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  • but some of us concentrating to echo of the past

  • heinle how much spot

  • finds someone anything you want me to the stand still until you wonder what

  • the flaky it's event christy and alonzo and that is sitting on the entry will be

  • participating in this review sax

  • at first sight

  • from idle people like it that parallel to all of the comments

  • uh... so many other such fuckin preps

  • here was what our program

  • corporate graphic now let me know if it's okay

  • harvard

  • papa doc one copy all uh... from the song

  • yes for me as i could retire muzak you cut pro rights

  • uh... it is setting early sixties japan now the country's getting ready for the

  • to kill olympics are still reeling from the uh... from the fact of the korean

  • war were to

  • and it's about a young girl who uh... her father's dead mother setting in

  • america she runs a boarding house that is owned by your grandmother and gets

  • involved with the fellow students who are trying to save their club house

  • of specifically

  • uh... aboard publishes the school's weekly newspaper

  • and uh... uh...

  • their their relationship it's complicated piccolo

  • it's extremely fit there love mom incident lotte especially that sort of

  • landscape shots and that was that

  • the skies in the end of the mountains and

  • poppy hills itself in love

  • their moments like when it where at the end of the shot

  • holds for a second and you think well that's it

  • that is a painting i would hang in my home and i think people would say

  • next paycheck with

  • but by the way did you get a lot about art for the

  • whatever you tell me about the certainly the the the

  • the high on his idea may guess it's it's passing on with the sun loves moods of

  • conveyance you know like air planes and boats and in this movie you have like

  • those cool for a three we all

  • motorcycle track things that i guess they have a japan in the area though is

  • people started finally coming ap bac track and i and the like is just

  • gorgeous limited range has it opens up uh... at the end of the as than other

  • resided owns it

  • be able to look at

  • uh... and unlike a lot of high on the is argues work it's not there's no sort of

  • magical element there's no

  • paid to fly planes are

  • houses or

  • uh... four how does the bluegrass spirits or any of that stuff so it's

  • it's very beautiful issues or perceived magic if you're an idiot like that

  • moments between people that

  • that we describe is magical but they are really matter dot or anger and they're

  • not magical services and that's very sweet and very intent on record past and

  • i was never move

  • and if the weirdness

  • i look at what's going on with his and i was actually moved when we when we find

  • out everything there is to find out at the end i was a little this was when the

  • fire

  • yet these are the young and his services

  • it was his idea

  • it's like the last few weeks equal the very early which again i think he wrote

  • and for

  • put a lot of it together but didn't actually directed

  • and so you know that he's sort of facing into that idiot does is getting older i

  • don't know that it was directing work so i like this for

  • animation

  • better adjusted i'd rather sis's a satisfying weight for me to see an

  • animated picture

  • that it's altered wrongly

  • it looks better

  • uh... the

  • i love that was sort of there's some serious things here done likening this

  • aligned at some point in the movie

  • where you talk about that

  • a soldier kill are repatriation ship

  • and the mother died in childbirth and the entire as to the family was killed

  • at night

  • initiative to lives of throwaway line

  • but like dot your like you forget like there's so much that got i'd felt like

  • this is japan

  • right before the nineteen sixty four tokyo a fixture of the excitement of

  • planning for the world is coming back to japan and say

  • you guys complain of like there were none of the world hertel part of the

  • world again after after world war two

  • but all this sort of this this history that they have that they have to live

  • without a lot dot

  • by that i thought like a a really large something in this movie about sort of

  • the what what it was like to be

  • that took the fallout from being the aggressors in world war two what that

  • was like a whole generation of japanese and i think that the female lead is very

  • much of a peace with the one from spirited away it's about you know what

  • they were walking through the ways of involves into which is that she

  • appreciates the value of hard work and she's very devoted to her family but you

  • know like

  • in she's a really rich character and not the sort of ditsy

  • you know young girls as you get a lot of music the g really focused in

  • and one that making a lot of amazing things happen

  • but we were saying before about having a family though i did

  • don't think that it is is because

  • plot element that kind of touches on the possibility of incest which i think

  • might be a good buchananism uncomfortable colonization society at a

  • meeting at the justice in this in camellia parented justice mister illegal

  • but it's going to require some purple

  • uh... attention pretty strong argument that what is making a film really

  • detailed anything is

  • gorgeous and many home made by distance which is cooking

  • in the kitchen is gorgeous

  • and his top if they don't have that sparked mean a lot and

  • means that the pills do you think that's different is not the lever back east and

  • like the witness the different hotmail

  • and a lot

  • it now non that's on a mac address today dominio kanya punya fishy in messy

  • case between is fun this is in the sort of all one level and it's something i

  • would not put this up there with spirited away on my neighbor to aurora

  • prince is one of the but i still think that

  • miyazaki in whatever brand you know well job he's taking is

  • probably the greatest living enemy right now right and so it means is that it is

  • not as i'll take a look at it in a sense probably head shoulders of of a lot of

  • people that are out there working sir especially traditional integration test

  • on one hand what i want yes

  • and one st

  • english version with american actors examined was the fact

  • i'd i wonder if i will be more moved by it and there is no japanese descent wind

  • is news releases films from being released by g_e_ kids uh...

  • are u

  • in l_a_ i hate you know you had everywhere you could see the movie both

  • ways so i would i the first of all watch other wanted dot disorder taken all the

  • visuals and then i would like to go see it again in japanese with the subsidy

  • like to get the result was is and i think it does make a difference

  • sometimes i feel good but i thought the voices here were they were but i thought

  • they were good because i don't think there's a good cast but but

  • disability-related moremy lower score than you but i i really like idea

  • compares favorably to his uh... to the to the best of his freshman

  • you give it a five point sixteen attachments

  • by the media again it is the seventh way because that i worry with any of your

  • criticisms i was like it was great

  • is back at the whole i happen to this book

  • and you get to the emotional moment that i was totally

  • emotionally committed and is that happen

  • yet so it's not only we could use some sort of uh... drone attacks

  • but

  • com

  • tobacco and firearms in the country

  • right with so were the date of seven point eight oh five point six oh seven

  • seven point one eighty per second

  • wasn't a t-shirt

  • dot

but some of us concentrating to echo of the past

Subtitles and vocabulary


從上罌粟山 - 電影評論 (From Up On Poppy Hill - Movie Review)

  • 863 19
    Sophie posted on 2021/01/14
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