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  • Welcome to English in a minute.

  • Grapes can be used to make wine sour grapes.

  • Sour grapes, though, do not sound so tasty.

  • Did your buddy Craig ask my friend Morgan out for a second date yet?

  • Well, he did, and she turned him down.

  • But Craig told me he wasn't that interested in her, anyway.

  • Sounds like sour grapes to me, Probably right.

  • This phrase comes from the ancient Greek storyteller.

  • A fox tries to eat some grapes from a vine, but they are too high for the fox to reach, So the Fox claims the grapes are probably sour.

  • Anyway.

  • When someone has a case of sour grapes, they criticize something desirable that they know they cannot have, just like Craig did after Morgan turned him down.

  • And that's English in a minute.

Welcome to English in a minute.

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英語一分鐘。Sour Grapes (English in a Minute: Sour Grapes)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary