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  • [sound of marker on white board]

  • DR. MIKE EVANS: Hi, I’m Dr. Mike Evans and welcome to

  • this visual lecture I’m calling, "23 and a Half Hours".

  • So I have a big interest in preventive medicine, you know,

  • which can mean a lot of things from,

  • you know, cancer screening, to eating more fibre,

  • to having a good social network and I -- I mean that

  • in the old sense of the word.

  • Weighing less, drinking less, smoking less,

  • controlling your blood pressure, cholesterol,

  • and so on and so forth.

  • So all these things are incredibly important and

  • I wouldn’t want you to minimize your efforts in

  • any one category.

  • But I -- I want to know what comes first.

  • What has the biggest impact, what has

  • the biggest return on investment?

  • [sound of cash register ringing]

  • What makes the biggest difference to your health?

  • So I did my research, and I found an answer,

  • at least for me.

  • And it's trickycause, you know, all these things are

  • sort of overlapping.

  • But I picked out this intervention and --

  • because of its breadth.

  • It worked for so many different health problems,

  • and that’s what I found so cool about it.

  • So just to kind of walk you through a quick list,

  • so this intervention in patients with knee arthritis

  • who received one hour of treatment three times a week

  • reduced their rates of pain and disability by 47 per cent.

  • In older patients it reduced progression to dementia

  • and Alzheimer’s by around 50 per cent.

  • For patients at high risk of diabetes and coupled with

  • other lifestyle interventions, it reduced progression to

  • Frank diabetes by 58 per cent.

  • Post-menopausal woman who had four hours a week of

  • the treatment had a 41per cent reduction in the

  • risk of hip fracture.

  • It reduced anxiety by 48 per cent in a big meta-analysis.

  • Patients suffering from depression -- 30 per cent

  • were relieved with low dose and that bumped to

  • 47 per cent as we increased the dose.

  • Following over 10,000 Harvard Alumni for over 12 years,

  • those that had the intervention had a 23 per cent

  • lower risk of death than those who didn’t get the treatment.

  • It’s the number one treatment of fatigue, and, of course,

  • the kind of outcome of choice or my favourite outcome

  • is quality of life, which is really all of the above,

  • and really about making your life better.

  • And this treatment has been shown over and over again

  • to improve quality of life.

  • So, the question is, "What’s –- what’s the medicine?"

  • And what is "23 and a Half Hours"?

  • So the medicine was exercise, mostly walking.

  • So not triathlons.

  • And let me just put it a different way.

  • I think what I’m asking you to do is if you think about

  • your typical day, so there's 24 hours,

  • and so you might spend most of your day, you know,

  • this varies obviously, but, you know, couch surfing,

  • sitting at work, obviously sleeping, and what the evidence

  • that I am going to show you kind of tells me

  • is the best thing you can do for your health

  • is to spend half an hour being active,

  • maybe an hour and that if you can do that you can realize

  • all the benefits I’ve described in the previous slide.

  • So let’s just take a quick walk through some of the literature.

  • So Stephen Blair, he is a professor at the

  • Arnold School of Public Health at the

  • University of South Carolina, and he looked at this in

  • what’s called the Aerobic Centre Longitudinal Study

  • which followed over 50,000 men and women over time.

  • And along the left side of this graph is something called

  • Attributable Fractions which is a kind of fancy word,

  • but it’s the estimate of the number of deaths

  • in a population that would have been avoided

  • if that specific risk factor had been erased.

  • So for example, turning a smoker into a non-smoker,

  • or a couch potato into a daily walker.

  • And along the bottom is the typical risk factors.

  • You can see the hypertension’s incredibly important,

  • and so on and so forth.

  • But the one that was most –- that kind of applied the

  • most risk was this sort of mysterious CRF which is

  • Cardio-Respiratory Fitness which is really low fitness.

  • So low fitness was the strongest predictor of death.

  • And this is important.

  • Most of the trails we see, to be honest, are funded by Pharma,

  • or other companies because theyve got a drug for

  • hypertension or high cholesterol or diabetes.

  • And we rarely see fitness thrown in to the mix.

  • And so it’s nice to see a trial that’s not so siloed.

  • [sound of bicycle bell]

  • Blair’s work is interesting.

  • He also did another trial looking at obesity.

  • What he found was, you know, sort of two things.

  • One is obesity and no exercisethat’s a very bad combination

  • and that’s where we saw many of the negative consequences

  • of obesity from a health point of view.

  • But if the –- if the obese person was active,

  • even if they didn’t have the weight loss,

  • but were just active and obese, that was much,

  • much better and that the exercise ameliorated

  • much of the negative consequences of obesity.

  • So if exercise is the medicine, what’s the dose?

  • So when I think of dose, I think of how long,

  • how often and how intense?

  • I’m going to give you a slightly mixed message,

  • but essentially, more activity is better.

  • But I must say the rate of return seems to decline

  • after 20 or 30 minutes a day so if youre being active

  • less than 150 minutes a week or more if youre a kid --

  • an hour a day if you are a kid,

  • my flag goes up in the clinic.

  • So my personal take on this is that, you know,

  • the literature draws a very broad brush

  • and so we see big differences when somebody

  • goes from not doing anything to doing something.

  • And after that the return is more granular.

  • So if we took the nurse’s health study, women who went from

  • zero activity to just one hour a week,

  • reduced their heart disease rates by almost half.

  • So you can break it down so it can be 10 minutes,

  • 10 minutes, 10 minutes if you want to do 30 minutes

  • of exercise so it can be broken into three.

  • Higher intensity -- it looks like it’s equivalent

  • to less time with lower intensity.

  • But I think obviously the clinical pearl is mostly of

  • thinking about your style and habits and your personal cues.

  • So if youre only going to do it if it is pre-booked

  • with friends, you know, I’ve couples who take

  • a half hour walk every morning or evening to

  • organize their life.

  • A dog is a great walking coach.

  • [sound of dog barking]

  • The data’s showing 67 per cent of dog walkers

  • achieve the 150 minutes a week just with the dog walking.

  • And finally, of course, your commute.

  • You know, getting off a stop early, taking the stairs,

  • and so on and so forth.

  • So thinking about that, I’m just going to walk you through

  • some quick slices of the literature.

  • And the first one comes from Japan.

  • In the 90s, Japan required all employers to conduct

  • annual health screenings for their employees.

  • And so a large gas company in Japan called Osaka

  • used this to answer a great question.

  • So if people’s walk to work was longer,

  • did that reduce their chance of serious health problems?

  • So in this example, high blood pressure.

  • And what they found is under 10 minute walk, no difference;

  • 11 to 20 minute walk, 12 per cent reduction

  • in rates of high blood pressure or hypertension;

  • and over 21 minute walk, a 29 per cent decrease

  • in rates of high blood pressure.

  • So the authors calculated that for every increase of

  • 10 minutes in your walk to work there was a 12 per cent

  • reduction in the likelihood of getting high blood pressure.

  • The second exhibit is looking at stents.

  • So this is something we commonly do now in medicine.

  • So you can see on the left that the artery is blocked;

  • on the right, a vascular surgeon has gone in and put a balloon,

  • open it up and left a stent to keep it open,

  • which makes great sense.

  • So a German researcher named Rainer Hambrecht

  • looked at this with about 100 cardiac patients.

  • He got half the group to exercise and by that I mean

  • 20 minutes a day on an exercise bicycle and

  • then a once weekly 60 minute aerobics class.

  • And the other half got the high tech stent and just

  • sort of normal activity.

  • And after one year, 88 per cent of the exercisers

  • were event-free compared to 70 per cent of the people

  • that got a stent.

  • So both worked, but I find it, you know, sort of incredible

  • that the low tech made a bigger difference.

  • And you have to remember that the stent just fixes

  • one part of the heart.

  • The next way to think about it is the reverse,

  • so what I callsitting disease”.

  • We know that being sedentary is bad for your health

  • but a researcher named Leonard Veerman

  • wanted to quantify this and he did so down in Australia

  • in a big study that he did there.

  • They found comparative persons who watched no TV;

  • those that spent a lifetime average of six hours a day

  • watching TV can expect to live about five years less.

  • I mean that’s incredible.

  • But then I think, “Oh, who watches 6 hours of TV?”

  • It turns out the average adult in the USA spends about

  • five hours a day watching TV or screens.

  • So I find this fascinating that we never think of the TV

  • as something that’s bad for our health,

  • but clearly it’s as powerful as many other risk factors

  • for chronic disease.

  • So I’m just going to leave you with, well,

  • I guess, two quotes.

  • So one is Jerry Garcia, the singer who is the lead singer

  • for The Grateful Dead, and he said,

  • Somebody has to do something.

  • It’s just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us”.

  • And I think that’s true, that in some ways it has to be us.

  • As Hippocrates said, “Walking is man’s best medicine”.

  • And so I’m going to finish by asking you a question.

  • And this may have some personal challenges for you,

  • so you know, you might be very busy with work

  • or kids or both and -- or you may be in pain

  • or have other priorities, but my question to you is,

  • Can you limit your sitting and sleeping to just

  • 23 and a half hours a day?”

  • So, something to think about.

  • Thank you very much.

  • [sound of marker on white board]

[sound of marker on white board]

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23個半小時。我們能為我們的健康做的最好的一件事是什麼? (23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?)

  • 358 21
    keep seeing posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary