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  • top story from here in Oakland continued fallout from the incident last night that took place with 10.5 minutes left in the fourth quarter of the game between the Warriors and the Raptors.

  • Rapture star Kyle Larry shoved by Warriors investor Marc Stevens.

  • The N B a.

  • In the words a joint statement today announcing that Stevens is banned from India Games and all words activities for one year and fined half a $1,000,000.

  • All that effective immediately.

  • Here is Kyle Lowry, who spoke just a couple of hours ago on the reason why he did not react.

  • I understand at the moment my team needed me.

  • Understand that there, there, plenty of fans and kids in the world watching this game.

  • I understand that I have two young Children and you know to be in every toe, hold myself to a certain standard, which I do hold myself to a high, high standard, and I got to make sure that I uphold that.

  • And that's a big thing for me.

  • Is being a guy that, you know, up told him stuff to a high standard and, um, never, you know, letting guys like him get under your skin.

  • I don't know how I reacted in that situation with the guy you know gleefully pushed him.

  • It was a cow was even near one across.

  • One or two people that gets home.

  • But, you know, Kyle kept his cool and they kept the smart because we're gonna need a miss the syriza in that game.

  • You don't want to see that in our game and and hopefully doesn't happen.

  • I don't necessarily think it was a reflection of how we handle your business here.

  • A za Warriors organization and franchise.

  • We had, you know, have a high standard and do things with class and professionalism.

  • Let's welcome in Mark Jackson.

  • Now, of course, on the call of all of our finals games here on ESPN and ABC, Mark joining us from Union Square, downtown San Francisco, over the bridge for me, Mark.

  • Obviously, your perspective on this is quite unique because you're part of the game call.

  • And you guys were talking about this obviously as the incident went down.

  • Big picture in your mind.

  • Mark, we've seen this.

  • We've seen other things.

  • Even including drink.

  • We've seen things through the years.

  • How can the league get this under control because at this point it's scary.

  • The potential.

  • What else could happen?

  • Well, I can't.

  • I won't put Drake in his category.

  • Drake gave the head coach his head coach of massage.

  • That was nothing, as far as I'm concerned.

  • A.

  • To the end of the day, the behavior portrayed last night by a part owner of the Golden State Warriors could be a good man.

  • I don't know him personally.

  • Could be a good man.

  • This is not about who he is as an individual is about the actions that took place last night.

  • Absolutely unacceptable for somebody to do that.

  • You take a look at how Kyle Lowry handled himself.

  • He had every right to push this man back and perhaps slugging.

  • But he controlled himself and conducted himself the way a professional supposed should be applauded at the same time.

  • In my opinion, the owner should be forced.

  • Teoh sell his part.

  • Let's not call him up upon an investor that's minimizing them.

  • He is a part owner of the Golden State Warriors.

  • That's how he introduces himself at the restaurant at the golf club or whoever.

  • At the end of the day, It's not about who he is, is a man is about the actions that took place last night?

  • Absolutely.

  • You're using the word investor.

  • We're using that because that is specifically what the team did release.

  • But, yes, he is a minority owner.

  • You say the finest.

  • Not enough.

  • 500,000.

  • The one you're not enough.

  • You want him to sell his stake?

  • Well, if he was a regular fan and he did this, we ban him for life.

  • You look at the Utah Jazz fan.

  • That was disrespectful.

  • The Russell Westbrook.

  • He paid a price for it.

  • Now, maybe one day you re visited.

  • But the actions that took place last night and I would understand it a little bit more if he fell on Mrs Stevens.

  • He did not.

  • He had nothing to do with the situation.

top story from here in Oakland continued fallout from the incident last night that took place with 10.5 minutes left in the fourth quarter of the game between the Warriors and the Raptors.

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馬克-傑克遜。我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊 (Mark Jackson: Warriors part-owner who pushed Kyle Lowry should have to sell his stake | SportsCenter)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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