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  • all of us in every industry.

  • I have to just work out what the best way of doing our job is.

  • The hardest thing is the flying side of things.

  • We're taking time over the next year or two to work out.

  • How can no, only toward be sustaining?

  • How can it be actively beneficial?

  • How can we harness the resources that our tour create and make you have a positive impact?

  • Our dream is to have a show with no single use plastic to have it be largely solar powered.

  • So I think it's question of just accepting that you have to do your best not to be too overzealous and criticizing others because everyone will catch up if I think if you prove that, it's easy to do it the right way.

  • So what ways the BBC website influenced this Well, I don't want Mr Seem look up, but I don't mind saying I think that although I thought really know west, the music comes from I think it's floating around or whatever.

  • Sometimes if you're reading and you're looking, these little blooms of things that you feel might be great to sing about appear and on your Web site is a lot of them.

  • Well, actually, it's funny.

  • There was Ah article on the BBC website, which is why I look at a lot.

  • In fact, they always have these amazing human interest pieces.

  • And there was a piece on there called the Gardener of Kabul, about this guy from Kabul who had beena garden Gnome was trying to get back and grow flowers and plants everything.

  • And I just thought, you know, the circumstances that this guy's experienced, not unique to him, and it could have happened to me.

  • It could have happened to you.

  • So anyway, that was kind of brewing.

  • And then this song orphans arrived just thinking about all these young people who are displaced and they get labelled as refugees or migrants.

  • But ultimately they're just young people who want to get on with their lives, and I think that's what the song orphans is about.

  • I'm just imagining what that experience might be like to find these individual stories all around the world just reinforces what I'm talking about our shared humanity rather than or separate nationalism or stuff.

all of us in every industry.

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Coldplay因環保原因暫停巡演 - BBC News (Coldplay to pause touring for environmental reasons - BBC News)

  • 11 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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