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  • hi everybody my name is Alisha welcome

  • back to English class 101 comms YouTube channel today I'm going to talk about

  • countable nouns I'm going to talk about how to make the plural form of countable

  • nouns I'm going to talk about a few question patterns you can use with

  • countable nouns and I'm going to talk about some quantifiers for countable

  • nouns so let's get started okay so the first point maybe the most important

  • point first of all is that countable nouns are nouns which we can count we

  • use numbers 1 2 & 3 and we can count the numbers of these nouns they are

  • countable able to be counted that's the first point for today's lesson second

  • countable nouns have a singular form single here you can see single is the

  • base one singular form and a plural form plural meaning more than one so the

  • words themselves have a singular form one of something and a plural form more

  • than one of something a couple of notes about singular form and plural form

  • however singular form nouns we have to use a determiner so for example

  • determiners are like articles like or an or the or we could use this that my his

  • her for example we need some kind of determiner something that gives us

  • information about a singular noun we must use a determiner with a singular

  • noun so we have to say a dog or his dog or my dog we cannot simply say dog in

  • this with a singular form so please be careful if you use the singular form of

  • a noun you need to use a determiner ok let's look at the plural form my note

  • for the plural form here is that no determiner is required so you don't

  • always have to use a determiner here with the plural form the dogs his dogs

  • her dogs for example but if you're referring generally to a group no

  • determiner should be used so this is a very common

  • mistake for example if talking about all teachers or all doctors or making a

  • general statement about a group of people for example no determiner should

  • be used we should not use the doctors or the teachers unless you're talking about

  • a specific group of doctors or a specific group of teachers if you want

  • to make a general statement about all people are all countable nouns in one

  • category no determiner should be used so please be careful okay so these are two

  • points about the singular form and the plural form so please be careful of this

  • okay let's continue on to how to make the plural forms of nouns there are a

  • few different rules to consider here so first the regular way to make a plural

  • noun is to just add an S to the end of the noun so for example dogs we add an S

  • computers and cars so these are simple simple plural form nouns we just add an

  • S to the end of the noun to make the plural form however there are some cases

  • where the spelling will change slightly and the pronunciation will also change

  • slightly the basic S sound is still there however it's an es sound so it's

  • noun + es when do we do this we do this with nouns that end in X in ch SS s or

  • SH this is kind of difficult to remember I think that if you practice if you read

  • a lot and if you speak a lot you'll gradually come to understand this this

  • is something I personally never studied as a native speaker but through practice

  • through reading a lot - I gradually came to understand which nouns take ES and

  • which nouns do not but some examples here foxes Fox ends in X so it takes ES

  • in the plural form classes class ends in SS so we take ES for the plural form

  • finally sandwich sandwich ends in eh so we add es very important so not

  • sandwiches with a with noe but we need to use an e in the word sandwiches

  • please be careful okay finally there is one more different spelling for plural

  • nouns here we have noun + IES if the noun ends in a why a why we we drop the

  • Y in the plural form we cut the Y and add IES so a few examples of this are

  • countries we have IES know Y here we have candies again know Y IES and copies

  • so know Y and IES so these are three ways to make plural forms adding es or

  • an es sound or just a simple s so depending on the noun you would like to

  • make plural you need to kind of remember these rules or at least think about them

  • a little bit until you kind of get used to making mountains correctly okay but I

  • want to go to something a little bit more challenging which is nouns which

  • have irregular plural forms so these are countable nouns but they don't follow

  • the s rule we can't just add s to make these nouns plural let's take a look at

  • a few so one for example is person the noun person we can say one person

  • however the plural form is people two people three people four people please

  • keep this in mind another very common one especially for pronunciation is

  • woman to women and man to men please be careful of your vowel pronunciation here

  • in particular woman and women the first vowel o here does not change in terms of

  • spelling but in pronunciation it does change women sounds much different than

  • the singular form woman so please be careful sometimes poor pronunciation can

  • cause difficulties in understanding or poor communication so this is a great

  • pronunciation point both woman and man so

  • man becomes men a very clear vowel sound change there so these two are a couple

  • to be very very careful of and to practice as well some nouns however do

  • not change in the plural form some nouns for example fish fish does not change we

  • use fish and fish in the singular and the plural form if you are curious about

  • how to know whether you're reading something or hearing something about

  • singular fish or plural fish in most cases you can guess based on the

  • situation based on the context if it's very very difficult then I suppose the

  • author might include a number before the word fish like to fish or three fish but

  • in most cases this isn't an issue the same thing applies to sheep actually

  • sheep the plural form of sheep is also sheep there is no change here but we can

  • count them as two sheep three sheep four sheep for example okay a few more the

  • singular form of child becomes the plural form children please be careful

  • their foot becomes feet tooth becomes teeth and one more interesting one mouse

  • mouse becomes mice in the plural form two mice three mice four mice so these

  • are just a few examples of some of the irregular plural forms you can find with

  • countable nouns this is not everything for sure but these are some very common

  • examples I think okay let's continue on to a few question patterns with

  • countable nouns so the first one I have is how many blah blah blahs please keep

  • in mind when you are asking a quantity question with countable nouns you need

  • to use how many please do not use how much with a countable noun we use how

  • much with uncountable nouns so how many plus an S sound don't forget this S

  • sound many people forget how many pens how many dogs how many children

  • in that case there's no s-sound but if you are using a noun with an s-sound

  • please make sure that as sound is very clear but in any case you need to use

  • the plural form after how many okay a couple of other examples maybe you've

  • seen our other YouTube videos about any and some so here I have an example do

  • you verb any plural form so here again there's that s sound if your noun ends

  • in an S make it very very clear when you pronounce it so do you have any pets for

  • example or do you need any strawberries for example so here I've got verb and

  • I've got any plus s so this is maybe making an offer or asking for

  • information something you need some kind of

  • information if you're asking this question I wouldn't be an offer but

  • asking for information this is the kind of question you might be able to use

  • with countable nouns finally to make a request as we talked about in the some

  • video any in some video can I have some plus the plural form so can I have some

  • cookies for example or can I have some cupcakes for example so again please

  • make sure your s sound is very clear at the end of this sentence

  • all right the last thing I want to talk about for this lesson is quantifiers so

  • quantifiers we use with the plural form please do not use quantifiers with the

  • singular form we use quantifiers to talk about amounts how much or how many of

  • something for countable nouns we're going to talk about how many of

  • something we have or don't have for example so we can use no with a

  • quantifier so I have no pets for example we can say that or I don't have any pets

  • here I have don't plus verb plus any so I don't have any pets or I don't need

  • any cupcakes I'm thinking about cupcakes today so I don't need any blah blah blah

  • we can replace the verb here with the verb of your choice there's almost no

  • almost no I've kind of put this up a little further on this spectrum from the

  • zero to 100 so it's very close to zero so I have almost no pancakes left in my

  • kitchen for example so not very many in other words just above that maybe would

  • be hardly any hardly any so there are hardly any children in school today

  • for example maybe around here on this spectrum a couple of a couple of the

  • word couple is here it has the nuance of two two so there are a couple of dogs in

  • the park for example just above a couple of might be a few a few a few in my mind

  • sounds like maybe three or four for example like there are a few birds in

  • the tree outside the office several sounds to me like more than a few a

  • larger number than a couple of or a few so to use several in a sentence for

  • example there are several clocks in the office the next one I've got some here

  • I've put some tentatively at about fifty some is very very vague some can mean a

  • small amount or it can mean maybe a reasonable amount of something but

  • generally it's somewhere around here on my 0 to 100 scale so you can feel kind

  • of about how much some is yeah so for example I ate some what did I eat today

  • I ate some salads last week or something like that so it's kind of a vague

  • expression but we can't really guess how many are here but some can tell us just

  • that maybe more than a few were consumed in my example sentence so some against

  • some is rather vague maybe it's not as clear as some of the other expressions

  • but you can kind of figure it out for yourself when you'd like to use it all

  • right the next one lots of and a lot of are about in the same point here on the

  • spectrum so lotsa means lots of there there's a good number of

  • something so for example I got lots of letters in the mail last Christmas so it

  • refers to a good number of something next up maybe quite a few so quite a few

  • of something so I got quite a few emails last week we could say towards the end

  • here we have tons of and a bunch of these sound rather casual tons of and a

  • bunch of again very very large quantity so I ate tons of sweets last weekend or

  • I bought a bunch of CDs last weekend for example so a very very large quantity

  • and finally we can use the word all with countable nouns like for example maybe

  • all the children went to school today or all the women in the room left suddenly

  • so we can use all with countable nouns just again please make sure to use the

  • plural form with these so all of these are some examples of quantifiers we can

  • use with countable nouns you'll see two I have green stars on some of these just

  • a note the ones with green stars we can use these with countable and uncountable

  • nouns so I know sometimes it's difficult to guess is an accountable noun is it an

  • uncountable noun what quantifier should I use I don't know these are a few that

  • you can use with both countable and uncountable nouns so if you're stuck if

  • you can't remember you can try using one of these like lots of and a lot of some

  • these are very very useful ones I think so try to keep these in mind a couple of

  • these in mind so if you have trouble remembering which ones are for countable

  • nouns and which ones are for uncountable nouns you can remember this okay so

  • that's just a quick introduction to countable nouns I hope that this was

  • useful for you if you have any questions or comments or I want to try to make a

  • sentence please feel free to do so in the comment section below this video

  • also if you liked this video please make sure to give it a thumbs

  • and subscribe to our channel too if you haven't already check us out at English

  • class for more good stuff too thanks very much for watching this

  • lesson and we'll see you again soon bye

hi everybody my name is Alisha welcome

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可數名詞 - 學習英語語法 (Countable Nouns - Learn English Grammar)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary