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  • Oh, hey how's it going bros?

  • Welcome back to another episode of "Resident Evil 7"

  • Alright, so, right off the bat, I read you bro's comments and,

  • apparently a little hidden secret down here

  • that I missed completely

  • So I appreciate the little tips and tricks that you bros give me.

  • What do we have?

  • A box!

  • Hehehehehe.... Box!!

  • Hell Yea motha' fucka'

  • Alright,

  • Nice little creepy shed there, appreciate it.

  • Uhh, now we have,

  • I guess we have a broken hand gun and

  • a broken shotgun

  • I'm just gonna repair the broken hand gun cause

  • I can't be bothered to go and get the broken shotgun

  • Is that okay with you?

  • Great,

  • Great I'm glad we agree on things

  • Broken handgun

  • Alright great

  • Uhh, use it on the repair kit

  • Excellent

  • Oh they have different max? Okay, okay

  • okay

  • more ammo for me. Is there anything else we need?

  • I think we're good to rock and roll

  • MothaFucka

  • let's do this we're going to the party

  • Hell Yeah! I used to work at a night club

  • So uh, I know how to handle the fucked

  • up drunk people

  • oh my god it's bleach I mean hey bro

  • doesn't even load


  • Hey bro its a fucking nice atmosphere in there.

  • lot of hoes, lot of bitches

  • G-go on in

  • alright alright bro man bleach such a

  • bro who would have thought

  • lets

  • play

  • yay

  • oh how nice

  • alright i can't play for too long today

  • because it saturday and i usually take

  • Saturdays off i will spend it with Marzia so..

  • I know this was probably a bit

  • shorter. Dude not so close

  • Jesus Christ


  • He's so fuckin creepy

  • Oh great an alien fetus

  • I don't know... a dildo?

  • Oh, god.... no

  • AGH!

  • Who's Eveline?

  • Found ya'll?

  • Yes, that's me

  • Bradberry

  • Ohh baby~

  • Oh I'll come through you

  • I'll come through you with my.... dick!

  • AH, shit.. haha nice, nice- fuck indeed

  • alright so we have a new gun i suppose

  • no we don't have a new gun

  • Uhh...

  • Uh fuck..uhh

  • Relatively powerful. Great, great just fucking great

  • How's it look? Looks pretty cool..

  • PEWDS you should have a shotgun! God dammit!

  • Why didn't you tell me then?!

  • Heh!

  • Oh geez, is that a trap?

  • Oh my god.. it's a BOX!!!

  • Handgun ammo!

  • what if you just go underneath- Hey!

  • high five! fuck yeah!

  • He-hey! High five!

  • i have no friends.

  • Right on her ass. Nicely placed

  • mate. Nicely placed not very discreet

  • though! But nicely placed. OH god another one

  • Fuck, they're everywhere. Hey barrel how you

  • doing y-you look pretty good man

  • Can I crawl underneath? Fuck, I got a cold, man.

  • WAIT, there's a treasure hidden here!

  • I recognize this place


  • WHA- Oh shit oh shit there's a trap in the

  • fucking ceiling

  • Okay so now we can repair the shotgun too,

  • that's pretty good

  • I don't know why we need to do that

  • Can I shoot it from here I don't fucking trust this.

  • No it was pretty fucking obvious

  • Hey bro how you doin, you look pretty good

  • Alright, so what else we got? Huh?


  • BOX!!

  • My new favourite catchphrase, everyone.

  • BOX!

  • Ugh, god damnit

  • BOX!

  • Oh, for fuck's sake!

  • What, s-so the boxes have explos- Awh for f-

  • What's over here?

  • Nothin. Great.

  • Ooh! GOTEM!

  • Shut the fuck up.

  • Why is this here?

  • What the fuck? It doesn't make a-

  • I don't need this many guns

  • Right?

  • I don- I don't know man.

  • There we go.

  • Actually I don't need to hold the repair kit either

  • Fuck saake

  • We'll go get the broken shotgun later

  • This is a perfect timing.

  • What.

  • How am I supposed to know

  • T-Hahahahaha!

  • Okay, sure.

  • Aghh!

  • What did he say? 0, 1, 5

  • I have a bad feeling about this.

  • What the fuck did you do?

  • WOAH!

  • Jesus!

  • For fuck's sake!

  • ???

  • Ughh!

  • Wait

  • Haha!

  • Great, just great.

  • Just fucking fantastic.

  • I don't fucking trust boxes anymore

  • You were my only friend

  • You were supposed to be THE CHOSEN ONE!

  • There you go.

  • Fucking great.

  • Should I just shoot them from now on?

  • I don't

  • I don't know man.

  • Heey, look at that, shotgun.

  • Heh!

  • Burner fuel? I don't need it, great.

  • This corridor,

  • It's way too fucking set up.

  • Anytime you got a long ass fucking corridor

  • There's a trap there isn't it, yeah I see it.

  • It's right fucking here.

  • Gotem!


  • Oh god


  • Jeesus!

  • You almost got hurt!

  • Fuckin asshole!

  • Helloo?

  • Life's handing you lemons, so make lemonade then.

  • Oh god, oh god, moist monsters.

  • What the fuck?

  • Oh my god, baby

  • I missed

  • Oh god, reload reload RELOAD

  • Gotem!


  • I can't fuckin see!

  • Jesus Chriist!

  • Are they still aft- Ughh come on dude

  • Just fuckin die!

  • You fucking pancake looking motherfucker, I'm just gonna go.

  • Not gonna waste my fuckin ammo

  • Alright, this place looks wonderful doesn't it

  • Jesus Christ.

  • I'm so sick of the fucking trap

  • I swear to god if you're a trap box

  • Can't even trust a good ol' box these days

  • Is this- Is this guy for real

  • Can you just fuck off?

  • HOW?

  • Fucking die mother, fucker!

  • Jesus Christ!

  • No more traps, I'm fucking done with traps!

  • Hey piggy how ya doin'

  • Heey, how's it going it's Poodip- Haa!

  • BOX!

  • Ughh.

  • This looks like a- aw why do I ne- Okay nice.

  • This looks like a boss area doesn't it?

  • It's too wide and open.

  • Great

  • Ano- OH it's a hub here!

  • SAVE STATION, Gotta love ma save station!

  • Alright, now we can head off in the world.

  • Have a good time, ya know.

  • See what happens.

  • See what floats

  • Is that a trap?

  • I swear to god no more fucking traps.

  • Did I just take damage from jumpin down there?

  • God damnit.

  • Alright, what do we got?

  • You know what

  • Pop some pills.

  • Poppin dem pills

  • I don't trus-

  • Shotgun shells.

  • You trade one handgun ammo for one shot- oh yeah it's worth it.

  • Alright, so we're missing a battery

  • Cool.

  • Thanks game for telling me, appreciate it

  • There's really nothing else here it seems like.

  • Except broken dreams.

  • Oh there it is okay.

  • I swear to god if you're a broken- yeah fuck you.

  • And fuck you pig honestly, like

  • I swear to god, I swear to god, box.

  • AHH!!

  • Some people pointed out that during your playthrough

  • while you're playing the game

  • uhh

  • You didn't get a scar on your arm

  • or some shit like that

  • You see, I have a scar on my arm

  • I don't know it's pretty interesting I guess.

  • Well, we got the battery now.

  • I don't..

  • That's the gun

  • I'm getting really fucking tired of these fucking traps, man.

  • Noo!


  • NOO!

  • Fuck this!


  • Oh my god, it's Jacksepticeye!

  • AHH!

  • NOO!

  • NOOOO!

  • Fucking bullshit.

  • Aw yeah, aw yeah, bring it on motherfucker!

  • Bring it on now fuc-

  • Jesus Cried (Christ)

  • Another one!

  • How are you still alive??

  • Are you fucking kidding me!

  • Are you fucking kidding me?!


  • Disgusting! You're disgusting!

  • Oh my god, just sta-

  • YES!

  • Ugh!

  • Fat man down, everybady

  • Ahh fuck.

  • That means there's more?

  • Oh, ah thank you

  • Just took all my grenade launcher rounds.

  • All of em.

  • And up we go!

  • No? Okay. Heheh

  • It's the kind of thing where like you know, eeeeh

  • It doesn't matter what we do, we're always gonna lose cause we were set up...

  • this motherfucker

  • But I dunno man

  • C'mon, what is happening?

  • Oh!

  • Well that's embarrassing.

  • Not doing too shabby, I would say.

  • So, how-how are you doing today then?

  • Yeah?

  • Doin alright?

  • Havin a good day?

  • Havin a good time?

  • Oh look, it's you!

  • That would be weird if I walked in on you pla-

  • that would be some meta shit

  • N-no offense

  • I don't think you look like a zombie.

  • Don't get me wrong.

  • Al-although I don't know? Haha.

  • Hey how ya doin bud- you're next.

  • Well

  • Well, thank you kindly!

  • I suppose we hit the stairs.

  • Almost missed a coin!

  • Woo!

  • Weha!

  • After you!

  • God damnit

  • This part isn't scary, it's just fucking annoying.

  • Oh, do we have the code? I didn't, I didn't

  • catch a code. Is there a code back there?

  • Surely there must have been..

  • Four ae- There we go.

  • 1408.

  • 1408.

  • Alright

  • THAT'S why there was a box here

  • because we come back to this area.

  • Alright, now that I used all my fucking grenade sh-rounds

  • Can't use that anymore, switch back to the flame thrower.

  • Wherever it is- there we go.

  • 1, 4

  • 0 8.

  • YEYAH!

  • We did it!

  • Uhh-

  • God damnit.

  • Fuck you!

  • That's the real reason why the box is there!

  • Do I really got to get rid of-

  • Naw.

  • Ahhh, come on man.

  • Alright.

  • Maybe, all the weapons.

  • How does he know?

  • Really, you had to get rid of everything huh.

  • Aww, wait a minute!

  • Aww c-

  • Thank you, did you know it's my birthday?

  • Thank you.

  • Okay, so this is the puzzle that we played in the VHS tape.

  • Which I mean, should be pretty fuckin obvious then.

  • Cause all we gotta do is..

  • Uhh..

  • Whr- I was suppos- we gotta walk in here just st- start

  • the fucking puzzle.

  • Hey! It's ma birthday everybady! (hey howboudat)

  • It's, ma birthday

  • Shut the fuck up.

  • Hehahaha!

  • That's kinda creepy.

  • Hey that kind uhhh- NO!

  • No!

  • Oh shit, Jesus!

  • Uhh that kind of proves my point

  • So, he set us up to lose now

  • BUT

  • since we saw the VHS tape..

  • we could win with cheating!

  • That's kinda cool, I like that.

  • Hey balloons, how you doin everybady?

  • I can just see him blowing up all these balloons.

  • Loser..

  • Looo

  • seher.

  • Ah fuck sake.

  • Urmm

  • Loos-

  • ser.

  • Hey!

  • It's almost like we've done this before!

  • How about that

  • Good Game, GG man.

  • Now we have the valve..

  • This way, uhh

  • the oil won't run out and fucken burn us to death (in a horrible way)

  • Although, I'm not sure how he set up the fuckin valve to break, when you use it once.

  • Creepy.

  • Happy Birthday!

  • Yeah!

  • It's gonna blow up.

  • We knew that, why don't we take cover?

  • What the fuck?!

  • Oh god, uhh

  • URHHHH..


  • Baaa!

  • I would get away from the oil if I were you.

  • Oh well.

  • Motherfucka!

  • Okay, I can only play a little bit more, I'm runnin out of time unfortunately.

  • This is really cool.

  • Oh we got it!

  • Fuck yeah!

  • EXcellent! Dude you look good.

  • Excellent.

  • Oh no, it's Mia.

  • Oh no.

  • Hurray!

  • God damn, I hate him.

  • Erherr, dick. Hahahaha!


  • I guess it would be a good place to end it here.

  • Just really kinda wanna play a little bit more. Hehe.

  • I know I'm not supposed to- hey we have a map!

  • I'm REALLY sorry for cutting this one a little bit short but, uh it's all I can do for you today

  • I hope you enjoyed it regardless, and I'll see you tomorrow

  • with anothe- a-a longer episode


  • Thank you for watching, it means a lot. Stay awesome bros!


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