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  • So here is the moment that everybody's been waiting

  • for-- the eye surgery story.

  • So you had to cancel shows.

  • And I know we were texting, but I didn't really

  • find out what it was.

  • You just told me you had eye surgery.

  • But what's wrong?

  • Here's the thing.

  • In 2012, I was doing a play in New York.

  • And I used to do this bit in the play

  • where I'd hit myself in the head with a trash can lid.

  • And one night during the play, I injured my eye--

  • not really badly, but I had to go and see a doctor

  • and he gave me some things.

  • And he said, look, over time, it will heal.

  • And it did.

  • And then for some reason about a year ago,

  • it flared up again-- this sort of little scratch

  • on my eyeball.

  • So I've been seeing doctors a lot.

  • I don't know if you remember, there

  • was a big thing on the internet where someone filmed me

  • and Justin Bieber doing a "Carpool Karaoke"

  • and we were being towed by a truck,

  • and people said it was a disgrace that I didn't really

  • drive.

  • Well, the reason I didn't drive that day

  • was because my eye was really hurting,

  • and we were worried it wouldn't be safe.

  • So anyway, I've been looking after it and looking after it.

  • And then about a few weeks ago-- three weeks ago,

  • something like that--

  • I woke up and I couldn't open my eye, which

  • meant I couldn't open either of my eyes,

  • because if you try and open-- anyway, I couldn't do that,

  • because it just hurts.

  • So I had to find the phone--

  • look how bad my eye is there-- terrible.

  • So that was it after it'd been fixed.

  • That's not good.

  • So I had to go along in the dark trying to find my phone

  • and then trying to find an Advil.

  • And the doctor I'd been speaking said, look,

  • I think we have to sort this out.

  • I think this has been happening too many times.

  • So we went to the surgery, and he

  • had a mask and gloves and all those things.

  • He wiped the whole thing down.

  • And he took one look at my eye and he said,

  • we're going to operate on it now.

  • And I said, but I've got a show at 5:00 PM.

  • And he said, no you don't.

  • He said you don't have a show till the earliest next week.

  • You've got to do this right now.

  • So right there and then, which I was quite grateful for,

  • actually, because I didn't have time to dread it.

  • They just did it.

  • And it's the strangest thing.

  • Because you're awake, but it's numb,

  • so you can't feel anything.

  • But all the time I just kept going, oh my god, oh my god, oh

  • my god.

  • And that was it.

  • So hopefully-- touch wood--

  • it's better.

  • But we'll see.

  • So you were awake while they were doing something

  • to your eyeball.

  • Yeah/ You're completely awake.

  • They clamp your eye open like "A Clockwork Orange,"

  • and then you can see what they're doing.

  • But you can't feel it, because it's numb.

  • So basically, you're saying that it was a horrible experience

  • and nobody needs to know the details of what

  • happened to your eye.

  • So we'll leave it at that.

  • This is daytime.

  • A daytime audience don't need to know about my eye surgery.

  • That's what I-- tweet me if you really want to know.

  • All right.

  • Yeah.

  • All right, so let's talk about the challenge

  • that you have-- the Shirt-off Shootout Challenge.

  • And explain what it is, because I want Andy to participate

  • and raise some money.

  • This will be good.

  • So we sent out a call to the NBA--

  • we thought basketball is not on, but basketball players still

  • want to play basketball.

  • So what they have to do is from 10 feet away,

  • throw as many clothes as they can into their laundry basket.

  • The only rule is they can only throw clothes

  • that they're wearing.

  • So you've got 45 seconds, and you can only throw clothes

  • that you're wearing.

  • So I said this video out.

  • And we didn't know if anyone was going to respond,

  • and then we started getting videos from--

  • I've got the leaderboard here in our studio.

  • So we have videos from Stephen Curry, [INAUDIBLE],,

  • Dwyane Wade, JaVale McGee, Boban, so many players--

  • Gordon Hayward, Gallo.

  • And so for every basket, every item of clothing

  • they get in the basket, we will give $100

  • for every item of clothing to Feed the Children, which

  • they then generate.

  • So for every dollar that is donated to them,

  • they will provide $7 worth of food

  • to children who predominantly rely on school meals for all

  • of their nutrition.

  • And so far, we've raised I think well

  • over $100,000 worth of food.

  • And we're going to just keep going.

  • All right, well that's great.

  • And Feed the Children is fantastic.

  • There are so many people in need right now.

  • So we want to help with that.

  • Andy, I left a bag of clothes out there in the bushes.

  • So during the commercial, you're going to put on

  • as much as you possibly can.

  • And when we come back, we are going

  • to see how many you can make in a basket 10 feet away from you.

  • Because of all the time I've spent in the NBA?

  • Yes.

  • Yeah.

  • That makes sense.

  • All right.

  • We'll be back.

  • Hi, I'm Andy.

  • Ellen asked me to remind you to subscribe to her channel

  • so you can see more awesome videos,

  • like videos of me getting scared or saying embarrassing things--

  • like ball-peen hammer-- and also some videos

  • of Ellen and other celebrities, if you're

  • into that sort of thing.



  • God [BLEEP]

So here is the moment that everybody's been waiting

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詹姆斯-科登在醒著的時候做了計劃外的眼科手術。 (James Corden on Having Unplanned Eye Surgery While Awake)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary