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-Just three men with beards hanging around a table.
Three equally handsome men.
-Yes. Thank you.
-We're all exactly the same. -Attractive people.
Here's how this works.
In front of us are two envelopes containing confessions.
One confession is true. The other is a lie.
Once you read your confession,
the other two players have 45 seconds to interrogate you.
They have to guess if you've been lying or telling the truth.
Chris, you will go first.
Which envelope should he open?
-Let's go with one.
-What is your story? Okay.
-My first job was cleaning out breast pumps.
[ Laughter ]
-For your first -- That was your first job?
-First job, yeah. -How old were you?
-I was 14 at the time.
-And was it just cleaning out breast pumps
or was there other aspects to the job?
-It was repairing them as well, occasionally.
-You repaired breast pumps at 14?
[ Laughter ] -Well, like, like, like --
Any pump, you know, there's a motor with a belt,
like a rubber belt, for the suction.
-Do you know that?
Oh, was this for human breasts or animal breasts?
-Yeah, no, like -- you'd have --
like, pharmacies would rent them out.
-They would rent them out?
Because you don't need them forever, right.
-No. [ Laughter ]
So they'd come back covered in dry milk.
So I'd have a toothbrush --
[ Buzzer ]
I'd clean the dry milk off.
-Dry milk?
I did not think I'd hear the phrase dry milk today.
[ Laughter ]
-This is very interesting.
-That was it? That was all we get to ask?
-45 seconds, we did it.
-I think it's real.
-You think his first job was cleaning out --
-If not, he's a psychopath -- [ Laughter ]
If he made that up.
-Were you saying, like, where he grew up,
his dad had animals and stuff around, so I'm thinking maybe --
-But it's human breast milk.
-But I think it's inspired by what he used to do with animals.
-That's very smart.
-And then change it to a lie.
-You're good at this.
He took almost the truth and changed it slightly to a lie.
-I'm going to say you lie. -Yeah.
-Did you lie? -I'll say lie, too.
-It was the truth. -I said it was the truth!
[ Laughter and applause ]
-Why did you --
-Where were you? Where were you? Where were you? Where was it?
-So, it was, like, Fisher and Paykel.
It's a company that makes
fridges and ovens and breast pumps.
And I literally worked for a pharmacy.
They would rent them out.
The machines would come back, and I would have a toothbrush,
a little spray and wipe.
And dried milk -- covered in them. Yep.
-One question. -Yep.
-Do the women who used these breast pumps
now know that Chris Hemsworth once cleaned their breast pumps?
[ Laughter ]
-Here we go. This is my turn. Here we go.
-And can you buy them on eBay? -You can't buy them on eBay.
Which one? Which envelope should I open?
-Well, which one -- -Let's go two.
We did one for me, right? Let's go two for you.
-Are you going to go into the breast-pump business?
Dolph Lundgren once saved me from a bunch of coyotes.
-I mean, it's so ridiculous that I'd say no,
but which means it's probably yes.
-Yeah, okay. So, how long ago did this happen?
-I'd say, early 2000s. 2002?
It was before I was on "Saturday Night Live."
-How many coyotes?
-I don't really know,
but it was definitely at least one scurrying.
-So how did he save you? What did he do, wrestle them?
-You're saying Dolph Lundgren
saved you from a group of coyote?
-Yes. Yes. -One?
-No, not coyote -- coyotes. I think it was more than one.
I was leaving a party, and I heard things scurrying.
-What did he do?
-He said, "Jimmy, get in my car."
[ Laughter ] -What?
-He said, "Hey, Jimmy, quick, get in my car"
or something like that. "There's coyotes are coming."
-So he knew who you were? -Yeah.
-So you guys were hanging out or just --
-No, I didn't know he was there at all.
-It seems true, right?
-It seems true. I didn't want it to be.
Actually, hang on. Whoa, whoa.
[ Laughter ]
You're lying!
-No, why would I do that, though?
-I feel like it's true because he wasn't sure on the year
and he's, like, trying to make us think that he's lying,
but it's really the truth.
He said, "Ah, let's say 2002." He's trying to --
-I looked deep within his soul.
Deep within -- Yeah, you're lying to me.
-You're right. It's a lie. -Wow! Nice!
-How cool would that be? How cool would that be?
For a second, did you think?
-Yeah, for a second I did, and then I looked at you.
We played another game where it's like "Don't laugh."
That game. And there's something there that happened.
-I was proud, like I felt I won. -Yeah, yeah.
-Okay, all right, here we go.
-I'm going to say -- what do we just go with, number two?
What do you think, Chris?
-I don't know. I do want to say this is great.
We're just hanging out, three guys.
-Three dudes. Yeah, don't worry about it.
-All equally handsome, yeah. [ Laughter ]
-Just fun. Number one. -One?
-Yeah. -All right.
-Fun. -Here we go.
-All right, already you're lying.
-I once tried to murder someone in Singapore.
[ Laughter ]
-Hang on, hang on. Intention-- like, as in --
-This is gonna air on television, you know.
[ Laughter ]
-I didn't say I was successful.
-What year was this?
-I was maybe around 10 or 12 years old.
-So you -- When you say murder, that wasn't self-defense.
That's you like out to get someone intentionally.
-I was the aggressor. -You didn't like this person?
-No, I liked this person. I loved her.
-Why did you want to murder them?
-I don't know. -Wow.
-What do you mean, you don't know?
-How did you try to murder her? -Strangulation, pretty standard.
[ Laughter ]
-Just because, or no reason at all?
-Well, so, I was sleepwalking, and as a kid,
I wasn't allowed to watch horror movies,
and this person showed me a horror movie.
[ Buzzer ]
-Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, well, wait.
-I want more than 45 -- I want weeks with you.
[ Laughter ]
-Something happened at the end there because all of a sudden
it was, "Oh, I did it on purpose."
And then you said you were sleepwalking.
-Oh, that's very interesting.
Now he's smirking,
almost thinking that we're both going to say he lied.
Because now he's doing what I did.
-Look at me. -This is the poker face.
He thinks he won.
[ Laughter ]
I'm gonna say...
-I think it's true. -I'm gonna say it's the truth.
You tried to murder someone in Singapore.
-That is correct.
[ Laughter and applause ]
-I can never look at you in the same way.
What are you talking about? -It was my aunt.
-Oh, my God. [ Laughter ]
-And I had little 10-year-old hands. I never had a shot.
[ Laughter ]
But I wasn't allowed to watch horror movies as a kid.
And I was staying at her house, and she was like,
"It's fine. I'll show you one.
What's the worst that could happen?"
And then I tried to murder her.
[ Laughter ]
-In your sleep, though, in your sleep.
-In my sleep.
And they woke me up and I don't remember any of it,
but I remember being like -- things were weird at breakfast.
[ Laughter ]
-"Do you know what you tried to do last night?"
Guys, I'm glad we got to the bottom of these things.
Thank you so much for playing.
Chris Hemsworth. Kumail Nanjiani.