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  • (Cues: Invader - Jim Johnston)

  • Wiz: With DEATH BATTLE, our combatants are always extraordinary in one way or another, whether they're a superhero or a plumber.

  • Boomstick: But these two are literally built to show up the rest of their kind.

  • Mewtwo, the genetically engineered Pokémon...

  • Wiz: And Shadow the Hedgehog, the ultimate lifeform.

  • Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

  • Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills, to find out who would win....a DEATH BATTLE.

  • Years ago, a brilliant scientist named Dr. Fuji was working to create a brand new life form which would change the world.

  • Boomstick: That's great and all, but he had something else in mind.

  • Wiz: Fuji hoped his experiments would help him discover a way to resurrect the person he cherished most:

  • His deceased daughter, Amber.

  • Boomstick: With unlimited resources founded by mob money, he figured out how to

  • clone his daughter's...(UNSURE) ball of...consciousness.

  • (DEFINITIVE) Because science.

  • Wiz: But before he could finish, he had to create the most powerful Pokémon, a clone of the legendary Mew.

  • Boomstick: And he named him... (sadly) Mewtwo.

  • Wiz: Yeah, Fuji wasn't very creative when it comes to naming,

  • but when you can create a new life form with nothing but a fossilized eyelash,

  • you know you're a master of genetic engineering,

  • a field I'd love to get more experience in myself.

  • (RECORD SCRATCH, SIREN) Boomstick: Told you a thousand times, Wiz; you're not gonna alter my DNA!

  • Wiz: Ehhehehe. Wh-What are you talking about? I would never do that.

  • Boomstick: Always watching, Wiz. Always.

  • Wiz: Growing up in a test tube, Mewtwo's only companions were Fuji's other test subjects,

  • including Amber herself through some sort of psychic link.

  • Boomstick: Amber taught Mewtwo about the sun, the moon, tears, and you know, life stuff.

  • Oh, and also death when she died for good right in front of him.

  • Wiz: Worrying this may be too mentally traumatic for the still infant Mewtwo, Dr. Fuji's team erased all memory of her.

  • Unfortunately, this left Mewtwo with a feeling of loss and confusion and no memories to explain why.

  • Boomstick: With nothing else to do, Mewtwo decided to take out all his aggression on all of humanity.

  • Then he turned some stupid kid into stone, a bunch of Pokémon cried, and Mewtwo figured out humans aren't so bad after all.

  • Wiz: Mewtwo is one of the most powerful Psychic-type Pokémon, defeating its foes with the power of its mind.

  • Boomstick: Hey, wait a minute.

  • You keep calling him "it". Is Mewtwo a guy or a girl?

  • Wiz: Well, neither.

  • Technically, it's genderless.

  • Boomstick: Oh. How does it bang?

  • Wiz: It doesn't.

  • Boomstick: Bummer.

  • Well, one thing's for sure, it's got balls...

  • Wiz: Uh...

  • Boomstick: Of ghost energy that blow holes in stadiums!

  • Add an onslaught of undodgeable stars, multiple types of defensive shields,

  • and a healing ability for when those shields don't quite cut it.

  • Wiz: Alongside its other abilities, Mewtwo's favorite move is Psychic, a powerful form of telekinesis.

  • With it, Mewtwo can effortlessly send enemies as heavy as a five hundred pound Onix flying through the air.

  • Boomstick: He can even make himself fly like a Zubat outta hell.

  • Wiz: Also, it can augment its melee combat with psychic energy, or occasionally a massive spoon.

  • Boomstick: Would you say he sometimes...spoons his enemies?

  • Wiz: No, nothing about Mewtwo is cuddly, especially when it uses Hyper Beam or Psystrike,

  • attacks so strong they can incapacitate the toughest of Pokémon in a single hit.

  • Boomstick: And when trouble comes a knockin', Mewtwo answers the door with a badass Mega Evolution.

  • Wiz: Mewtwo is one of the few Pokémon capable of Mega Evolving without the assistance of a trainer.

  • As Mega Mewtwo Y, it gains enormous boosts in strength, defense, and speed.

  • Boomstick: Making Mewtwo powerful enough to fly into space while carrying a robot bug monster.

  • Wiz: Fast enough to breach escape velocity, over twenty five thousand miles per hour, over thirty two times the speed of sound.

  • Boomstick: So, really, really fast.

  • Wiz: Mewtwo is so skilled in its psychic prowess, it can wipe specific memories from dozens of people at once.

  • Boomstick: On top of all that, it can survive a massive amount of abuse,

  • like the time it got double impaled by an alien Pokémon's tentacles. Shouldn't they censor that?

  • Wiz: It effortlessly defeated most of the Pokémon Champion's team, including a legendary Articuno.

  • It also teleported an entire crater lake from the top of Mt. Quena.

  • This lake is comparable to a similar body of water in the real world, Lake Quilotoa, which holds over 385 million tons of water.

  • Boomstick: Wow, that's almost enough power to lift my ex-wife on buffet day.

  • Wiz: Being a psychic Pokémon, Mewtwo is naturally weak to Bug-, Ghost-, and Dark-type damage, strange Dr. Fuji didn't pull that code out of his DNA, but whatever.

  • Boomstick: Hey, you gotta have some sort of failsafe when you're making the world's most powerful Pokémon.

  • Wiz: Ah, yes, the ultimate failsafe against the most powerful psychic Pokémon...bugs!

  • Boomstick: Oh, God, it's a Caterpie!! Get it away, it's ooky!!

  • Mewtwo: I was not born a Pokémon, I was created.

  • And my creators have used and betrayed me, so I stand alone!

  • (Cues: Determination - Shadow the Hedgehog)

  • Wiz: Years ago, a brilliant scientist named Professor Gerald Robotnik, the grandfather of Sonic's forever-balding nemesis,

  • worked to create a new life form which would change the world.

  • Boomstick: It was called Project: Shadow.

  • A covert government operation to discover the secret to immortality.

  • Besides, y'know, like diet and exercise, 'cause fuck that!

  • Wiz: In Professor Gerald's case, specifically for his granddaughter Maria, who was dying as a result of neuro-immune deficiency syndrome.

  • Boomstick: Now that I think about it,

  • "Project: Shadow" is a pretty scary name for a program that's all about curing diseases and saving humanity.

  • Wiz: Maybe it has something to do with the program's secret pact

  • with a hive mind alien race called the Black Arms...

  • ...Perhaps.

  • Boomstick: ...Okay. So what do you get when you take immortality, the cure of all diseases, aliens, and put them all together to make the ultimate life-form?

  • You get...

  • A hedgehog.

  • (Cues: Shadow the Hedgehog - E.G.G.M.A.N REMIX)

  • Wiz: Shadow the Hedgehog was the first step toward a perfect future.

  • And during his time in Gerald's space laboratory, Shadow and Maria grew very close.

  • Boomstick: Until they were separated by a bullet.

  • Turns out the governments of the world weren't too fond of all the evil alien business,

  • so they stormed the place, captured Shadow, and killed Maria right in front of him.

  • 50 years later, Shadow escaped, and decided to take his revenge by just killing everyone!

  • Until he remembered Maria's last words were pretty much 'Don't be a dick!', so he changed his mind.

  • Wiz: Now on the side of good, Shadow dedicated himself to protecting the world from the forces of evil.

  • Boomstick: Turns out, fighting the bad guys isn't too hard when you've got super strength,

  • super speed (helped along by some awesome rocket shoes!), and a bucket of deadly Chaos powers.

  • Wiz: By channeling the potentially unlimited power of the Chaos Emeralds,

  • Shadow can enhance physical attacks, heal over time, and strike with powerful energy blasts.

  • And with the power of Chaos Control, he can warp through space and distort time,

  • slowing it down to a crawl, or with enough power, freezing it completely.

  • Boomstick: He's got so much power, he can only contain it all with two Inhibitor Rings around his wrists.

  • Unless he gets all seven Chaos Emeralds, which he can use to transform into a Super Saiya....

  • Shadow, Super Shadow, yeah.

  • As Super Shadow, he is completely invulnerable, can move at the speed of light, and has unlimited access to the power of the Chaos Emeralds.

  • Wiz: Enough power to stop the Space Colony ARK's collision with Earth, and to teleport a giant comet the size of a city.

  • Assuming this rock is half hollow, and using the density of concrete as a minimum base,

  • this Black Comet must weigh at least 915 million tons.

  • Boomstick: Even without his super form, Shadow is powerful enough to wipe out an entire alien fleet in one blast.

  • Fast enough to reach hypersonic speeds, and strong enough to play tug of war with a giant space monster who was so big,

  • he uses a planet a tenth the size of our moon as a chair.

  • Naturally, when you've got this much power, you're probably a cocky dick.

  • Wiz: Yes, Shadow is excessively overconfident in his abilities. Also, he has a terrible memory.

  • Boomstick: This guy's spent most of his life wondering who the hell he is, and even when he does remember,

  • he usually winds up losing his memories later anyway.

  • To be fair, if I fell from outer space, and all I lost were my memories, I'd consider it a really good day.

  • I mean, I lose them from just falling over at the bar.

  • Wiz: That's... probably not because of the fall.

  • Also, we can't forget that the Super Shadow form only lasts so long.

  • Boomstick: Then again, when you move at light speed and have control over space and time, who cares about time limits?

  • Wiz: Not usually a problem for the ultimate lifeform.

  • Shadow: Many years ago, Professor Gerald Robotnik endowed me with the power of Chaos Control.

  • A normal creature like yourself doesn't stand a chance against me.

  • (Cues: Invader - Jim Johnston)

  • Wiz: All right the combatants are set!

  • Let's end this debate once and for all!


  • Shadow: Get away!

  • Mewtwo: You are not welcome here, leave this place.

  • Shadow: What's your problem, freak?

  • Mewtwo: I know not its name, but it is black, red, and very annoying.

  • Announcer: FIGHT!

  • Shadow: This'll stop you!

  • Mewtwo: Another gem?

  • What's he doing?

  • Shadow: Chaos...

  • Mewtwo: I must know!

  • No!

  • Shadow: Control!

  • (Transforming into Super Shadow)

  • Super Shadow: Ha ha ha! Good try, monster, but you're done!

  • Mewtwo: Too...much..

  • Super Shadow: Chaos...

  • Mega Mewtwo Y: Not this time...

  • Super Shadow: Contro...

  • Maria...wait, where am I? Oh my God, I'm glowing! Why am I glowing?!

  • (Reverts into Shadow)

  • Mega Mewtwo Y: Sayonara.

  • Shadow: Screw you!

  • (Cues: Pokémon Anime - I Got a Victory Badge)

  • Announcer: KO!

  • Boomstick: You know, Wiz, when we started DEATH BATTLE, I don't think we ever expected to see someone die by spoon.

  • Wiz: Yeah... Shadow may have had the advantage in pure speed and power, but this time, brain defeated brawn.

  • Boomstick: Mewtwo got the rundown on all Shadow's abilities simply by reading his mind,

  • giving it the knowledge it needed to counter or avoid crazy powers like Chaos Control.

  • Wiz: Ultimately, there was nothing really stopping Mewtwo from just taking over Shadow's mind,

  • and its impressive durability and healing power bought it enough time to do so.

  • Boomstick: Pretty hard to win a fight when your opponent can make you forget what you're doing and who you are in an instant.

  • Wiz: Shadow has been mind-controlled before, and has always relied on outside help to recover.

  • Even while Super Shadow was physically invulnerable, this form didn't protect his mind.

  • Like that time he fell from space, and then the worst game ever happened.

  • Boomstick: Yeah, Shadow was gonna lose, spooner or later.

  • Wiz: The winner is Mewtwo.


  • Hey!

  • Yeah!

  • Did you ever wonder who would win in a fight between Carolina and the Meta?

  • No! only hopeless nerds on the internet care about that kind of crap.

  • Uh... yeah what do you think i'm asking you?

  • Just picture it. If it totally badass!

  • Chad: Hey guys i'm Chad i play Boomstick.

  • Ben: I'm Ben i play Wiz.

  • And next time on DEATH BATTLE we got something very special planned so stay tuned we'll be announcing it shortly.

  • Chad: Oh i'm so excited! In the meantime. You guys can watch the show that Bryan and i worked called Who Is?

  • Is tons of information about characters with a bunch of history but really quick and fun.

  • Ben: And of course Rooster Teeth & Screwattack First members can always watch DEATH BATTLE & DBX one with the but of other stuff early.

  • Be sure you click the link below and sign up if you haven't already.

  • Chad: Plus you can also save like 5% merch discount it's great.

  • Actually get a 30-day free trial. By clicking the link so do it.

  • See you guys soon!

  • ?


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Mewtwo VS Shadow (Pokémon VS Sonic the Hedgehog) | DEATH BATTLE! (Mewtwo VS Shadow (Pokémon VS Sonic the Hedgehog) | DEATH BATTLE!)

  • 11 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary