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click the link in the description and by the brand new Not anyway, old Top 10 shirt.
If you don't get eaten, you don't have to have played final fantasy before to know almost instantly when you're looking at final fantasy, if you know what I mean, it's because those fabulous, sometimes physics defying hairdos that just give it all away with 15 main Siri's games now in the final fantasy franchises, be figured.
Let's look at some crazy hairstyles.
Hey, I'm nervous, Nick for screw attacks Top 10 Final Fantasy hairdos Number 10.
While we may not be the rudest of the bunch, Reno is the red hair Turk who ends up finding himself on the opposite end of the Buster soared more than he'd like to admit.
But his hair is absolutely an extension of his personality, which makes him stand out in a crowd full of suit wearing Gangsters.
And when partnered with Q ball here, his fiery mop top makes it pretty clear which of the two has zero chill.
You think that the Bedhead goggles supported front is where this do starts and stops, but Reno sports a hidden ponytail that borders on excessive Outback That's right.
This is one of the most animate bullets of all time.
Business in the front party in the back might not only be the best description of Farinos hair, but also for just the man himself.
Number nine.
If there's one thing the whole world should love from the eighties, it's back to the future.
If there's another thing, everybody should love it snowed eternal.
If there's 1/3 thing everybody should love, it's wild hairstyles.
So in a game from 2009 of all years decides to bring back the side ponytail.
So you know we're gonna be talking about it on this list.
In this case, we're talking about final fantasy.
Sarah Farron Sarah's pretty much nothing but in the Gulf in, But that doesn't take away from the fact that her side pony brings all the boys to the yard.
Whether it's snow from the first game.
No, from the second or back, even the Gothic Lolita Lumina straight up jacket or Madonna do Sarah's hair is on point.
Try saying that five times Fast, Gothic Lolita.
Lumina Gotta love you Told me to go.
You can't do it.
Say what you will about final fantasy 13 but that white engine makes that ponytail.
Number eight.
If tobacco were a sexy rabbit girl, you pretty much get friend from Final Fantasy 12 as a Vieira, both ears first mate sports a full head of hair like flowing waste, long queen bee type hair, while some of France other assets may garner more attention.
Rabbit ears.
Come on, people.
Those beautiful flowing locks are still impressive.
Probably even or impressive would be just how long it takes to maintain or even grow that much hair in the first place.
But even I know better than to dig too deep into a woman's personal life.
Number seven.
The Joker isn't the only agent of chaos out to see the world burn.
Oh, no, no, no.
Kept Capellas.
Oh, is a court major turn megalomaniac and final fantasy six whose psychopathic demeanor is only amplified by his harlequin hair.
He got ribbons, marbles, beads and feathers.
All that crap twisted up into some sort of maniacal man bun.
Now maybe you're distracted by all the face paint and just like spandex, But don't let it fool you.
This hair is clearly the mad clowns.
Most prized attributes even as he ascends to his god like form and the grand finale, The bun goes full ponytail with a single feather as a reminder of what an extravagant specimen kept.
God really is final Fantasy nine does not have anybody's favorite, but there is one who is all about hair.
Amaranth's coral, a k a.
The flaming amaranth.
This warriors crimson locks make him appear larger than life, even monstrous.
How does he see through all that air?
Like seriously, these dreads will make a rasta fairy and jealous.
On that note, I know what you're thinking.
This guy has to be some kind of hippy stoner.
But that is a misconception.
Amaranth is a ninja monk in those dreads help add to his mysterious injure nature.
You know, standing around in every scene, acting like a cool guy in the room.
What I don't understand is how this blue skinned human with knotty red hair thinks he can just blend into every environment he comes across because you can't terrible ninja Awesome dress number heaven and up do like this in the crazy blitz ball world of final fantasy.
10 is enough to get you on this list.
But for Wacha, the real reason is logic defying.
It's not the fact that his hair as another foot to his height, it's not the greasy, grimy head band he wears day in and day out.
No, no, no.
All that matters is that this guy can dive into the water, swim around in surface with his hair perfectly intact, pristine, perfect, glorious.
I'm talking like this as an athlete who spends his life in the water.
What is he putting in his hair?
I guess having hair that disregards the laws of physics is just what Lockett does when he isn't trying to hit you in the face with his blitz book.
Who wrote this?
Who almost made me say that Number four, not time traveling sorceress who brought down monsters from the Moon Ultimate Show was rocking a wicked.
We've long before we ever heard the name of Bandit Final fantasy eights.
Antagonised is trying to compress all of space and time to become a living god, and if any of our past entries have proven anything, you had better get your hair game on point.
If you want to become an ABN impotent oxen, so go ahead and wear those bangs past your waistline and put that headdress that shapes your hair in the Longhorns.
What do you think she calls that pair style?
The bodacious bovine or the sexy Steer, the dairy dominant dairy dominatrix who is writing the script?
Who's responsible for this number three saz cats Roy's adorable Afro isn't just for you to admire with your eyes, not enough In final fantasy, 13 saws actually has a Baby Chou couple living in his hair the majority of the game.
It's pretty much the single cues thing this franchises ever frickin done.
Now maybe it's cheating, but I like to think that having your hair become the home for something so adorable automatically launches you to the top three.
I just think about it.
That baby chick is great for the ladies, good with kids in his low maintenance Plus, somehow, this anybody chick has a stronger moral compass than the best of us.
It prefers to follow sauce to the ends of the Earth rather than live with its own kind.
So size my boy sauce, heat that pro tight.
Make sure that little chuckles get a nice home.
I will make you regret it.
Seymour Gwadar is a nihilist whose ambitions for world domination are only matched by his insane hairstyle.
And I'm not talking cuckoo for cocoa Puffs and saying, I mean like Jeffrey Dahmer and Safe Being a human Duato hybrid, his traits mixed in order to create the most impractical do of the whole franchise.
Seymour's massive locks are essentially horns that run the length of his back and from bank Holy geez, this man must take hours hours to get enough product in his hair to make that shape.
And this isn't like some punk thing that he started in his teenage years, either, because Seymour head this hairstyle even as a very young boy, huh?
Sure grew up to become world dominating monsters.
Quick, it's number one.
So let's get to the heart of this top 10 all about hair Cloud strife is basically the reason why this list exists.
Anyone who cares even just the slightest bit about Japanese video games or anima or even just RPGs notes about this spiky haired blond kid from a franchise called Final Fantasy.
But if you truly understand the character in his history, you would quickly realize that cloud isn't the number one in all clouds.
Whole personality and look were, in fact, based on somebody else in the world of final fantasy.
All of Clouds successes came from the head of his BFF, Zack Fair Zach.
Spiky Black Do is the inspiration behind Blondie's here, as are the short sleeve turtleneck and a giant sword, which Cloud just took is his own When Zack died during Crisis Court.
To this day, Cloud maybe more recognized one of casual audience.
But the hard core knows that everything begins and ends with Zach Way wanted to focus on the character hairdos from final fantasy.
For this one, the summons absolutely deserve our secret number 11 like Shiva from Final Fantasy 15 and her single icy brave that sticks straight up with little crystal dangle is on it.
It's sort of like the reverse alfalfa in a snowstorm.
Put some clothes on.