢伙其實是個好人 他只是長歪了
I will not say hi to you today mister
因為他...他都沒有真正的殺了你 他只是抓住你 也許他只是個直升機父母 你知道的
Giant black
其實...你...你知道嗎 我要收回我的話 他很可怕(´・ω・`)
Don't say penis, okay, cool
這就對了 就是那艘船
We've been there as well. This is weird. It's like we're playing behind the scenes
ah there is a little Girl down there
All right, we'll tip tap our way through
夭壽 是蛞蝓 我知道他們想幹嘛
If I remember how I grabbed stuff I need, no I need to jump down here
okay, I see
I complete.. I don't know which one I grab with and I know it's just such an important move
不要接"屌" 好喔
Here we go
我們也來過這裡 好奇怪喔 就像是在玩幕後場景一樣
We're gonna have to run back aren't we?
I have to remember which one I run on
That's sneak you know, let... sorry
好喔 用輕快的腳步跑過去
Okay, Sprint, grab
flashlight, crouch, okay
Sorry now you don't have to hear me?
好 我懂惹
Keep going, I don't know the controls
我完全...我不知道哪個按鍵是用來抓的 我知道這很重要啦...
C'mon buddy there you go. Oh, God where do I hide here ?
What a major fuckup !
I thought for sure that would be covered in the middle. I just assumed that there would be. Great let's do that again
What the fuck was that. All right here we go
要偷偷來 你知道的...讓...抱歉
I don't trust that bitch tho
I ain't trusting no bitches that be snitchin like snitches here we go come back here girl
Where you going girl with three bag? I'm going to throw up cube into your fucking face come here
You want this Cube?
You want to play Minecraft
This game is just like my real life come back here lady. Where'd you go?
I love this area. It's so cute
Alright. I assume. We have to go back up here. There's no potato people left
I don't know why I'm doing this it's figured
來吧兄弟 對啦
great job Felix! end your life, Jesus Christ
Okay, I can just go here. It's fine. It's fine. I know what I'm doing
Professional gamer here look I have toilet paper. That's right. That's right. Thank you everyone toilet paper
Anyone need some I got you fam. What is she doing?
我以為中間一定有一個遮蔽物 就是假設一定會有...
Oh what a dick.. that's fine. I have toilet papers
Yeah, yeah
See I got you fam coming to get you girl. I don't know why I'm coming to get you
But I'm gonna catch up that I was a joke everyone. Thank you. 10/10 all right let's grab this
And let's go down nice, and easy. Where's she going?
She's going in there in the hole. She's going in the hole come back here when it's safe to jump off now
I would assume. I'm fine. I'm fine
It'd be funny if you started playing as the inside character, or some shit all of a sudden. Plot twist
這就對了 給我回來 女孩!
This game is Canon
女孩兒妳要去哪 我們要回去哪裡~~
Okay, I assume we have to go down there, but I also kind of want to check around
我要把方塊丟到妳的蠢臉上 過來啦
Okay, well let's just go
Whoop ! haha
I'm fine
小姐回來喔 妳跑去哪了
Swim Swim Swim Swim swim I don't trust it, I don't trust the water. I don't trust the water
我愛這一區 敲口愛
I just don't trust the water get out of the water. Thank you. What the fuck
好 先假設我得回到這
What do I do here?
Oh hell no, it's vibrating my controller is like non-stop
我不知道為什麼還要再做一次 我解過了阿
Vibration alright, we got it. We got to pull this
幹的好 Felix!你的人生也是 耶穌基督阿
Which I don't like even more
好 我可以走這邊 很好 很好!! 我知道我在幹嘛
Why is my controller freaking out?
專業玩家在此 看我有廁所衛生紙
it's like *Imitates vibration*
Jezz do you see it's my Scrotum. Look at it I'm vibrating like crazy
What is happening?
廁所衛生紙阿 謝謝大家
What is... Oh okay here we go?
有人需要嗎 我罩妳喔家人 她在幹嘛阿
I did it everyone let's just go through I don't want to check the background
Ah we get the flashlight, now we can use it
Cool which you use with B
看到沒 有我罩妳啦家人 女孩我要來找妳了
Nice, and cozy. Are you scared now? I bet you're scared. I never get scared so it's okay. Oh God. That's a giant slug thing
all right, I would say hi, but
但我要*追*到妳 那是個笑話 謝謝 我給十分
I gonna go with "bye" this time thank you
Ok here we go yes, the we're going great
我們好好的下去吧 她要去哪裡
so far ZERO DEATH (2 deaths) Oh shit Jesus
她要去那裡 洞洞裡 她要進洞洞裡了 給我回來喔
fucking Christ you distracted me nearly got me killed boy.
什麼時候跳下去才安全...現在吧 我覺得
"Crouch" Yes, ah shi-
我很好 我很好
Nope coming from the ceiling not a problem. I saw that one. NO I got stuck in the pipe
What the fuck ah?
It keeps vibrating. Oh now it stops. I thank God that was super annoying
Fucking hell. I got stuck in this stupid pipe
好...我覺得我應該下去那裡 但我有點想到處看看
Jesus Christ they're faster in the water
好吧 直接跳下去!
It's almost like they're water creatures or something
Hey look at that. Yeah, oh, God. What do I do here? Oh?
Yeah, boy. hell yeah mate that was fucking awesome man alright, so
Aren't you gonna like?
There you go, okay, whoa
游......我不信任它 我不信任這水
Oh God that does not sound nice. HA yeah
I did it zero death everyone (3 deaths) Thank you so much. Oh God, okay
我只是不相信水 快遠離水啦 謝謝
The fuck is this ?
Oh God, I don't trust anything
Whoop oh God swim swim swim swim swim swim.....
喔不是吧 它在震動 我的搖桿在不停震動
What's happening here? What is this
好 我懂了 我們要拉它
I don't know what this DLC is called I don't know what it's about. I just
Just randomly saw it was available and then I'm like hell. Yeah. I'm just gonna get it
Oh God, okay. This is very dark. Give me my flashlight. I don't think I can
老天...看到沒這是我的懶趴 看我一直瘋狂震動(?)
Piece of potato pie hell yeah
Legit he looks like a meatball
我做到了 大家!我們直接走好了 我不想檢查背景了
Panera is your home Ikea is my city
阿我們拿到手電筒了 現在能用它了
Whoa that was deeper than I expected
I strongly feel like some sort of yep
Okay, well this is great. This is where we die. There's chairs. There's chairs coming to kill me
讚又舒適 你現在會怕嗎 我賭你怕了 我從來都不怕 所以還好(喔是喔)
Please for the love of God Swim
喔天啊 是個巨大蛞蝓東東
Girl you almost got me Mr.Chair not today
好啦 我會跟他打招呼 但是...
This meatball lives another day, bow. I said bow instead of bro. Thank you
我這次會用"掰"代替 謝謝
Uncut footage you know it always does well
好我們走 讚啦 幹得不錯
Doesn't show how cringy I am in as a human being thank you. Thank you everyone.
I don't know why I did that right there a giant rectum here
天啊 我的老天鵝
I don't like it
你害我分心了啦 差點害我被殺欸 老兄
Where am I supposed to go here?
No click it. I don't know
Down here, maybe I feel like I would die
不成問題啦 我看到那個了...我
No, I'm fine with that
*勒死*(X3) 不!!我被卡在水管裡了 三小啦
How about that?
Excellent. What is this?
它一直震動欸 喔它停了 感謝老天 那真的超煩
Alright, you come up with me now. Oh God that looks that looks very bad, uh excuse me
天鵝啊 他們在水裡比較快
Ah, that did the trick great excellent. Let's let's go here.
Oh God, they're really fucking fast
看看這個 讚喔 天啊 我在這幹嘛
Why didn't I run I forgot I could I pressed A I'm so stupid Jesus, okay?
對啦兄弟 沒錯老兄 那超讚的老兄
i'll try to run this time that would be I would be super Super Duper
I don't know why I feel safer on this thing, but really in reality. I'm fucking not
Hey look at that if you actually run you win. How about that? Who would have thought you should have to run crazy
這就對了 好喔 嗚喔~~
I don't trust it
Oh God it's speaking to me. Come out and play pewdie.
Okay, great
我做到了!零死亡啊大家(恭喜已3死) 由衷感謝
More water for Fuck's sake man
Looks like we got a lot of climbing to do here bros a lot of climbing for one meatball to make
What part of the ship is this who places a random toilet there?
老天 ...我完全不信任任何東西*笑*
No toilet paper for you, buddy. hehe, oh God grab it
There you go
video game rules if there's a switch you gotta what the fuck ah
Alright fine. Maybe we need to release the pressure first if you know what I mean
Alright, here we go
There you go
hey, how about that
Wow, what a tricky puzzle there, oh mah gawd x3, my ass is filling up
我不知道這個DLC叫什麼 也不知道它在講什麼...我就...
Yeah, yeah
就突然看到可以買 我就像是 "讚啦 我一定要買來玩"
Yeah, oh, I get it. I get it we gotta hurry up
天啊 這裡超黑的 給我手電筒
Swim Swim Swim Swim Swim Swim Swim Swim Swim Swim Swim
How do I, I died I died everyone I died
一塊小馬鈴薯派啦 (小事一樁*a piece of cake*)
Did I not...What?
Yeah, that's how drowning works everyone in case you weren't aware
You lose any breath of air. You instantly die?
潘娜拉麵包店是你家~IKEA是我城市 (Nick Crompton梗)
There you go
lil' Above my water hey there that does the trick
Stop stop. That's enough. Ahh Sewage. Thank you wow try not to get it in your mouth, buddy
好喔 這太棒了 這裡會是我的葬身之地
There you go nice
那裡有椅子 那些椅子會來殺我
nice and Smooth
Man I love playing this game
女孩~~你差點就抓到我了 椅子先生 下次請早
It plays so nicely I love it
這團肉球又存活下來了 老"弓" 我用"弓"代替"兄" 謝謝
There's something about it
未剪輯片段 效果總是很好
All right new place
讓我身為一個人類不再顯得尷尬 謝謝 謝謝大家
Let's save this barrel for no reason no, I can't
Okay, well, I don't fucking know push you out. No just look at it
What about here, oh okay. Wow... hahahaha
Oh jeez. can I pull you no it's definitely something in the water here
不 快按它
You can feel it
I literally can feel it my my, Oh, God. I see him my controller is vib.... Well, what the fuck it's a giant's wow that's creepy
也許這裡嗎 感覺我會死欸
Don't kill me Mr.Sea Monster get up UPPP!!!
不 我沒事(´∀`)
Get up get up no it doesn't work swim leave me alone
完美 這是啥?
好你現在得跟我走了 老天 那看起來...那看起來好糟阿
I hate this
Get up get up get up......Edgar is freaking out
God, I'm sweating for real. Oh
阿 原來這是詭計 太棒了 優秀 我們...我們走這裡吧
My God sweating for real. I am not a fucking seal
老天 他們真的超快
Ah Jeez
Okay, calm down
不!!!*笑* *勒死*(X4)
We can do this easy easy game boom bam slam...
為什麼我不跑啊 我忘了我可以... 我按了A...我好蠢喔 天鵝啊
Sam and damn don't fucking touch me
我這次會試著用跑的... 醬就會...我就會...超級...超級無敵(?)
The Forbid can't touch it ah fuck you
我不知道為什麼在這東西上會感覺比較安全 但在現實生活中 根本就不是
What you gonna do huh?
看好 如果你跑就真的會贏 如何阿
I'm going here for no reason hey, you like alcohol. I got you fam that got grabbed it
誰會想到應該要用跑的 肖ㄟ
What is this?
Saw one of these before okay, so these are the new collectibles
Okay, great. It's a bottle post
天啊它在跟我說話 "出來跟我玩阿pewdie"
Great. Hey, maybe we can use it as distraction
好 讚喔
Idiot idiot
看來我們這段要爬很久阿 兄弟 對於一團肉球是很大的攀爬量呢
Boi, that was straight up BS
Oh it's bs, no it's bz
I know kids slang shut up great jump there Felix you
Gold Star Buddy
I see you oh God.
你沒衛生紙用囉 老兄(`∀´) 喔天鵝
You're a real penis
Don't fucking touch me man
電玩守則:如果有個開關 你就要...三小啦
Through the box now, okay, I see how it is
Oh my God this thing I hate it now you gonna get mad at me. Oh he's not playing the game perfectly hell
好沒差 也許我們需要先釋放它的壓力 你知道我在講什麼吧
Yeah, if I did it he I'd be over a long time ago, man
好 來吧
Bitch, you can't fucking touch me
Swim Swim Swim get up ain't that fucking hard bitch
Fuck a duck. That's right. Bye. Bye
Here we go can we pull this it's a box everyone. I can climb here. I see it now, okay
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention
That is probably
喔 我懂了 我懂了 我們最好快點
your mama
Your mama everyone your mama jokes, Top of the morning now that too much ain't it unless it goes down by itself
No it doesn't
Alright that will do little dead copes that'll do what the fuck
Oh my God, okay, well then die, then fucking die
我怎麼... *淹死*(X5)
Why does he not grab that what's your fucking problem alright? I'm ready for you. Don't fucking fuck with me alright cuz I will
我死了 我屎惹大家 翹辮子惹
Swing back swing back slowly, but that was not nearly good enough. Oh
Now you can grab it. Oh, that's interesting
對 淹水就是這麼回事喔 大家 如果你稍微不注意的話
That's really interesting
thanks for letting me know about that one
就會失去所有空氣 並馬上死掉
You want some fish come to get it ? Oh, there's more of it
It just keeps coming looks Delish
再多一點水水喔 對...這樣子就好了
I'll have some
好了 快停 這樣就夠了...啊~~髒水
Yeah, take some have some have some more while I swim. It's way tastier than me look. I'm skinny that
Fish is fat like your mama gottem absolutely just get up. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you
Fuck are you man?
Got him and got him right am I right hey, you want a shoe you want a fucking shoe. Hey
I know you want a shoe you want you want a shoe here you go, err. It's a fish
我超愛玩這遊戲的 老兄
它玩起來很不錯 我喜歡
absolutely rekt no recovery
Now there's more shoes could do it all day, but you know what I'm not gonna. I have dignity oh, God
好喔 新地方
What am I oh ah ah
我們來無意義的救這桶子吧 嗯?我不行嗎?
I didn't mean for that to happen
好喔 我又不知道 把你推出去? 又不行?只能跟你乾瞪眼
Alright, how do I get up there get up here? No that's not what I
這裡怎麼樣...喔 好喔 哇...*笑*
Hey, I could do push up
喔老天...我能拉你嗎? 不行 這水裡一定有東西
What else do we got a ball. We got a ball everyone
Dribble going left going right going he doesn't double spin he goes up
我完全感覺不到 我的我的我的... 天啊我看到他了 我的搖桿在震...
And he shoot it, fuck!
三小啦 這是個超大...喔他超可怕的
Stop I don't want you Mr.Can. Stop can
Thank you
別殺我喔 海怪先生...上去啦
Alright here we go, here we go just aim at the thing and shoot
Okay, let's try that again
Aim at the basket and shoot the fucking ball
Hell yeah, man. hell yeah, man. What does that do then? I don't know why I just did this
What the fuck
Are you telling me that
All I had to do was climb up here
Is that no I can yeah? Oh what?
Fucking distracted by a basketball game Jesus Christ
Well done, well done Felix
Okay, here we go. It's Gonna be an epic jump,
天啊 我真的在冒汗欸
Hell yeah men. I did it man. Hell yeah man I can't reach the
天鵝啊 在冒汗~我不是 一隻海豹 (惡搞Taylor Swift的[Blank Space])
Ah fuck I can all it's fine who needs them oh
I see it wow that's cool. That's actually pretty cool
好喔 冷靜
Nope, okay
我們能做到的 這很簡單 這遊戲超簡單
Here we go. Can you run in a straight line, please Mister meatball fuck you meatball
Yes, oh, no
Sam與萊姆與該死(押韻) 最好不要碰我喔 你他X敢碰我試試看
get up get up get a fuckin a
這就對了 婊子 你碰不到~~啊去你的...
why am I singing in this shit man ah chair you're
Not even doing it for me man
Alright I get it. I need to push the chair
我要沒理由的去那裡了 你喜歡酒精嗎 我罩你喔家人 我有...拿它
Mr.. Chair is my best... I can't push chair. So fuck it then
Maybe I can just climb these handles okay. I can nope that's not what I wanted you to do, but you know
我之前有看過其中一個 好喔 所以這是新的收藏品
Live your life the way you want to live it
好很好 這是個瓶中信
Rule one there's the lever you gotta pull it. Oh, wow that's a lot deeper than I thought
太棒了 也許我們能用它來干擾敵人
That's what she said, okay. I'll stop I promise
Like you've never made that joke okay. Sorry. I didn't know I had a connoisseur. ew trypophobia what the fuck
智障 智障
Okay, they really don't want that pot to break clearly so we're gonna fucking smash the shit out of it
Something living is inside. I'm going to get the rat
Type in the comments right now what you guess it is inside, the pot. I know it's going to be a key
But what else all right? I'm dorothy exploring you guys right now. Come on. Tell me push. It bye. Bye
It was a slug
老兄 那簡直是狗扯蛋
Congrats to everyone that gets the slug
Probably no one because I am the smartest and I'm always right, so the rat is actually the right answer. I think
我很懂屁孩的流行語喔 如何...
If you mean, Mr.. Slug could you get the fuck out of my way please?
跳得好 Felix!你...
All right, all right. Yep. Look how he walks by sucking what a shitty life
該獲得金星星喔 老兄
grab the key yes, and then run
and then no, that's not what I
Yes, that's how you unlock doors Felix. All right now. It's time to get that fuck out of here. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Hell yeah man
Doing great zero deaths by the way really proud of this playthrough doing really well haven't died a single time
Okay, here we go another area. What's up got electricity that he pressed the button make it stop, yes, that's right
No, it's still electric
But now the current doesn't leave the water so we're safe we saf, but it could be time so let's be careful
現在你們就會對螢幕發火 "喔他不懂如何完美玩遊戲啦"
Take me up, please
"如果是我玩的話 他...我一定早就破完了"
Up and onwards, this meatball really loves water, huh all right. Let's press the button again. See what happens
It's probably going to go up. We have plenty of fucking temperature fuck. I'm dead. I'm alive
Yes, that was not the way I imagined things to go, but it worked out
I mean of course perfectly calculated zero deaths s by the way hello bucket. You're coming with me
Never mind stay there then you potato son of a bitch see if I give a shit fucking fucking shit
幹隻鴨子(?) 沒錯啦 再見不送~~
We're back in the showers
Oh God, that's a sexy bitch. We saw her face and shit. Oh, I get it now I get it
我們走吧 我們能拉這個嗎 各位這是箱子喔
Why people like water no don't fucking no stop you need to stop
我可以爬這邊 我看到了
You're ugly all right. You need to stop everything you're doing, oh God
Oh my God look at that face. swim the fuck up. AHH!!
抱歉 人家剛剛沒注意到嘛
That's right. There will be no ass for you tonight boy. Oh, God grab that and don't fuck up
Have you seen that gif so I almost suggest that would have been embarrassing oh?
Of the little girl that gets pulled down by a seal in the water or an otter maybe it is
各位是你媽媽喔 你媽媽笑話 早上好
Fucking hilarious Google it. Google it right now
我拉太多了 對吧 除非它會自己降下來
Oh, God. He's coming back right away. What the fuck?
Dude chill chill Brah chill chill chill alright, I'm telling you to chill
好吧 那應該會有用你這小屍體...應該
Chill out relax max. all cool. Shoot some ball outside a pool
Okay, here. We go. Let's go for it
When a couple of guys they were up in no good start to make a trip travel in my neighborhood
好吧 去死吧 趕快去死ಠ_ಠ*被殺*(X8)
I got in one super little fight and my mother got like wow
為什麼他不抓啊 你他X是哪裡有問題
Yes, those are the original lyrics oh God, I think she's piss now
好 我已經準備好了 最好別再跟我作對 因為我會...
We got momentum, baby
盪過來 盪過來 慢慢的
Hell yeah, let's keep going fucking killing it killing it man killing it for a living hell yeah man that was fucking off
Thank you Felix. I mean, thank you myself
See I have to compliment myself cuz you bros not fucking do it. Look at these gaming skills, bro
Someone's like you don't believe that I play video games all day every day
Zero deaths deaths by the way
And we keep it that way son. That's right that's right motherfucker. You can go suck a dick without ugly face boy.
Hell yeah
喔 那裡有更多...*丟*
Nailed it skills. Oh you thought I skills ah I'm dead. I'm dead. You know I get these skills by respecting wha..mon
它就一直掉下來 看起來好好ㄘ喔
Oh, there's a hole there
What's oh?
對 拿...拿多一點 多享用喔
喔我喜歡游泳 牠們比我好吃多了 你看我很瘦啊
那些魚可是跟你媽媽一樣肥美 成功了 完全分散他... 起來!謝謝!謝謝~謝謝~
the Epic Troll
Let Epic troll everyone got em and no toilet paper for you, son. That's right these as well
你他X哪位 老兄
Okay, now maybe not maybe not. Whatever. I don't care. I don't care
解決了 解決他了 是不是阿 嘿你想來點鞋子嗎 要不要一點鞋子
我知道你想要鞋喔 你要鞋嗎 拿去吧 這...這是一條魚喔
that was fucking epic that was like a superhero spider-man jump right there, baby right there, baby alright. We're gonna have to pull this briefcase
Oh, God
no, I said pull it
這裡有更多鞋子 我能一整天都做這個 但你知道嗎?我不會的 我有我的尊嚴
I guess I can't do it, huh
Alright, whatever. I'm guessing. We have to transport an item from one side to another
while still managing the water
好 我該怎麼上去那裡 從這裡嗎? 不這不是我...
Easy game is easy zero deaths puzzle destroying bruh absolutely havoc, okay, press
嘿 我可以做引體向上欸
All right, give me that little triangle piece of shit
I think I see it probably one of these mother truckers
No, that's an ugly ass
運球 向左 向右 向...他轉了兩圈 他把球往上帶並投籃......
Where are you all right toilet paper toilet paper doesn't get wet
靠杯勒 他超不擅長運動的
there it is okay, and
不要用啦 我不要你 罐罐先生
I have something to tell you bros. It's a little embarrassing oh, we saw before why didn't you tell me then
賣來亂啦 罐罐
Oh God, I'm going to die now
No I'm fine. Okay my ass fallen asleep is what I'm trying to say
好我們來吧 開始囉 只要瞄準那東西 再投
Good job, you did it wow amazing other way?
Okay perfect
好喔 我們再試一次
Can I don't want nothing to do with you Cen
Wait, sorry I did it wrong
genius genius
Oh no, and he's dancing like he dances with his bro
Yeah, I get it. Oh
That's right sneeze compilation fuck you not today. No not today
我唯一需要做的 只是爬上來
Okay, here we go
是不是...喔我不行 對啊 喔 啥啦??
Boi, you're going right inside that little red
竟然被一個籃球遊戲分心了 耶穌基督啊
in case you didn't realize triangle. Goes in triangle. They painted it red for us how nice
How nice everyone
幹的好 Felix
We're Gonna have to redo this
好 來吧 這將會是一個史詩級的大跳躍
Now let's redo this
對啦老兄 我做到了老兄 沒錯老兄
Shut up Edgar. No one likes you either
You are legit
幹 我不能...算了沒事 誰需要他們啊
can level of dog
喔 我看到了 哇超酷的
if you were a
Kitchen household item you'd be a can Edgar. Okay. God damn it. I fucked that up didn't I
I forgot to press the button didn't. I'm a fu... why did no one tell me
I might have to strike off the genius on my title that was pretty fucking
I love me. I love you
Here we go okay ready you ready you ready boi. You're ready boy here we go man. Hey
Bitches say no that sounded weird, okay here we go. Yeah boi. We did it. We did it man
Easy this game is easy, man doors I'd be fucking them
What? oh shit, she's sitting in the chair and shit
The fuck was she doing
上去~上去~他x給我...去 (惡搞One Direction的[One Thing])
Oh God don't panic, don't panic. I'm sure I'm dead
為啥我在唱這首爛歌啊 兄弟
That's fine. That's fine. Just swim
Just don't worry. Don't worry. I'm absolutely destroyed
hey, it's me. I'm back so basically there's not that much left I
喔我懂了 我要去推椅子
So I thought okay. I might as well
椅子先生是我最棒的... 我不能推椅子 所以去它的
Just finishes in one episode instead of dragging it out to two. I know I'm a nice person
也許我可以直接爬那些把手 好我可以 不!那不是我想要你做的...但你知道嗎
Jesus fucking Christ calm down
Oh my God this bitch is not messing around is she
守則一:如果有個控制桿的話 就要拉它
All right well I am a dead man now
Well, it looks like you don't have to do that shit
Can she mess with it?
好 我會控制住我自己 我保證
Oh my God you asshole go
說的好像你從來沒說過那種笑話 好喔 抱歉
Oh my Lord
God, she's mean I do not like her
Shit oh!!
好喔 他們真的很不想要那個大瓶子被打破
How is it to watch? I'm like. Oh okay? I turn on the television you think bitches like television, huh?
It seemed like I would climb onto that lamp doesn't it. Oh thank God that worked
有東西住在那裡面 我會說那是隻老鼠
Okay, another lever you all know the oh God ah. Stop you're such a prick
Now what ah I meant to land on them
...在大瓶子裡面 我知道一定會有鑰匙
What's the plan here? Oh, I see, oh I'm dead
但還會有什麼呢? 現在我是愛跟你們探險的Dora 快!跟我說
Get up get up get up NOO. What the fuck are you doing get up again
Bitch is coming up here now
Oh God, what do I do? There's the hole there stop it? Oh?
I got fried like potato pie
也許沒人猜到 因為我是最聰明的 我也永遠是對的
I can fucking push it, I try so many times to push it
所以老鼠應該是正確解答啦 我想
Go down your stupid TV. Oh, that's right. You get fried bitch
不好意思 蛞蝓先生 可以請你的蠢臉不要擋住我好嗎
You got fried like pizza pie motherfucker
好喔 好喔...沒錯
Yes, I am the one
Hell God damn it bitch is Dead
拿鑰匙 對!然後快逃!!
That's right that's worth a high five. Are you ready?
Okay, alright. Fuck I ruin it
然後...不 那不是我..
Okay, my flashlight still works after all that. That's great
對 就是要這樣打開門鎖 Felix
Top of the morning to your ladies
好喔 現在是時候逃離這裡了!!!老兄~掰掰~
This is Pewdiepie here. I stole jacksepticeye's brand now with these headphones
The fuck are you doing?
做得很好 順帶一提零死亡(已8死)
Something tells me this bitch is not dead
對這次遊玩感到十分驕傲 做得不錯 一次都沒死過
You know when you kill them you when you when you have something annoying for a long time
好 我們上吧 另一個區域 怎樣啊 這裡有電 按按鈕吧
They never die okay you want them to die and then they die and then they never die alright
讓它停止運作 布啦
It's Friday the 13th all over again. Why am I speaking like a pillow?
Alright long ass ladder
不 它還是有電
It better be a sign that says you're awesome at the top of this
但現在電纜不再碰到水了 所以我們安全了 ㄤ全惹
oh Jezz
但它可能有時間限制 所以咱們小心點
Oh, that was the collecting guy fuck's sake
帶我上去 拜託
Maybe he maybe he told whispers you're awesome, dude. I love your shit man, oh shit
向上或向前 拜偷
We're locked in here with a little girly no. No, aah
這團肉球還真喜歡水呢 是不是
We were the one that had to go. What did he do with us
好我們再按一次按鈕吧 看看會怎樣
My mind is thinking some pretty
水面應該會上升 我們有豐富的時間去...幹 我死了...我還活著
sick stuff right now
對 雖然跟我想像的不一樣 但還是有用
disgusting despicable
我是指...沒錯!完美的推理!順帶一提零死亡 哈囉桶桶 你要跟我走了
I believe that was the little nightmares Dlc short, but sweet as you say I liked it very
算了 待在那裡 你這酸馬鈴薯的龜孫子 (他應該想說*酸葡萄*)
Nice, I don't think it compared to
我才不鳥你勒 去你的你這狗屎
The original one but I'll take whatever we can get I thought it was great anyway
I love this
天啊 那真是個性感婊子 我們看到她的臉和其他東西
Platforming type of genre. I really hope they make more of them. I hope this games does well, so more people will follow
我知道人們喜歡水的原因了... 不...別他X!停!妳需要住手
I wasn't sure if inside did well, or not
妳很醜 好嗎?妳必須停下所有妳在做的事
I understand it's a it's
Not maybe just about justifiable for a lot of people to pay the amount when you get a shorter
天鵝啊 看她的臉~媽的游到...啊!!
Amount of gameplay out of it, but I think it's cool that they make DlC like this, so you get a little bit extra
沒錯 你今晚沒有屁股了 男孩
Let me know what you thought of the DLC any thoughts. Maybe something. I missed they would like to be enjoyed watching and as always
天啊 抓緊不要搞砸
Sister fister
有沒有看過那個j...gif? 抱歉 差點說成jif了 醬就尷尬惹