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  • Boomstick: This episode of Death Battle is brought to by SGC.

  • Wiz: Preregister for the greatest video game party ever at

  • Boomstick: Cyborgs are fucking badass!

  • Wiz: As someone with my own cybernetic arm that suffers constant glitches, I have to agree!

  • Wiz: Cyborgs are awesome.

  • Boomstick: Like Fulgore, the metal monster of Killer Instinct.

  • Wiz: And Sektor, the ninja cyborg from Mortal Kombat.

  • Boomstick: Totally should've been Cyrax.

  • Boomstick: Ahh!!! What the hell?!

  • Wiz: Oh, sorry. Arm's glitching up again.

  • Boomstick: When you least expect it, Wiz.

  • Boomstick: When you least expect it.

  • Wiz: I'm Wizard, and he's Boomstick.

  • Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win...

  • A Death Battle.

  • Wiz: In the dystopian world of Killer Instinct, there are no governments, no courts, no nations.

  • Wiz: There is only, the Mega Corporation that controls the earth.

  • Boomstick: Walmar...*ehem* ULTRATECH!

  • Wiz: To titan his iron grip even further,

  • Wiz: Ultratech's chairman plotted to build an army of cybernetic enforcers.

  • Wiz: Thus, he created the deadly sadistic prototype known as Fulgore.

  • Boomstick: Fulgore!

  • Boomstick: Now there's a name that will strike fear into your enemies.

  • Boomstick: Just saying it gives me chills.

  • Boomstick: Standing 6 feet 5 inches, with over 500 lbs of reinforced steel,

  • Boomstick: Fulgore is a brutal killing machine!

  • All while rocking a stylish ponytail.

  • Boomstick: Stephen Seagal would be proud.

  • Wiz: Actually, to dupe people into trusting their cyborgs,

  • Wiz: Ultratech cleverly designed Fulgore to look the part of an honorable knight.

  • Wiz: Helmet plume included.

  • Boomstick: Call it what you want, Wiz.

  • Boomstick: That's a ponytail.

  • Wiz: Before testing the prototype even began,

  • Wiz: Ultratech had sold over 15 Million Fulgore units worldwide!

  • Wiz: And, if 'Robocop's ED' to 'Anonymous' told us anything, that's a bad idea.

  • Boomstick: Someone finally had the bright idea to see if this thing even worked.

  • Boomstick: And entered Fulgore into Ultratech's annual Killer Instinct tournament.

  • Wiz: Sure enough, there was a major problem.

  • Wiz: Fulgore's mechanical body was so advanced,

  • Wiz: Ultratech's top scientists could not create an artificial intelligence that could operate it efficiently.

  • Boomstick: Fulgore needed the mind of a true fighting spirit.

  • Boomstick: Enter Eagle, the older brother of current K.I. combatant, Chief Thunder!

  • Wiz: Eagle had entered a previous K.I. tournament, and won!

  • Wiz: He used his newfound fame to publicly protest the evils of Ultratech.

  • Wiz: The people rallied, talk of revolution began to seed.

  • Boomstick: But then, some guy at Ultratech,

  • Boomstick: probably the dude who wanted to TEST Fulgore,

  • Boomstick: was like, "HEY! Let's kill Eagle,"

  • Boomstick: "stop his revolution,"

  • Boomstick: "then rip out his brain and drop it in our robot!"

  • Boomstick: Then, Eagle mysteriously disappeared,

  • Boomstick: Fulgore started kicking ass,

  • Boomstick: and that guy probably got a promotion.

  • Wiz: With the implanted mind of Eagle, Fulgore effortlessly smashed through foe after foe.

  • Wiz: However, Eagle still lived somewhere within.

  • Wiz: Constantly fighting to overcome his malicious programming, and horribly ironic situation.

  • Boomstick: Fulgore draws from Eagle's traditional 'Okichitaw Fighting Style.'

  • Boomstick: Which crosses Judo, Taekwondo, and Hapkido, with short range blades.

  • Wiz: Like his quad plasma claws.

  • Wiz: Which can cut through almost any metal with temperatures over 30,000 degrees Fahrenheit!

  • Boomstick: In addition, he's equipped with everything a bad-ass killer cyborg should have.

  • Boomstick: Plasma Storm fireballs!

  • Boomstick: A Reflector to bounce back projectiles!

  • Boomstick: A...Cyber Port...

  • Boomstick: A Cloaking device, and Laser Eyes for flare!

  • Wiz: And when his foe's time grows short,

  • Wiz: Fulgore uses one of 4 overwhelming finishers, called 'No Mercies.'

  • Boomstick: I don't even...where was he keeping that?!

  • Boomstick: And how can he see where he's aiming?

  • Wiz: Fulgore's strength is staggering.

  • Wiz: But, where does all this power come from?

  • Wiz: Hidden within his armor chassis, is...

  • Boomstick: That Giant F***ng Turret, somehow!!!

  • Wiz: ...a nuclear reactor.

  • Wiz: Which powers everything at his disposal.

  • Wiz: Fulgore can manually overclock this reactor, increasing it's charge multiple times.

  • Boomstick: At max charge, he gains a massive power increase!

  • Boomstick: Doubling his speed, and allowing him to fire A Giant Laser of Doom!

  • Boomstick: The Devastation Beam!

  • Boomstick: With something like that, he's gotta be unstoppable.

  • Wiz: Almost, until he met the warrior monk, Jago, who literally tore him appart.

  • Wiz: Despite the dismemberment, Ultratech still had plans for their mechanical butcher.

  • Wiz: He was rebuilt, stronger, faster, and reprogrammed with a new mission...

  • Wiz: "Find and kill his rival, Jago."

  • Wiz: A mission Fulgore never completed.

  • Boomstick: He came so close!

  • Boomstick: But then the little wuss called in his god-slaying sister Orchid, and double-teamed him into destruction.

  • Boomstick: Still, Fulgore is a monster! Annihilating anyone who gets in his way!

  • Well, nearly anyone. ...bitch.


  • Wiz: Earth was in grave danger.

  • Wiz: The inter-dimensional overlord Shao Kahn, was one victory away from conquering the human world.

  • Boomstick: In order to stack up with Khan's invading monsters, the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei clan of assassins came up with a plan so crazy, it just might work.

  • Wiz: "Let's turn all of our ninjas into robots!"

  • Boomstick: That guy is my fucking hero.

  • Wiz: Thus, the Cyber Initiative was created.

  • The first and only willing member of the Lin Kuei to undergo the mechanization was the grandmaster's own son, Sektor.

  • Boomstick: Who names their kid Sektor?!

  • It's like, the day his child was born, he's like:

  • "I'm gonna give you this cool cyber name just in case I ever pull off my crazy as shit plan to turn everyone I know into robots!"

  • Sektor: I will show no mercy!

  • Wiz: Sektor was already an unrivaled assassin and master of Ninjitsu, Sambo and Kenpo.

  • Boomstick: As a cyborg, he's all that plus extra armor and a never-ending supply of missiles.

  • Wiz: Why would a ninja, master of the silent kill, use a missile launcher?!

  • Boomstick: He's also got two flamethrowers on his wrists, a cloaking device,

  • a laser pistol, a teleporting rocket punch and lightsabers.

  • Wiz: They're actually called Pulse Blades.

  • Boomstick: They're definitely lightsabers.

  • Sweet, royalty-free lightsabers.

  • Wiz: To close a kill, Sektor finishes foes with a brutal Fatality.

  • Like the Robo-Sek, Missile Strike or the Compactor.

  • Boomstick: Okay, how do these robo guys keep all this impossible shit in their chests?! Do they have black holes for hearts or something?!

  • Wiz: Regardless of the storage quandary, Sektor's compactor can crush a human being in mere seconds.

  • At minimum, crushing an entire human body into paste requires nearly two tons of pressure.

  • The new Sektor proved invaluable, aiding Shao Kahn in multiple Mortal Kombat tournaments against the defenders of humanity.

  • And after Kahn discovered a loophole around the tournament's rules, Sektor lead the Lin Kuei in the invasion of Earthrealm.

  • Boomstick: But despite the sheer badassery of being a robo-ninja, not everybody wanted to do it.

  • Wiz: Fearing the loss of mind and soul, a few Lin Kuei managed to escape.

  • Sektor was tasked with hunting these traitors and dragging them back to the grandmaster, dead or alive.

  • The list of defectors included a young ninja named Sub-Zero.

  • Boomstick: Mecha-Sektor was nearly unstoppable.

  • He slaughtered the clan's enemies by the dozens without so much as batting a robo-eye.

  • But no matter how hard he tried, he could never take down that poster boy Sub-Zero.

  • Wiz: Until Raiden reset the timeline and practically gift-wrapped him.

  • However, Sektor's transformation was not perfect.

  • While his cybernetics enhanced his body, they had a different effect on his mind.

  • In just a few years, Sektor unravelled, tumbling deeper and deeper into an unescapable well of insanity.

  • Mad with power, Sektor murdered his own father, intending to take the title of grandmaster for himself.

  • Boomstick: Until Sub-Zero showed up and totally ninja'd that shit, and then kicked him out of the Lin Kuei for good.

  • Bummer.

  • Wiz: Sektor was alone, his only companions the twisted voices in his head.

  • Eventually, he managed to found his own clan of cyber-warriors, the Tekunin.

  • Sektor now roams the realms, hungry for Mortal Kombat.

  • *Boomstick sings the Mortal Kombat theme*

  • Smoke: You actually did it. You're a cyborg!

  • Sektor: We are the Lin Kuei, more stealthful than the night.

  • Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all.

  • Boomstick: DEATH BATTLE!

  • FIGHT!

  • KI Announcer: BRUTAL COMBO!

  • HYPER!



  • K.O!

  • Boomstick: Yep, Devastation Beam lives up to its name.

  • Wiz: This was a close one.

  • With his ninja abilities, Sektor could easily outmaneuver Fulgore's bulk.

  • But Fulgore had the edge in every other category.

  • He had more options for defensive, close and long-ranged combat.

  • Being almost twice as big, his size and strength surmounted Sektor's.

  • And whenever Sektor DID get an upper hand, Fulgore simply overclocked his reactor to compensate.

  • Boomstick: And while neither of them have successfully defeated their rivals,

  • Sektor has been humiliated by Sub-Zero over and over.

  • But Fulgore would've won his second duel with Jago if Orchid hadn't stepped in.

  • Wiz: It took the combined might of two demigod killers to take Fulgore down.

  • Boomstick: In the end, Sektor got ro-blown up!

  • Wiz: The winner is Fulgore.

  • Boomstick: Next time on DEATH BATTLE!

  • *Godzilla roars*

Boomstick: This episode of Death Battle is brought to by SGC.

Subtitles and vocabulary


Fulgore VS Sektor (Mortal Kombat VS Killer Instinct) | 死亡之戰! (Fulgore VS Sektor (Mortal Kombat VS Killer Instinct) | DEATH BATTLE!)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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