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hospital after he was admitted with persistent Corona virus symptoms.
During the course of this afternoon, the prime minister's condition worsened and on the advice of the medical team, he was moved in to a critical care unit.
So in light of those circumstances, their prime minister asked me as first secretary, to deputize for him where necessary in driving forward the government's plans to defeat coronavirus.
Andi as you'll.
No way he's been receiving excellent care.
That's in Thomas's Hospital.
We like to take this opportunity as a government to thank NHS stuff up and down the country for all of their dedication, hard work and commitment in treating everyone who's been affected by this awful virus.
With the prime minister now in intensive care, this is obviously a strongly serious situation.
I mean, how how worried should people be about his health and about who's in charge of the government?
Well, the government's business will continue on, but Prime Minister is in safe hands with brilliant team at ST Thomas's Hospital, and the focus of the government will continue to be or making sure the prime minister's direction all the plans for making sure that we can defeat coronavirus and pull the country through.
This challenge will be taken forward.
Are you confident that the government is under control tonight?
There's an incredibly strong team spirit behind the prime minister and making sure that we get all of the plans that Prime ministers instructed us to deliver to get them implemented as soon as possible.
That's the way we will bring the whole country at through the ground.
A Corona virus challenge that we face right now.