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-John, thanks again for talking to me.
I really do appreciate it.
I did want to talk to you about becoming a citizen.
-Yeah. -You are now a citizen
of the United States of America. -An American.
-You are an American right -- -Yes, that's right.
-This is the first time you're on my show as an American.
-That's right, that's right, and I feel
you're treating me with a different
kind of respect now, Jimmy.
-You do feel it a little bit, right?
-American to American, right. -How was the process?
-I mean, it's really bad.
-Is it really? -And it's bad for me.
That's what, I guess, is more of like the scary
canary in the coal mine.
It's bad for a white man coming from Britain
who has the help of first Comedy Central
and then HBO lawyers.
It's -- It was really hard.
-And very, very frightening.
-What is the final day when you go, "Yep, it's official"?
Do you get a thank-you from the president or --
Which would be funny if you got a thank-you.
-Yeah. It's hard --
I mean, so you go into a room together.
There was like 150 of us
from, I think, 47 different countries.
So we all enter a room together.
And they make speeches that are fantastic.
Everyone stands up when their country is called.
And then... -That's cool.
-...they play a video from the president.
I think in recent years that video has been a little more
welcoming than this particular video was,
which seemed to be delivered through some version
of gritted teeth.
And so we listened to that video.
Were made to feel not exactly welcome,
and then we were given little American flags,
and they say "congratulations,"
and it feels --
For some people in that room, this is the end of like
a 20-year, 30-year process.
So the sense of relief in that room --
There was -- If I'm completely honest,
there was a part of me that day as I went down there
that still didn't think it was going to happen,
it was some kind of trap.
I know that sounds like a joke,
but part of me did think they would open a door
and there would be like plastic sheeting on the ground
like in "GoodFellas," and just Jared Kushner
stroking a hairless cat, saying,
"You didn't really think this was going to happen."
-Yeah. -But that's the level
of paranoia and worry that was in my head the whole time.
I could not believe it was going to happen,
this thing that I wanted for over a decade.
-And you can vote now, correct?
-Yes, that's right. This will be my first vote.
-Yeah. -Wow.
-Previously to that it's been taxation without representation.
Now I get why you got so pissy about it all those years ago.
-[ Laughs ] Yeah, exactly, yeah.
-Yeah, it is annoying. You were right.
It's very annoying. -[ Laughs ]
-Yeah, so, yeah, I get to vote this November.
-Well, with everything going on, I was talking to you earlier
just about any life things,
things about the kids or anything that will make you...
-Yeah. during these times.
And you explained to me about this purchase
that you made in a bodega. -Yes.
-So just as everything was shutting down,
I grabbed -- I was in a bodega looking for anything
that could reasonably be construed as a child's toy.
And I found a Chia Pet of the Golden Girls
that had been, I think, on the bodega shelf
for I want to say 30 years.
-Oh, my God. Holy -- what?
-Like, I gave this to my son.
And he kind of said -- He said, "Who is that lady?"
And I explained who Estelle Getty was.
That didn't seem to internalize. -That's great.
-Then he said, "Why is this a toy?"
And I couldn't really answer that question.
And then he asked why she was so mad.
So here's the thing.
We planted this three months ago.
So if this is 30 years old,
it's been sitting as an ornament
on a bodega shelf.
All the seeds have probably died, I think, over 30 years.
-Yeah. -So this --
That's what we're aiming for.
This, three months later, is what we got.
-[ Laughing ]
-I just -- -[ Laughing ] Oh, my --
-I mean, that's horrific. -Oh, my goodness.
-That's absolutely horrific. -Oh, my...
[ Laughter ]
-I've even trimmed off the one
that was growing out of her nose.
If there -- I don't know if there was
a better visual representation
of where we want to be as a society
and where we are than that.
-[ Laughs ] Oh, my...
John Oliver, you are a funny man,
and, gosh, I needed that laugh.
Thank you so much for everything you're doing.
-Of course, mate. -Keep up the great work,
and hug those kids. -Thanks so much.
-Bye, buddy. Good to see you. -See you, buddy. Bye.