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  • TRAVEL, travel, travel In the past 1000 days, I've seen a lot off countries, but out of everything I saw, there is one country I decided to call home.

  • And this country is.

  • But why, yes, why Singapore is not a place you want to live.

  • This country has really bad weather.

  • It's human sweating and raining.

  • It's very expensive.

  • The world's most expensive country.

  • $3000 for this.

  • It's 5000 miles away from Mom and Dad, and the culture is very different from mine.

  • But here is why I want to build my business in Singapore.

  • It's safe.

  • This'll country is crazy.

  • Safe crime rate here is so low you'll never worry about your belongings or any serious crime.

  • Corruption here is even roar, no hidden deals or mafia, which makes business a lot more attractive.

  • It's easy to get around.

  • This country is small.

  • Every place is a 15 minute drive from you.

  • It's easy to shop malls after malls means you don't have to wait for anything to be shipped.

  • It's easy to communicate.

  • Everyone speaks English and you can understand them.

  • Its strategic.

  • You are right next to China, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Australia, India.

  • You can do business all around Asia and get there in a couple of hours.

  • And last but not least, it's Asia in general.

  • Reminds me of the American dream.

  • Everyone is working, building and creating, and when people around you work hard, it makes you want to work even harder and build an even bigger company.

  • Singapore can be a tough place to live and afford.

  • For many people, including local Singapore is not perfect but object speaking.

  • This place has a standard of living and opportunities that are very hard to find anywhere else, and that's why I decided to call this place home.

TRAVEL, travel, travel In the past 1000 days, I've seen a lot off countries, but out of everything I saw, there is one country I decided to call home.

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我為什麼搬到新加坡 (Why I Moved to Singapore)

  • 29 5
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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