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has been a dramatic drop in the number of people being seen by cancer specialists during the pandemic.
NHS England figures show a big fall in cancer referrals by GPS in April this year, down 60% compared to 2019.
URGENT Breast cancer referrals saw an even larger drop down by 78%.
Cancer charities are worried.
People who have symptoms are too frightened to seek help.
Laura most reports restarting and fast tracking cancer care.
This is one of the new chemo buses Theo NHS is using to treat patients during the covert pandemic.
Pauline is 75 has lung cancer.
Go check the chance the hospital situation is felt to crowded bars.
I mean, not in right after.
If it's not, disparity in there came out.
The reputations comedy the bus is supplied by a charity arrived at North Middlesex Hospital after Corona virus patients filled the wards in April.
It was like a tsunami.
I don't think we ever thought it would hitters the fast rate of knots that it actually did, We definitely are reduced capacity from what we were doing, sort of pre cove it.
But we've had to do that in order to be able to treat us many people as possible.
Figures today have revealed just how severely services have bean affected in England, with the number of patients referred to cancer specialists dropping from almost 200,000 to 80,000 in April.
It's not just new patients potentially being missed.
The medication, 54 year old Joanne Addis from Stockport, takes for incurable breast cancer, was paused because it could make her vulnerable to Corona virus.
Go on your husband's.
I don't want to be in a situation where my life is shortened any more than it should be.
Precise, high dose radiotherapy machines like this one in Middlesbrough is another way.
Treatment is changing to minimize time in hospital and the risk of cove it.
While in north London, around 20 patients a day received chemotherapy, nearly the same number treated before the outbreak.
Consultations are done by telephone or video call patients have their blood taken in a separate building and then received chemotherapy in these mobile units here, everything taking place away from the main hospital.
But with such a drop in referrals, charities are concerned it could lead to a ticking time bomb in undiagnosed cases.
But I think to anybody watching this.
I say If you've got any lumps or bumps, any pains that can't be explained and haven't gone away or anything at all, that's worrying.
You get in touch with your GP today.
The rest of the UK will publish waiting time figures in the coming weeks with charities warning that cancer must not become the forgotten see off the pandemic.
Laura Moss, BBC News The government has been accused of failing to publish a report containing measures to protect ethnic minority groups from catching Corona virus.
Last week, Public Health England's review confirmed that people from black, Asian and minority backgrounds were dying at disproportionately higher rates.
A senior health official has told the BBC A second report containing recommendations to protect Bain Communities exists Public Health England has said the report will be published next week.
Are Community affairs correspondent ran across Food?
Has this exclusive report Theo Hail spent more than three weeks in a coma after Captain Corona virus.
He's one of thousands of people from ethnic minority groups to have become seriously ill with the disease.
Still haven't come to terms with it or I haven't fully processed it because of the ah trauma I went through.
The government commissioned a review into why people like Suhail were being disproportionately affected.
My cave in 19.
The report, published last week, confirmed that those from mainly black and Asian backgrounds were at a higher risk of death, but caused great controversy for failing to make any recommendations.
BBC News has learned.
A second report exists that hasn't yet officially being made public and understand it makes a number of proposals are printed out the 1st 3 pictures, so I can't show you the But there they are.
The BBC has spoken to a senior academic who was asked to review the second report.
He says the documents, which contained both recommendations and a lengthy community consultation, must be published.
If you consult the public, you must publish the results.
Otherwise you've rested their time.
You rested your own time.
You've wasted taxpayer's money and you lost trust.
I know what government report looks like, and I know what a government report looks like when it's ready to go to press.
But last week in parliament, the equalities minister didn't even acknowledge the existence of this report.
Ph D did not make recommendations on that's because they were not able to do so.
Some of the data needed is not routinely correctly collected on acquiring this data will be extremely beneficial.
And as I said in my response, that's why I'm going to be taking work forward to fill the gaps in our understanding on review existing policies develop new ones were needed off the back of this, the government now says she was referring only to the published report.
The shadow health secretary told the BBC.
Blocking this second report with scandalous, mostly shocked and I think it's totally unacceptable that this report has not been published so far that ministers were not clear about this report when they addressed the House of Commons just a few days ago.
If there's a report sitting on a shelf with recommendations, those recommendations should be implemented.
We need action to protect some of the most vulnerable people in society.
Public health England set this important engagement work will inform the work the equalities minister is now taking forward.
We intend to both formally submit this work to the minister next week and will publish it at the same time These are just some of those who have died with Corona virus.
A report designed to protect others in their communities currently lies unpublished and unseen by most.
Brianna Crockford BBC News.