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  • so supposing we hit the body with a tremendous whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light.

  • And I think you said that has a project, but you're gonna test it.

  • And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body in which you can do either through the skin or, uh, in some of the way.

  • And I think you said you're gonna test that two Sounds interesting, right?

  • And then I see the disinfectant, knocks it out in a minute, one minute.

  • And is there a way we could do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

  • Because, you see, it gets on the lungs, and it does a tremendous number of alongside.

  • Be interesting to check that, so that you're gonna have to use medical doctors with, But it sounds.

  • It sounds interesting to me, so we'll see.

  • But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute that's Ah, that's pretty powerful.

  • I hope people enjoy the sun, and if it has an impact, that's great.

  • I'm just hearing this.

  • Not really.

  • For the first time, there's been a rumor that, you know, very nice rumor that you go outside of the sun or you have heat and it does have an effect on other viruses.

  • But now we get it from one of the great laboratories of the world.

  • I have to say, covers a lot more territory than justice.

  • This is this is probably an easy thing.

  • Relatively speaking for you, I would like you to speak to the medical doctors to see if there's any way that you can apply like and heat to cure.

  • You know, if you could and maybe you can maybe you can't again.

  • I say maybe you can Maybe you can't.

  • I'm not a doctor.

  • I'm like a person that has a good you know what?

  • Ever Have you ever heard of that?

  • The heat and the light relative to certain viruses?

  • Yes, but wrote to this virus that is a treatment.

  • Certainly fever is a good thing.

  • When you have a fever, it helps your body response.

  • But not as I've not seen.

  • I think that's a great thing to look at.

  • I mean, okay for your the president and people tuning into these briefings, they want to get information and guidance and want to know what to do.

  • They're not looking for.

  • I'm the president and your fake news.

  • And you know what I'll say to you.

  • I'll savory nicely.

  • I know you will.

  • I know you well, because I know the guy.

  • I see what he writes.

  • He's a total faker.

  • So are you ready?

  • You ready?

  • You ready?

  • It's just a suggestion from a brilliant lab by a very, very smart, perhaps brilliant man.

  • He's talking about son.

  • He's talking about heat and you see the numbers.

  • So that's it.

  • That's all I have.

  • I'm just here to present talent.

  • I'm here to present ideas because we want ideas to get rid of this thing.

  • And if he just good and if sunlight is good, that's a great thing, as far as I'm concerned.

so supposing we hit the body with a tremendous whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light.

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冠狀病毒。醫生在白宮拒絕了特朗普的 "光熱 "想法 - BBC News (Coronavirus: Doctor rejects Trump's 'heat and light' idea at White House - BBC News)

  • 8 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary



US /ˈprɛznt/

UK /'preznt/

  • adjecitve
  • Being in attendance; being there; having turned up
  • noun
  • Gift
  • Verb tense indicating an action is happening now
  • Current time; now
  • verb
  • To introduce someone to others
  • To host a program on television or radio
  • To give a speech or presentation
  • To show something to someone who will examine it
  • To appear or happen
  • To give an award or prize to someone

US /trɪˈmɛndəs/

UK /trəˈmendəs/

  • adjecitve
  • Very good or very impressive

US /ˈkɑnˌsɛpt/

UK /'kɒnsept/

  • noun
  • Abstract idea of something or how it works

US /ˈɪmˌpækt/

UK /'ɪmpækt/

  • noun
  • A striking effect or result to hit with force
  • Very strong influence
  • Act or force of one thing hitting something else
  • verb
  • To hit or strike someone or something with force

US /ˈbrɪljənt/

UK /'brɪlɪənt/

  • adjecitve
  • Having a great amount of intelligence or talent
  • Being very bright, like a diamond; shining

US /rɪd/

UK /rɪd/

  • verb
  • To cause to no longer have (pest, problem)

US /ˈtɛrɪˌtɔri, -ˌtori/

UK /'terətrɪ/

  • noun
  • Area of land defended by an animal
  • Area of particular knowledge or experience
  • Area owned or controlled by a government, person
  • Area of land with a specific defining feature

US /səˈpoʊz/

UK /sə'pəʊz/

  • verb
  • To imagine or guess what might happen
  • conjunction
  • What if

US /kənˈsɚn/

UK /kənˈsɜ:n/

  • verb
  • To be about a particular topic
  • To have a direct impact on someone
  • To be responsible or mixed up in; to be involved
  • To feel worry or anxiety
  • noun
  • Company, firm or business
  • Feeling of worry or anxiety

US /rɪˈspɑns/

UK /riˈspɔns/

  • noun
  • Something said/written as an answer to something
  • Reaction to something that has occurred
  • Reply to part of a song or reading, as in church

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