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Wow, OK.
I like it.
Hi, what's up?
Happy New Year.
I love having you here.
You said you love being here.
I do.
You just work too much.
Or else I would have you here a lot more often.
But you catch me every now and again.
We stay in touch.
And whenever you need me, I'm always down to [INAUDIBLE]..
We're text buddies.
We text a lot.
But you're working a lot.
Last time I saw you, we took a little bike ride together.
We did.
Yeah, that was fun.
On the lot.
It was fun.
It was a good time.
Ran into you.
And I said, let's go for a bike ride.
She just casually just rides the bike on the lot.
It's good cardio.
It's good cardio.
Well, it was fun.
It was a good time.
It was.
We took a little stroll.
We caught up a little bit.
It's not best to wear a skirt when you're riding a bike.
She was having a hard time.
Oh, we got pictures.
Yeah, but it worked.
It was good.
It worked out.
We almost fell a couple of times.
But it was fun.
It was.
It is so good to see you.
And I heard that you have become an uncle since I saw you.
I have, an uncle Mike now.
How old is the baby?
Three weeks.
He was born December 13th.
And it was an incredible feeling.
I never knew I could like love something so much
I never met before.
It was just-- looking at my sister, I was in awe.
You grew up together.
It's your big sister.
But to see her in full blown mommy mode,
and not like skipping a beat was pretty incredible.
I have so much love.
It was pretty cool.
Have you held the baby?
I have.
Are you comfortable?
A lot of people are scared to hold a brand new baby.
Yeah, it's like this weird thing because like, Jamila,
my sister, whatever, she would tell me just hold it.
Stop treating it like all precious.
I was like having it--
I was doing my Lion King moment.
I kind of had it up there.
But I fed him.
And I burped him first time out.
And it was cool.
It was just-- he's durable.
He's not as--
I don't know.
It was cool.
It's good to support their head.
But they're pretty durable.
Yeah, they are.
They've gone through a lot in there.
They did.
I mean, He's a different person when it's time to eat, though.
I mean, he can go from smiling to straight
just vicious, like just--
Well, what's happening back here?
If he's here, he would just--
he would-- I don't have.
There was nothing for him to do.
So the bottle.
He was just--
You didn't try to nurse him?
He thought-- he tried.
He tried.
But he--
Which is why you moved him this way?
This way.
I don't think that was him.
I don't think he has the energy to go over here.
I think that's you.
Yeah, but he was good.
It was cool.
That's so great, congratulations.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And you're-- I'm really proud of you.
You finally moved out from living with your parents.
It happened.
Thank you, yes.
Oh, man, this is what it feels like.
It's good.
It's nice.
It's nice, yeah.
No, I'm sure- that was-- because didn't you buy the house?
And then they stayed there.
Yup, moved them in.
That's a good way for them to get a house.
Because then they stayed, and then you had to leave.
Yeah, I mean, I'm pretty sure they saged the entire house
when I left.
They lit incense and bleached it down and got rid of all of me.
Yes, and then--
And then you got a place.
I finally got a place.
Are you near them?
Are you close to them?
Yeah, we're close enough, yeah.
We'll drive in, Sunday dinner.
Mom, dad, they cook.
I'm close enough.
Yeah, we can get there.
But I'm still like 20 minutes away, which is good.
That's great.
There's a picture that popped up on the internet of you
at your prom.
Now, did you-- do you have fond memories of--
Am I matching?
And who is she?
That's a childhood friend of mine.
Her family is really, really close to my family.
You've kept in touch?
We do.
Yeah, she's married now.
I think she's moving to Japan.
She's with her husband in Japan.
And her mom is a close family friend, Miss Annette.
And yeah, that's my people.
Look at that.
That was-- I bet that was fun for her
to be able to say she went to prom with Michael B Jordan.
See, I don't know what she said.
You know what?
We used to like get into so many arguments.
We had a love-hate relationship growing up.
But she--
Oh, so she wasn't your girlfriend?
She was just your friend?
Yeah, she was my friend.
Oh, I see.
I went to--
Well, yeah, I mean, not my girlfriend.
But we were cool.
I can't-- you know, I'm not going to-- yeah,
we were friends.
Well, clearly, you were--
What you said.
Yeah, what you said.
You were more than friends.
But you're bringing more to it than--
I just said you were friends.
You're right.
You're right.
So now you have a girlfriend?
You know, I get crazy with these questions.
You know--
Yeah, right.
She was your girlfriend?
She was my girlfriend.
All right, she was your friend with benefits.
Friend with friend benefits.
Yeah, right.
Only her.
She-- you bring this out of me.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
Thank you.
All right, I have to thank you for the Greatest
Night of Giveaways that you helped us with.
You went and met a guy named Frank that is just--
Frank Gilmore, I mean, how cool was that?
No, he was an amazing person.
Honestly, to go back to my hometown area
and meet him and all the things that he did for his community
for those kids.
When I walked in there, the look on their faces
made it all worth it, to kind of give him that.
You're such an amazing person.
Well, you were fantastic.
I mean, it was so fun to watch them be freaked out by you,
which they were.
All right, so we have to take a break, and more with Michael
after this.
Hi, I'm Andy.
Ellen asked me to remind you to subscribe to her channel
so you can see more awesome videos,
like videos of me getting scared or saying embarrassing things,
like ball peen hammer, and also some videos of Ellen
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