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-And now I thought I'd share some of my favorite
"That Was Cold" responses from you guys.
This first one's from @NatalieSchuyler.
She says, "I was at the DMV
getting my new license picture taken.
The DMV lady looked at it for a few seconds and said,
"Aw, sweetie, do you want to try again?"
[ Laughter, applause ]
Yeah, you do.
This one's from edjervisUK. -[ Laughs ]
[ Laughter ]
-EdjervisUK? -Ed Jervis.
-Yeah. -UK Ed Jervis.
So, it's like [British accent] Ed Jervis.
-Right, so he's not US Ed Jervis.
-[ Normally ] Ed Jervis? -Right. This is edjervisUK.
-This is [British accent] Edward Jervis.
-Are you sure it's not Ed Jervis Uk?
[ Laughter ]
-[ Normally ] It's Ed Jervis Uk. -Okay.
He says, "After my pregnant wife and I
explained to our two-year-old daughter
that her new baby sister was in 'Mummy's belly,'
she looked over at me and said, 'Baby in Daddy's belly, too?'"
[ Laughter ] -Oh, snap!
[ Applause ]
-[ British accent ] No, sweetie, beer is in Daddy's belly.
[ Normally ] This is from Abby "Lamp-e."
It's probably Abby Lamp, but... -Right, but Lamp with an E.
-It was Lamp with an E, so I thought it was cuter Abby Lampe.
-Yeah. You know, also, it has a sort of alliteration to it.
-Yeah. -Abby Lampe.
-She says, "When I asked my mom
how long I should cook a 25-pound turkey,
she told me that she didn't think I had enough friends
to use up a 25-pound turkey."
[ Laughter ]
-Oh! -That's cold!
-That's cold! -That was cold!
-Cold-blooded. -Ice cold!
This one is @hanbagwilton1.
-Handbagwilton1. -Not "handbag." Hanbag.
-Ham bag?
-Hanbag. No D.
-No, so han, H-A-N. -Han.
-Hanbag. Hanbag? -Yeah.
She says, "A kid said to me, 'I love your hair.
How do you get it to come out of the nostrils like that?'"
[ Laughter ] -Ooh!
-[ Laughs ] -Snap!
-[ Laughs ] -Oh.
-This one's from @Leenie8791. -Oh.
-♪ Little Leenie ♪
[ Laughter ]
-♪ Leenie, Leenie ♪ -She said,
"The night before I left for college, my dad said,
'Truly, the best part of you going so far away to school
is that you can come up with a whole new personality.'"
[ Laughter, applause ]
[ Laughs ] -He didn't mean nothing.
-This one is from @Stephenpoirier1.
[ Laughter ]
-Poirier? -What's that?
-It's French? -Yeah. P-O-I-R-I-E-R.
-Oh, yeah. [ French accent ] Poirier.
-[ French accent ] Poirier. -Un!
-Stephen Poirier Un. -Un. Yeah. Yeah.
-[ Normally ] Stephenpoirier1.
He says, "A waitress recently asked
if I wanted the senior discount.
I'm 35." -Oh!
-That was cold, man! Ice world!
-[ Laughs ]
-This one's from @tdeur7.
-[ Snorts ] Alright.
-They aren't fake. These are real things.
-Yeah, no. -So, there's probably
six other tdeurs. -Yeah, this is the seventh one.
-He says, "My son refused to mess up his hair
by wearing a hat on a cold day.
He looked at my receding hairline and said,
"I'm going to enjoy it while I still have it."
[ Laughter ]
-[ Laughs ]
-This one's from lcapes26. -Oh.
-[ French accent ] La capes. -La capes.
-[ Normally ] She says, "An Uber driver
was trying to find me in a crowd.
He called me and asked, 'Is that you in the white leggings?'
I wasn't wearing leggings. It was just my legs."
[ Laughter, applause ]
I'm Irish! -Come on!
-I'm Irish!
-[ Laughs ]
White leggings.
-White leggings. -Ouch.
-This one's from @WonderfulwomanK.
-Oh. -She says, "When I was 10,
I was helping out at a school event with little kids,
and I asked a girl how old she was.
She turned to her mom and asked how old she was.
Her mom said two.
Then the little girl turned to me and said, 'Two, stupid.'"
[ Laughter ]
"Two, stupid." -Yeah. [ Laughs ]
-This last one's from @OtherMan. -Oh.
-Mm. -Oh...
-That's a little shady.
-Yeah, a little shade on that one.
-"You get a tweet from the OtherMan?"
-Yeah. Ooh, look out.
-OtherMan. -[ Indistinct ]
-He says, "It's been awhile since I'd been to the doctor,
and he asked me if I'd lost weight.
Before I could answer, he looked at my chart and said,
'Oh, that's a no.'" [ Laughter ]
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