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  • - We can all lose our motivation.

  • The question is do we regain it?

  • The question is do we show up

  • when it really counts?

  • The question is are we are of when it's lost

  • and what do we do to get back?

  • So let's talk about losing motivation

  • in this context right now?

  • Because listen, if you haven't seen my hashtag on this

  • I want to let you know

  • it's not just a superficial thing,

  • it's genuinely how I feel.

  • I've been locked down for 28 days

  • but I keep saying

  • I'm locked down

  • but fired up.

  • Locked down, fired up.

  • I don't think I've ever been generally as motivated

  • in my entire lifetime right now

  • 'cause I can see the opportunity to serve,

  • I can see the need out there,

  • I can accept the challenge on myself to say

  • how am I going to deal with this?

  • But it doesn't mean I don't lose my motivation too.

  • And so what does losing motivation look like?

  • Usually, let's talk through a few things,

  • first recognize almost all lost motivation

  • is actually fatigue, burnout, overwhelm and stress.

  • It has nothing to do with motivation itself.

  • It has to do with the conditions around it

  • jacking up your motivation.

  • So fatigue, that's why we're going to talk

  • about self-care real fast.

  • And I know you all know this

  • being in our community,

  • but if this hasn't moved up on your priority list,

  • you're not even in the game yet.

  • I talked with another client the other day

  • who's like Brendon,

  • I haven't been affected by this at all.

  • I still feel good,

  • I still feel strong,

  • business is strong,

  • felt like he was in a good place

  • and I was like oh interesting,

  • I was like, well are you not feeling any fatigue

  • from the news and the media?

  • He's like, no, like you said, Brendon,

  • part of my self-care routine

  • is I don't do a lot of consumption,

  • I don't read a lot of the news,

  • maybe once or twice a day,

  • I don't do a lot of social media.

  • I said, okay that's cool

  • and I said, nothing else,

  • you don't feel like the grind on you,

  • you don't feel like overwhelm?

  • No.

  • Well the way his coping was coming out

  • was he was getting more agitated with other people.

  • Not the way he treated them

  • 'cause he's just a darling man with other people

  • but you know what was interesting?

  • I heard him say it two or three times.

  • It took a minute for me to pick up on it as a coach,

  • I picked up on it,

  • he was calling other people idiots.

  • I've never heard him call his team

  • or anyone on his team an idiot.

  • And he said the word idiot three times on the phone.

  • And I was like ah,

  • 'cause you know one way you cope with things,

  • judgment goes up.

  • Because if you can be sure of your opinion right now,

  • at least that's some kind of certainty.

  • So a lot of people's certainty

  • comes through their sense of self righteousness,

  • their sense of I'm going through this

  • and other people are not

  • which again is the devil of division, separatedness.

  • Oh, I'm dealing with better than them, suckers, idiots.

  • And you know what happens?

  • If you start thinking the world is full of idiots,

  • lost motivation.

  • 'Cause you know what,

  • you don't want to deal with those people anymore.

  • And when you don't want to deal with those people anymore,

  • you withdraw and unconsciously you lose motivation.

  • When judgment goes up, motivation goes down.

  • Why do you think the Dalai Lama

  • is such an extraordinarily motivated man,

  • especially for his age and health conditions?

  • Because he's so accepting and loving of people.

  • When you are accepting and loving of people

  • as where they're at,

  • as an opportunity to serve,

  • your motivation's different.

  • So how does this come back to self-care, Brendon?

  • What the heck are you talking about?

  • Well, this person didn't realize

  • his fatigue was coming out as judgment,

  • his stress was coming out as judgment.

  • He didn't make that connection.

  • But because he was not taking care of himself,

  • because he was bragging about working three times as much

  • and it's not affecting him and everything's fine,

  • what came to be true was he was fatigued.

  • He lost his self-care routines.

  • Your self-care should be A plus right now.

  • And for most people, it's not.

  • Most people just double,

  • listen to this,

  • by the way, it's historical,

  • in economic recessions and depressions,

  • household budgets for alcohol double.

  • Do you know that?

  • It's already happened here in North America.

  • Just like oh, let's just spend more on alcohol,

  • it immediately happens.

  • Now people are saying well no, no, no,

  • it's 'cause we're locked in

  • and we can't go to the restaurants as much.

  • No 'cause when you went to the restaurants

  • you still spent the same or more.

  • No, what's happening is people are,

  • their number one way

  • that they're stealing from their self-care

  • is they're turning to addictions.

  • Please be aware of that.

  • Be aware of what you are turning to

  • that's making you more tired.

  • 'Cause guess what?

  • A hangover is fatigue,

  • no matter how good your hangover is.

  • The more you consume, drink,

  • eat things that are unhealthy right now,

  • and listen I'm not here to be a preacher of your health,

  • I'm just here to say it has effects.

  • And since we're talking about lost motivation,

  • please realize a hangover in any capacity

  • is going to hurt

  • the molecules that we know activate motivation.

  • Dopamine, vasopressin, oxytocin, serotonin,

  • are all negatively impacted by any drug use

  • and any alcohol.

  • All of them are negatively impacted.

  • So please realize that motivation

  • is neurobiological as well.

  • You can take a group of soldiers

  • and over a 16 week period

  • measure their sleep patterns

  • and their perceived sense of motivation and drive,

  • and watch it crater.

  • You mess with people's sleep,

  • you feed 'em bad things,

  • you make 'em consume drugs and alcohol

  • and their motivation will drop.

  • And I'm not here to preach

  • 'cause you do what you want,

  • hey, if you love a glass of wine with you're meal,

  • I'm not here to preach about that.

  • I'll have a glass of wine, no problem,

  • I love a glass of wine,

  • but I'm not likely in times of crises

  • to have a bunch of 'em.

  • And that's what's really important,

  • 'cause I know I already have a compromised brain,

  • many of you guys know I had a brain injury in 2011

  • and that brain injury doesn't go away.

  • So I'm always mitigating.

  • And for me, I know if I overconsume bad food or alcohol,

  • the next day, I just don't feel good.

  • And that slows down my ability to serve

  • or be their for my family when it counts.

  • And right now, it counts.

  • So please, do your self-care.

  • That means, for those of you that,

  • a convenient acronym to check your self-care,

  • do this, take your MEDS, m-e-d-s, MEDS.

  • What does MEDS stand for?

  • MEDS stands for meditation,

  • exercise,

  • diet,

  • sleep.

  • That's your meds,

  • every day, meditate, exercise, diet, sleep.

  • Get those down.

  • Then I like to add the RX on it,

  • RX, what's RX stand for?

  • R stands for relationships.

  • Deepen your appreciation and your presence

  • in your relationship.

  • X is the X factor

  • which is to me supplementation,

  • finding what your body needs biologically

  • to optimize its performance.

  • Many of you guys know,

  • I take my Optimized supplement,

  • which I know some of you guys have,

  • I take that every day

  • so I can stay mentally clear and sharp,

  • especially in times of stress

  • 'cause there's adatpogens and mushrooms in there.

  • So everyone needs it, that's for me,

  • I know I need that.

  • You might know you need that morning cup of coffee,

  • that's a supplement if you didn't know that.

  • You might know that you're somebody

  • who needs a little extra magnesium, iron, and B vitamins

  • during times of stress.

  • Great, pump those up.

  • You might realize during times of stress,

  • it's time for you to take your adaptogens,

  • your rhodiola, your ginseng, that might be a time,

  • might be a time to boost your immunity.

  • Take your mushrooms, your chaga, your reishi, your maki,

  • whatever else I'm forgetting.

  • You got to know,

  • the X factor's always supplementation

  • but the R factor is relationships.

  • So MEDSRX,

  • meditation, exercise, diet, sleep,

  • nailed those, RX,

  • relationship presence and energy,

  • X, the supplementation to keep you going.

  • Okay, I won't belabor that point

  • 'cause I think you all know it.

  • Next up, and I'll move a little faster

  • through some of these.

  • Okay, remember we're on lost motivation.

  • So let's come back to this big key topic.

  • And this is make sure you are listening

  • to motivating voices right now, motivating voices.

  • If you got a friend or a spouse

  • who's constantly complaining,

  • immediately stop exposure to that

  • or let them know of its effect.

  • And don't blame them,

  • say, you know what,

  • I notice we, use the language we,

  • I notice we've been really talking

  • about the problems and the complaints about that.

  • Let's talk about what we're appreciative of.

  • Fire off five things you're grateful for.

  • Just help me change my mindset.

  • Acknowledge it's we,

  • 'cause all conversations are we,

  • and then say, help me,

  • give me five things you're thankful for,

  • tell me five reasons you love me,

  • say three things that are going good

  • and take control of that conversation.

  • Another big idea behind this is

  • if you're not listening to positive podcasts

  • or participating in communities like this,

  • this is the time to up that ante.

  • For those who have funny friends,

  • I have two friends, Dave and Adam,

  • who are literally the funniest human beings

  • on the planet.

  • I'm convinced there is no funnier human beings.

  • And I know you probably have friends like that to,

  • you're like no, no, no,

  • Brendon, my friends are funnier than your friends.

  • If you have that,

  • let me suggest to you,

  • you should be FaceTiming with them way more often

  • through this crisis.

  • It will change your levity,

  • it will make you motivated.

  • I laughed for like two hours the other night

  • on a call with these two friends.

  • My wife and I were literally in tears for two hours

  • talking to these idiots

  • and it was fantastic.

  • So you got to have those motivating voices,

  • those people who are upbeat.

  • For those who

  • you're just now engaging in personal development,

  • go listen to those positive podcasts.

  • For those who are in spirituality,

  • listen to your favorite pastor,

  • whoever that might be,

  • but consume into that,

  • put that literally in your ears as a podcast

  • or a replay of what we're doing here.

  • It will serve you,

  • it will help rewire the brain

  • and it will take over

  • the internal voices of strife and worry

  • and implant positivity and better mindsets.

  • So for me,

  • as many of you know,

  • I don't consume a lot,

  • I just don't.

  • I don't consume a lot of social media,

  • I don't consume a lot of television,

  • I don't consume a lot,

  • I'm just not a consumption guy

  • except for books, to be fair.

  • But recently I'm like,

  • okay, I got to up my podcast game,

  • I got to up my faith game.

  • So I'm listening to more podcasts

  • from my peers in my industry,

  • I'm listening to more podcasts of faith

  • that are really helping me.

  • That's really important.

  • Two other big ideas.

  • One, remember motivation

  • is triggered by ambition and action.

  • These are the two triggers of motivation.

  • And not everyone likes the word,

  • not everyone loves the word ambition,

  • but these are the two scientific backed

  • triggers of motivation.

  • Remove these, motivation doesn't last.

  • Amplify these, motivation grows.

  • Not my opinion,

  • all of psychology points to this,

  • all of philosophy for over 1,000 years.

  • Ambition, if you don't like that word

  • 'cause that has a connotation from the '80s,

  • but ambition just means desire for more.

  • That more can be more depth,

  • more connection, more joy, more abundance,

  • more success in any area,

  • more peace, more harmony, more anything,

  • like people think ambition is separate

  • then peace or harmony.

  • No, if you want more harmony, that's ambition.

  • If you want a better meditative practice,

  • that's an ambition for better meditation.

  • Ambition is not separate from yoga or spirituality.

  • The Dalai Lama wants to deepen his spirituality practice.

  • That's ambition.

  • It's attachment to the end result of ambition

  • that can cause suffering.

  • But the desire for greater or more or new, that's okay.

  • It's when you are attached to how it has to go

  • that can ruin your motivation.

  • So let me talk about these two things.

  • Number one, ambition, the most important things

  • for those who want motivation again,

  • you must get back into a first 30 minute morning routine

  • in which you connect with your ambitions.

  • What does that mean?

  • You better look at your goals every single day

  • and don't just look at them,

  • look at them, feel them, visualize them,

  • talk through them, think about them.

  • See, right now you're obsessed

  • about the news and social media.

  • I need you to obsess about your goals

  • and your ambitions and your dreams again.

  • Instead of laying awake

  • worrying about what's going to happen tomorrow,

  • lay awake trying to force your mind

  • to visualize the ideal future.

  • Your mental time towards visualizing, feeling

  • and self-talking about your ambitions and your goals

  • are driving your motivation up or down.

  • More time,

  • see most people say,

  • well, it's not realistic now, Brendon.

  • I'm like, I know,

  • it's just required now.

  • I'm okay it's not realistic

  • for you to achieve all your things

  • but if you lose touch with your idealistic future,

  • you will lose your motivation.

  • So key for people,

  • so key for people.

  • What else do we know?

  • Well, we know that in all of psychology,

  • that motivation often follows momentum.

  • Action, action,

  • and this is a real sticking point for people right now

  • in that people think

  • oh well, you know,

  • I'll just pause all these things

  • and see how this goes through.

  • You need to make positive progress every single day.

  • So what I want you to do in the morning,

  • I do this with my High Performance Planner,

  • you guys can do it with whatever tools you have,

  • I want you to write down your goals, your dreams,

  • but listen, some people fill it out in the morning,

  • I fill it out in the morning,

  • my goals, I think about my long term dreams

  • and then I just sit with it

  • and I visualize it,

  • I think through it,

  • how can I do that with excellence,

  • how can I make that fun,

  • how can I do that in uncommon ways that I'll enjoy?

  • And let your mind stew on creating ways

  • to achieve your dream.

  • Let your mind stew on creative ways

  • to enjoy the day.

  • You need to be visualizing more

  • than you ever have before

  • if you want motivation to sustain.

  • That is a simple action everybody can do.

  • Get really close every morning to your ambitions.

  • And then also, just to get action,

  • say what are three things that I absolutely will do today

  • that are not just household or health tasks?

  • Meaning, get your workout in, big achievement,

  • feed the kids, big achievement,

  • I still need you to do three things beyond surviving,

  • three things, what would it be?

  • You know what I'll send that one email.

  • For me, lately it's been

  • I'm going to shoot this set of videos

  • or I'm going to create that web page

  • or I'm going to send out this prospect email

  • for me and my business.

  • I just need something from you every day beyond surviving

  • that your brain goes oh, I'm not just surviving,

  • I'm not just,

  • listen, it has to be beyond self-care too.

  • Yes, do your self-care

  • but I want you to go beyond self-care

  • 'cause here's what your mind,

  • listen, please think,

  • and I want you to all really tune in to this,

  • be very attentive to what I'm about to say.

  • If the mind only feels

  • like it's doing the things that are necessary

  • for self-care and survival,

  • it will lose motivation still.

  • That's the trick of the human brain.

  • So let me say it another way,

  • if all you think about is just self-care,

  • which is powerful and you must,

  • and survival stuff,

  • powerful and must

  • but your mind doesn't feel like it's engaged in something

  • that is going to help you thrive,

  • not just survive,

  • motivation will go down unconsciously

  • and you won't even know.

  • You're like, I'm doing all the things, Brendon.

  • And I hear this from people all the time,

  • Brendon, I'm doing all the things,

  • I yoga, I get a massage once in awhile,

  • I only eat green things,

  • I run, I exercise,

  • and I still have no motivation.

  • Oh, because if the mind doesn't touch the rim of the future,

  • if the mind doesn't every day touch the rim,

  • do something that reaches for an idyllic future state,

  • motivation will wane.

  • It is one of the rare unique things

  • of the human species

  • when we study animalistic,

  • outside the human species,

  • animalistic drive versus human drive.

  • The human drive for connection to the future

  • is innately tied to our sense of motivation.

  • And what's happening

  • is many people are obsessing and ruminating

  • on the inconveniences of now,

  • the threats of now and the fear of now,

  • and they're giving more time

  • to consuming what is in front of them

  • than they are to visualizing what could be.

  • I'm here to say if you lost motivation,

  • you didn't lose motivation,

  • you lost your touch with the future babe.

  • You didn't lose motivation,

  • you lost the time spent touching the helm of the future

  • by doing something simple today

  • that has a positive impact in the future.

  • That's why I need three things from you every morning,

  • these are your three things beyond self-care

  • and beyond survival,

  • look, one of those things can be sending an email,

  • I need you to do something beyond

  • just survival and self-care,

  • I need you three things every day,

  • it could be one email, one video,

  • one something, one project

  • that touches the hem or the rim of the future.

  • If you'll get three of those every day,

  • that to the brain will say,

  • I'm touching ambition,

  • I've got some action,

  • I've got some momentum.

  • And those little pieces of momentum,

  • no matter how big a deal,

  • momentum sparks motivation.

  • Everything will change for you.

- We can all lose our motivation.

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