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[Door Slams in SWEDISH]
What is this? HUH?
Skratta du flörlar du at other pEOple!?!?!
You thought I had run out of all the ideas I had, didn't you?
Oh no NO…
Still got creative, original ideas!
You laugh you lose at other people's YLYL
That's right, we're gonna react to people reacting to things
And see who laughs first!
And you're gonna watch me reacting to-
To other people reacting to original clips
How did we end up here? 2018
Let's begin with my man,
Now, he's been stealing my thumbnails for quite a while
It's kind of been bugging me a little bit
I didn't want to start any drama or anything like that
But you can clearly tell,
I don't know what quality Mark's camera has
But it looks amazing
Game: I have a cigarette
Game: Yeah, sometimes I like to smoke down here-
This is exciting
'Cos now it's like a challenge, you know?
I'm not a psychopathic person that needs a challenge for everything
Against another person, of course, but it is a challenge to myself
Then I always win
Game: -here
(Guy in video clip starts laughing)
Guy: Oh, that was a headshot
I guess this means I'm winning. I didn't even- What happened?
Video: -cigarette? Yeah, sometimes I like to smoke down here
*Motorcycle headshots person in ally*
M'kay, that was pretty funny
Mark: Urgh
Mark: Ok, gotta replay on that one
Alright, a little pro tip for Mark here
This clip, I know, another company owns
So if Mark shows this clip,
that company is going to claim the revenue of this entire video
Which means, Mark, you're potentially losing 15,000 dollars on this video
So already I know Mark doesn't care about money
Which means I'm not gonna watch his clips! Right?
Mark: I'm dying
Mark: I'm dying
So am I, but on the inside
Heh ha
Video: Stop!
Video: You've violated the law. Pay the fine or serve your sentence!
Video: Your stolen goods are now forfeit
Video: Then pay th-
They look strangely similar, don't they?
Damn, what the hell!
It's like Asian and ginger Mark at the same shot!
I've seen this clip by the way, it's really funny
*Clip plays epic battle music*
*Swedish chuckles*
Oh, I guess I lost
Come on!
Video: WHY! WON'T! YOU! DIE! Pewds: I guess we have different-
I guess we have different sense of humor
*Guy in video grunts as he gets punched* It looks like Mark is cracking
Oh, they're so good
This guy makes legendary Skyrim parodies, they're so funny
Mark: Ha hu, I haven't seen that one before, that was-
I've seen it and it's hilarious!
What are you doing, Mark!
Alright, 1:1, me versus Mark
I can't let Mark win!
Video: Fine, just think of how delicious you're gonna be
Video: You're gonna make a great s a n d w i c h D:
Video: In fact, they named you after your eventual fate
Video: Tho we can't have the girl die, so we'll have the pig dies (n O)
Video: Why is that guy still wearing a plastic bag on his head
*Guy in video starts laughing hysterically*
Mark, what's wrong with you? How can you laugh at this?
This is, so sad (AlExA PlAy DeSpAcITo)
No one's talking to you :(
*Guy in video continues laughing*
Minecraft girl: See? Ham feel-
Mark: Hrg, It's fine
Ok, 2:1, Mark
Oh this is great. This is also owned by another company!
Mark! Do you hate money?
You know what? Just ask me!
Ok? Just ask me before the video
And I'll make sure you'll cut anything that you don't need
You clearly have room to cut it
And then just give the money to me!
Silly Mark, cares more about good content than making revenue
What is this?
Star Wars dub by Japanese-
Mark: Oh no
Mark: It's gonna be horrifically racist
Google Translate: it's Oova anakeen
Google Translate: I havu da high guroundo *Mark and Pewds chuckles*
Google Translate: U undaseemaito mai powahhhhh
Google Translate: donto traite
Google Translate: AAaAaaAaAAAaAAAAaaaaAaAAAAaaaAAaAa
*Both cracks*
Google Translate: OOOOOOOOOOOoOoOoOoOOooOOh
Google Translate: UuuUuuuuUUUUUUuUuuUUuuUUUUUUuu
Google Translate: OooOOOOOOooooOOOOOOh
Oh my god
Alright, fine
Alright fine, I'm still in the lead
We both laughed
Alright, I gotta take a picture of Mark's face here
It's so cute (Ship??)
That's my new background
This is so cute //>-
Oh my god
How does he make that face
Mark: Hahahaha
It's stopped being funny after a while
Google translate: U ve ah da chozen one
Google Translate: hito wasu saigyo zaku to yu goludu desutoroishisu notto joinzemi
Google Translate: guringu baransu za forsu zoto leavu ito inda
Ok, alright
It clearly stopped being funny
Video: It's a pile of balls
Mark: Yeah?
Pewds: Don't look at me like that, Mark Mark: Yeah it is
Mark: Yeah, it's a-
*weird music starts to play* (o-o)
Mark: huuuuUUh? O-O
That was it? Aw, cringe, man. (True)
I've seen this as well. Owned by another company. Don't even-
Like, even if I show you the still frame, they would claim the video (Damn copywright ;( )
That's how insane the YouTube system is right now (Smh)
I'm gonna take this as I won against you, Mark (Sure you did Pewds, sure)
Mark, if you wanna do a You Laugh You Lose
Uh, it's probably not enough content actually, but uh
See if you can beat me on another one (Probably easy)
So, feel free to
Feel free to do that
And check out Mark for more You Laugh You Lose videos (They're funny)
People just can't have enough of them
Now, moving onto Jacksepticeye 2 (Green PewDiePie*)
Jack: Welcome back to Jacksepticeye's Funniest Home Videos
Jack: It's me, your dad (DaD?!)
