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Boomstick: This episode of Death Battle is brought to you by... us!
Wizard: Throughout the centuries, many T-Shirts have been made
but every now and then one stands out among the rest.
Boomstick: Like the all-new DEATH BATTLE T-Shirt.
Wizard: Today this rookie will be tested by going up against
every other T-Shirt in the World!
Boomstick: Is it wrong to have sexy feelings for a T-Shirt?
Because if it is... I don't want to be right!
Wizard: I'm Wizard and he's Boomstick and it's our job
to analyze their style, fit, and design to see who would win
Boomstick: My god... just look at it!
Wizard: Some impressive apparel to be sure
with sizes ranging from Men's Small to XXXL.
Boomstick: and don't forget the ladies!
Wizard: Forged from 100% Heavyweight Cotton.
It's live span is far superior to the average T- Shirt.
Boomstick: And it makes women more attractive. Possibly, even increasing breast size.
Wizard: Uh... I don't really think-
Boomstick: Hey! It couldn't hurt.
Wizard: True enough.
The Men's Shirt causes men to generate higher levels of testosterone.
Boosting confidence and increasing manliness by up to 45%
Boomstick: Other shirts will cower in fear at the sheer sight of it!
Wizard: With a price of $19.98 and International Shipping options
the shirt is easily available to everyone.
Boomstick: But enough talk! Let's see how it does is the ring!
Wizard: But first a message from our sponsor...
Boomstick: US!
Wizard: At the ScrewAttack! Store you can find the DEATH BATTLE shirt
and other video game merchandise. Like the Angry Video Game Nerd, Squarepainter, Talking Classics
and more!
Boomstick: Check out: and see what we have to offer!
Wizard: Yes, we just promoted a promotion in a promo of the same promotion.
Boomstick: Wha.. It... Whatever!
It's Time For a T-Shirt DEATH BATTLE!
(Epic Music)
(Fighting Sounds)
Boomstick: It's so beautiful...
Wizard: The DEATH BATTLE T-Shirt has just set a record for the fastest kill in DEATH BATTLE history!
Boomstick: Those other T-Shirts were sure... Cotton off Guard!
The Winner is... The DEATH BATTLE T-Shirt.
Boomstick: Next Time on DEATH BATTLE!