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-Well, guys, the new cast of the upcoming season of
"The Bachelor" has just been revealed.
And rules are a little different this season.
First, all 30 women have to make it through a House vote.
Then, if approved, they're going to face a trial in the Senate.
[ Laughter and applause ]
That's right. There's 30 women on "The Bachelor"
all fighting for the same thing --
to see who can disappoint their parents the most.
[ Laughter ]
But this year is very fun.
Since this year's Bachelor is Pete the pilot,
three of the contestants are actually flight attendants.
[ Audience ohs ]
Which should explain why every episode starts 45 minutes late.
[ Laughter ]
I saw that another "Bachelor" contestant
is a professional house flipper.
Just a word of advice -- when you get to the Bachelor Mansion,
the first thing that you want to flip is the mattress.
[ Laughter ]
But it looks like a good season.
Here's a photo of some of the other contestants.
Look at this.
Apparently, to get cast on the show, you just need to be able
to giggle while looking over one shoulder.
[ Laughter ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
Can we see that again?
Is it me?
Don't they all look like
they are starring in a commercial for Yoplait?
[ Laughter ]
Let's get to some news, guys.
Tomorrow is an absolutely historic day
for the United States.
That's right.
After months of anticipation, it's finally here --
"The Masked Singer" finale.
[ Laughter and applause ]
We'll have to find out.
Just kidding.
Of course, we all know 'twas the night before impeachment
and all through D.C.,
Pelosi was clapping while Trump screamed, "Why me?"
[ Laughter ]
That's right.
Tomorrow the House will officially vote on
the articles of impeachment against President Trump,
and Nancy Pelosi apparently has the votes.
Then Hillary was like --
[ Cheers and applause ]
Then Hillary was like, "Well, don't get too cocky."
[ Laughter ]
And, of course, the media is fired up too.
This morning in the NBC gym,
I ran into Mika Brzezinski bench-pressing "Morning Joe."
Yeah. [ Laughter ]
Everyone is talking about this.
Today, "happy impeachment" was trending on Twitter.
When Trump saw that, he was like, "Trust me,
after tomorrow's vote,
everyone will be saying 'merry impeachment' again."
[ Laughter ]
As if things weren't tense enough today,
Trump sent a six-page letter to Nancy Pelosi,
where he called the impeachment
an unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power,
claimed Pelosi offended Americans,
and calls his crimes "completely disenuous, meritless,
and baseless invention of your imagination."
When asked why he sent the letter, Trump said,
"Because Pelosi blocked me on Twitter."
[ Laughter ]
Meanwhile, Rudy Giuliani just did an interview
where he admitted that Trump
knew what he was doing in Ukraine.
It's almost like Rudy heard there's no way Trump could be
removed from office and thought,
"Oh, yeah, we'll see about that."
[ Laughter ]
Seriously, I'm not saying Rudy is hurting Trump's case,
but even Harvey Weinstein thinks he needs to shut up and go away.
[ Audience ohs ]
But Trump is busy.
Today he hosted the President and First Lady of Guatemala.
First, Trump was confused.
He was like, "I love Guatemala,
especially when they make it table side."
[ Laughter ]
"It's extra at Chipotle."
[ Laughter ]
And finally, as if there wasn't enough going on,
a Russian spy ship was just spotted
sailing off the coast of Florida.
Trump heard that and was like,
"That's not a spy ship. That's my getaway vehicle."
We have a great show tonight.