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Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Who are you going to teach me?
So the joke here is that the word orange sounds like, Aren't you so orange?
Ooh, sounds a little bit like Orent.
You going to teach me English?
That's the joke, you orange.
Who brings you going to teach me English?
Knock knock jokes.
Hi, everyone.
How's it going?
I'm Alicia.
Have you heard of knock knock jokes?
These jokes follow a question and answer pattern and always end with a funny pun.
It starts with one person saying, Knock, knock and the other person asks Who's there?
The first person gives a name.
After that, the second person asks for the surname.
In response, the surname typically turns the first name into a play on words or a pun.
Please note, though, that knock knock jokes don't always need to use first names.
Often, there are jokes that use common words or announce that end up turning into another punt.
They're pretty easy and fun, so let's check out some more.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Alicia who?
I need Alicia to take my dog for a walk.
This is a pun on my name.
The leash in Alicia sounds like the word leash, which we use.
It's like a chain or rope.
You put around a dog or maybe a cat's neck, uh, to take them for a walk in your neighborhood.
So in this case, I need Alicia.
Sounds like I need a leash to take my dog for a walk.
The grammar isn't necessarily correct.
Like I need Alecia.
Sounds like a leash, huh?
Ah, it's It's not 100% perfect.
When you emphasize with your voice the keyword that sounds like the other word in this case leash in Alicia.
That's what makes the joke.
Or that's what creates the pun, the wordplay.
So it's not.
I need a leash to take my dog for a walk, which would be the correct sentence, but I need Alicia to take my dog for a walk.
So making my name into the joke is what creates some kind of like Interesting point, something funny about it.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Dwayne who?
Dwayne The sink.
It's leaking.
Okay, so what is the deal with this joke?
Why is this joke supposed to be funny, Dwayne.
In this case, we use Dwayne the sink.
This is actually a pronunciation joke.
The name Dwayne sounds like the word drain the verb drain, meaning to remove liquid from something.
So Dwayne sounds like drain with bad pronunciation.
The joke.
Here, Duane and drain the sink.
It's leaking.
So this is the word play.
Duane is a bad pronunciation of drain.
Actually, this is a pronunciation that you might hear little kids use when they're first.
Learning to speak like that are sound can be difficult.
So I've heard kids say like Wayne instead of rain.
Or like maybe drains like this sort of w sound can sometimes be like you can sometimes hear this double.
You sound among little kids who are learning English like native native level, I think.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Henrietta who?
Henrietta Whole pizza.
Yesterday that was Dad.
I was bad was dead asses.
My dad, my dad, Henry had a whole pizza yesterday, All right, what's the deal with this joke?
So this joke is is more complicated than perhaps the other knock knock jokes.
This joke begins with a feminine name of Girl's name.
Henrietta is a girl's name.
But when the final line of the joke comes, the word play here is that Henrietta whole pizza.
When you put those hold those three words together, we can sort of hear instead of Henrietta has a name.
It sounds like Henry.
A whole pizza yesterday.
So Henrietta becomes Henry ate a whole pizza yesterday.
The noun of Henrietta The name becomes, it's.
It sounds like a different phrase in different grammatical phrase when you, when you put it in this sentence, Henry had a whole pizza yesterday.
Sounds like Henry ate a whole pizza yesterday.
Knock, knock.
Who's their canoe?
Who can you stop telling all these?
Knock knock jokes.
No, it's OK.
It's OK.
What's the joke with canoe?
Canoe is a long boats that you can paddle in a Laker River, but that is used in the sentence.
Can you stop telling it?
Sounds like Can you stop telling?
Can new stop telling the pronunciation sounds similar to Can you stop telling all these knock knock jokes, meaning Please stop.
It's enough knock knock jokes, a play with pronunciation and with grammar to make this wordplay.
Did you like these jokes.
Try and make your own.
You can make your own.
So if you do share them with us in the comments section and maybe we can you can try them out and see if people understand those jokes.
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Thanks so much for watching and we'll see you again soon.
By How is it going?
My name is Alicia.
Have you heard of knock knock jokes?
01 more day.
It's a great song.
Oh, dear.