We'llseeiftheywanttomake a dealisgonnabe a realdeal, Butwe'llsee.
Buttheywanttomake a dealandtheyonlywanttomake a dealbecauseyou'redoing a greatjob.
That's theonlyreason I wanttomake a deal.
So I wanttothankyouand I wanttothanktheAfghansoldiersreallygo.
And I hadsomeofthemashedpotatoesthat I had a biteofmeasurepotatoes, and I nevergottotheturkeybecauseGeneralMilleysaid, Comeonover, sir, let's takesomepictures.
I nevergottomychickensthefirsttimeinThanksgivingthat I'veneverhadanythingcoldturkey.
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