*chuckles* what is he-
Ok, alright, here we go
Me versus Jack
*Weird low baby-like ahhh*
Jack: Oh no
Jack: Oh no
Pewds: ooo
Ha, Jack has the same issue with eyes popping up
Damn it, I laughed!
Damn it, I laughed at the end of it *laughs*
Damn it, Jack! Damn it!
Alright fine, one point to Jack
See if I care, Jack!
Jack: Shit, no! (Wtf is this)
Maybe he laughs, maybe he laughs
Jack: I hate this! (So does everyone else)
Jack: Why- No, I hate this.
Jack: It was supposed to be funniest home videos
Jack: Why are you guys sending me this creepy sSSHHHII
Also, edit out Jack's swear there
I don't know why you can sink so low
To swear on your videos (HMmmMmMMm)
Jack, you have kids watching
Jack: Jacksepticeye ignores crying fan? (Please no)
Jack: Oh no-
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?
Goddamn it
Just reading the title made me laugh
Jack: -gonna be really cringey, isn't it?
Jack: Oh god, dogby, what did you do?
Man: Adele, the singer, has over 16 million subscribers
Jack: Is this when I was on the late late show earlier in the-
That does not count by the way (It does count shh)
'Cos the video hasn't started
Man: -cos you're about to meet, an Irish fella, has over 18 subscribers (18? wow)
*Crowd awes and claps* *Jack laughs*
Jack: GreenPewdiepie420
Jack: That's good. He has over *eighteen* subscribers
Man: -has over 18 subscribers
Alright we both failed
Man: This, is what he does
*Jack inside of Jack's video screaming and both Pewds and Jack chuckles*
Jack: He's not wrong, it is what I do
Man: Alright, you might not have heard of him, but to millions
Man: he's kind of a big deal. Can we give him a welcome please, to Sean McLoughlin,
Man: also known as, Jacksepticeye! (Green PewDiePie*) Ladies and gentl- Jack: He said my name right
*both giggles*
*loud footsteps in the silent room* *PewDiePie laughs*
Jack: Oh, that's so good!
Jack: oh nooo
This is- This is how it looks like when I get interviewed
Jack: Haha, it's so awkward!
*so silent that you can hear the crowd's chattering*
Jack: Oh it gonna end
Jack: no! Ffuuuu**
Man: And here Adam Mooney sits here. Hi Adam!
Adam: Hi
Jack: Pfft, shut up to say hi
Man: You're 14, you're from Wicklow, and you have a question
Boy: Uh yeah, do you have any advice on like people starting a channel
Boy: like how to get more subscriber- subscribers to their channel?
Jack in suit: I don't know if I should say it or not
Man: You can try
Jack: Uh no, I keep it under rafts (Rafts? idk)
Man: Ok
Jack: Oh, this is so well edited Man: Hey Jayman, how are you?
*Girl sobbing*
Jack: awww
Jack: oh no
What is this ad!
Jack: Oh no...!
Jack: No, that's not me! (It is you)
This is just too painful!
I can't
Can't believe you did that, Jack
Oh, that's funny
It's fun laughing with other people. I actually like this, tee ha
I think I understand why you guys click on these videos now
Jack: See if you'll laugh at this
Jack: I don't even know how you make these,
Jack: these are always super impressive (ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT)
Are you kidding me Jack?
Grandayy, I love you, but these are not hard to edit
Jack: It's also-
Why the ad!
Oh my god, Jack! Goddamn it! (It happens to the best of us)
Jack: -so long
Jack: and it just keeps going and going
And then where's the punchline?
It's never funny
Africa *Toto Africa plays*
Tada, ok, great
Man: All the sign says that it's
Man: four quarters for an hour but
Man: a quarter only gets you fifteen minutes (Hmmm)
Man: so if my math is correct, that's not an hour
15 minutes isn't an hour?
Jack: Oh no
*People laughing in video*
*Realisation* Man: Rewind!
Man: Take that off, take that off (Poor guy)
Man: You're right, 15 minutes is a qua-
Man: God, I do not do drugs, I have not have liquor
Man: My friends are leaving me...
Jack: Oh, that poor man!
Reporter: -news stories about they want to change the parking-
Man: Please don't put that on...
Jack: Aw, that poor man! Noo! *Pewds laughs*
Wait, did I laugh or not. Jack, damn it!
Goddamn you and your empathy, Jack!
Fine! You win this round
But next time I'll get you, Jack
Smash like once if you beat- uh, Mark (Like the video!)
Smash like twice if you beat me (Doesn't that unlike the video?)
Smash like three times and subscribe if you beat all of us (Subscribe anyway :))
Skratta du, flörlar du
YouTube's.... show, everybody
And I'll see you next time, bye!
I need to get on hand- a video, so that's why I shot this video, I'm sorry....
(Bye all!)